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React Redux Cart is a demo app built with ReactJS, Redux, and Firebase. πŸ›’ It allows you to add products to the cart with real-time notifications, manage your cart by adding, removing, or clearing items, and syncs data in real-time with Firebase. 🌐 The app uses Redux Toolkit to handle async actions with Redux Thunks.

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Redux Deep Dive

Taking a Closer Look

  • Handling Async Tasks With Redux
  • Where To Put Your Code
  • The Redux DevTools


0. Starting Project

  1. add a file
  2. run npm install
  3. run npm start
  4. add a .gitignore file & add node_modules inside of it

1. Refresher / Practice: Part 1/2

  1. run npm install @reduxjs/toolkit
  2. run npm install react-redux
  3. set up the Redux logic & connect it to the React app
    1. add a store folder & inside a index.js file to set up the Redux store and so on
    2. create multiple slices: one cart-slice.js file for managing the cart & one ui-slice.js for the user interface logic
    3. use createSlice() to create the different slices & export them as well as their actions
    4. create the store in store/index.js with help of configureStore & set up the root reducer inside of it & export it
    5. provide the exported store to the application to make effect in the src/index.js file with help of the <Provider> component
  4. in CartButton.js, implement the logic to toggle the cart with help of useDispatch & the uiActions
  5. in App.js, render the <Cart> component conditionally based on the uiSlice value that you extract with help of useSelector
  6. updating the cart items content when we click the Add to Cart, the + & - and the cart badge buttons
    1. create the cartSlice with help of createSlice in cart-slice.js
    2. set up the cartSlice logic

2. Refresher / Practice: Part 2/2

  1. set up the logic for the removeItemFromCart function in cart-slice.js
  2. export the cartSlice as default
  3. export the cartActions
  4. in store/index.js, merge this cartSlice into the overall Redux store
  5. wire up the cart actions
    1. add a DUMMY_PRODUCTS array in Products.js & set the properties based on the properties in cart-slice.js
    2. in ProductItem.js, wire the Add to Cart button to the addItemToCart function in cart-slice.js
    3. update the cart badge in CartButton.js by reading the cart slice totalQuantity with help of useSelector()
    4. render the cart correctly in Cart.js by reading the cart slice items with help of useSelector()
    5. make the + & - buttons work in CartItem.js with help of useDispatch() & cartActions

3. Redux & Async Code

  1. create a new project in Firebase named react-redux-cart
  2. keep the link to where you will send your HTTP requests

4. Using useEffect with Redux

  1. get hold of the overall cart with help of useSelector() in App.js
  2. use useEffect() to watch for changes in the cart state
  3. inside of it, send a HTTP request to Firebase

5. Handling Http States & Feedback with Redux

  1. add the new Notification.js file inside the UI folder
  2. use this file to show the notification & handle errors in the useEffect() function in App.js
  3. manage the notification with help of Redux by adding a notification property to the initialState & a showNotification method
  4. dispatch the notification when starting sending the data, the data is sent successfully & if there is an error in App.js
  5. use this new notification UI state from ui-slice.js with help of useSelector() to render the <Notification> component conditionally in App.js
  6. in App.js, make sure that you don't send the cart when the app runs for the first time with help of an isInitial variable

6. Using an Action Creator Thunk

  1. move the code for sending cart data out of the App.js component into an action creator
  2. create a new sendCartData action creator in cart-slice.js
  3. dispatch the sendCartData action inside the useEffect() function in App.js

7. Getting Started with Fetching Data

  1. move the sendCartData action creator out of cart-slice.js into a new cart-actions.js file
  2. build another fetchCartData action creator that fetches the cart when the application loads in cart-actions.js
  3. add a new replaceCart function inside of the cartSlice function in cart-slice.js
  4. dispatch the cartData with help of the replaceCart() from the cartActions inside the fetchCartData action creator in cart-actions.js
  5. call fetchCartData inside a new useEffect function in App.js

8. Finalizing the Fetching Logic

  1. fix the issue where we automatically resend the cart when the application loads
    1. add a new changed property in the cartSlice function in cart-slice.js
    2. dispatch sendCartData conditionally in App.js
    3. in cart-actions.js, send a new object without the changed property instead of the overall cart to Firebase
  2. fix the bug where when you clear the cart entirely then reload and add an item to cart again or show the cart again
    1. when the cart is cleared entirely, there is no items key anymore in Firebase
    2. in cart-actions.js, where we replace the cart with cartData, transform the cartData so that the payload is an object that always has an items key


React Redux Cart is a demo app built with ReactJS, Redux, and Firebase. πŸ›’ It allows you to add products to the cart with real-time notifications, manage your cart by adding, removing, or clearing items, and syncs data in real-time with Firebase. 🌐 The app uses Redux Toolkit to handle async actions with Redux Thunks.




