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wyantb edited this page Mar 16, 2012 · 1 revision

The actual act of making a game is simple. (All example commands shown assume you're in the root of your cloned RapDevXI repository).

Games go in the folder RAPDEVHOME/src/games/[folder and/or game name]

In this folder, the only thing that's not an actual game is the RAPDEVHOME/src/games/template

And that's what you want!

Make a folder for you game: 'mkdir RAPDEVHOME/src/games/mygame'

Copy everything from the template into your game: 'cp RAPDEVHOME/src/games/template/* RAPDEVHOME/src/games/mygame'

And start modifying game.lua! That's the only file you MUST touch. Follow the comments in your new, copied game.lua! You can run your game standalone by executing 'love RAPDEVHOME/src/games/mygame'; if you add your game to 'RAPDEVHOME/src/listOfGames.lua' it can also be included by running the entire game with 'love RAPDEVHOME/src/'

Of course, you should also get around to modifying your icons - icon.png and icon-big.png

That's it!

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