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Hello! Thank you for visiting/checking out my vim configurations. This project is based completely on how my current vim package manager is setup and locations for all of the installations, just in case you (the reader) want to install any of them

Main Installation (Pathogen)

The packages installed all are controlled by pathogen, a free online vim package manager found at To install simply preform the following command:

mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload ~/.vim/bundle && \
curl -LSso ~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim

After installation, the following must be put at the top of your .vimrc file in order for vim to recognize to use pathogen

execute pathogen#infect()
syntax on
filetype plugin indent on

From there, all packages install have a formatting used specifically for pathogen to recognize it's ability and use.

Individual Packages:

Packages installed on this current build and their instructions can be found via the links below.


helps present and show git differences upon changed lines in a tracked file. Preform the following command for installation:

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone

2. Html5 Syntax hilighter

Syntax highlighting for html5

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone

3. Lightline

Adds a color bar to the bottom of the screen showing you which mode of vim you are in, along with other features

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone

For lightline to function properly, please also put the following in your .vimrc I am currenly using the lightline theme connected to my colorscheme palenight, however there are a lot of other options out there for use

let g:lightline = {
    \ 'colorscheme': 'palenight',
    \ }
set laststatus = 2 " makes sure the correct status information shows at the bottome right of the line
set noshowmode " helps with getting rid of the default double bar at the bottom

Other colorschemes are available at I use a theme called one which is a little lighter than the default installer's color

4. Nerd Commenter

Helps commenting look cleaner in files

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone

Extra control functionality can be found at

5. Nerd Tree

Quick file access control by creating a left hand pane inside of a working file, along with many other things

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone

From there, the following sets the keyboard shortcut for opening the side tab:

map <C-n> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>

I also changed the arrows for directory information to the '+' '-' symbols. Here's how to do it:

let g:NERDTreeDirArrowExpandable = '+'
let g:NERDTreeDirArrowCollapsible = '-'

By default, the shortcut is set to Control + N

6. TagBar

Scope ordering pane to help with method identification and variable information

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone

From there, add the following to open the side tab

nmap <C-l> :TagbarToggle<CR>

By default, the key is set to F8 to open however, I use control-l for easier access and memorization

7. Terminus

Mouse customization tool based on which mode of vim you are in

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone

From there, place this in your .vimrc to see the mouse change:

let g:TerminusInsertCursorShape=1
let g:TerminusReplaceCursorShape=2

8. Javascript Syntax Highlighter

Javascript syntax highlighting

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone

Also, add this to your .vimrc

let g:javascript_plugin_jsdoc = 1

9. JSX Syntax Highlighter

React syntax highlighting

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone

Also, add the following to your .vimrc

let g:jsx_ext_required = 1

10. Sensible

Sets up really helpful defaults for files, like backspace allows you to delete anything in insert mode

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone

11. You Complete Me

Ability to tab to auto complete commonly typed words

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone

YouCompleteMe requires a couple of scripts to be run in order for all word associations to be connected, along with requires python 3 for installation Here is what I did to install:

sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake
sudo apt-get install python-dev python3-dev
cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe
./ --all

This sets up tab completion for all languages. More information and troubleshooting can be found here:

12. Current Theme: palenight

Sets coloring for word syntax

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone

I also added the following to make sure the correct color schemes are being used:

set colorscheme=palenight
set background=dark
set t_Co=256 

I use this colorsheme compared to others due to its low contrast and dark theme, making it easier to look at no matter what time of day it is.

Other related information

I use some built in vim configurations in my file to produce a look I enjoy for numbering and tabs. I use the following:

set relativenumber " Sets the numbering system to show how far your cursor is from a line
set number " Sets the current line you are on to be the exact number of the line in the file

set tabstop=2 " Sets all of my tabs to 2 
set softtabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2
set expandtab

set autoindent " Sets autoindentation to be completed for me


If you have suggestions on how to make any of the things better, please post the information in an issue and it will be looked over.

Main Author

Scott Frauenknecht [email protected] Second Year Software Engineering Student at Rochester Institute of Technology


This document was last updated September 8th, 2018. If there are any major changes or issues, please post an issue so that it can be addressed properly.

Shameless Plug

If you are looking to see more of what I have completed, feel free to visit my website or any of my other git repositories found at


Dot files used for my vim configurations






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