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Welcome to the Skills and certification management system


git clone this-url
cd project-root
install composer dependencies of this project by running
composer install
copy .env-example to .env and configure your database and other connection.
run this two command also
php artisan key:generate
php artisan storage:link
run migration and seeder also to clear cache
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
php artisan db:seed --class=TablePermissionKeySeeder
to clear all type cache
php artisan optimize:clear


Go to the link /admin/login for login and enter the admin credentials below.

email: [email protected]
password: password

Admin Documentation

Admin Documentation link.

Menu Builder

You can import/export menu using menu builder. goto /menu-builder/menus, then for the first time press import menu button. it will help you to import menu from menu-backup folder. If you create any menu, you could push it to git using export.

Developer Guide

Basic Instruction

  • All model should extend BaseModel class.
  • All controller should extend BaseController class.

Javascript Guideline

  • use serverSideDatatableFactory() function for datatable.js rendering.

Date time helper. (Date time output format is always - Y-m-d H:i)

  • use .flat-date class to enable date input. **(input type should be text.)
  • use .flat-time class to enable time input. **(input type should be text.)
  • use .flat-datetime class to enable time input. **(input type should be text.)

CSS/JS compilation

  • There are no benefit to edit public/css or public/js file. If you need any customization, you have to edit it from resources/js or resources/sass, and then compile

Policy & Permission

$this->authorize('viewUserPermission', $user);
public function viewUserPermission(User $user, User $model)
    return $user->hasPermission('view_user_permission');

File Handle

App\Helpers\Classes\FileHandler::storePhoto(?UploadedFile $file, ?string $dir = '', ?string $fileName = ''): ?string
App\Helpers\Classes\FileHandler::deleteFile(?string $path): bool

// image storing example:
$filename = FileHandler::storePhoto($file, 'dirname', 'custom-file-name');
$user = new User();
$user->pic = 'dirname/'. $filename;
<!--image show/retrieving example-->
<img src="{{asset('storage/'. $user->pic)}}"/>

Select2 API html format

Just add class select2-ajax-wizard to enable select2 on your select element

<select class="form-control select2-ajax-wizard"
        data-label-fields="{title} - {institute.title}"
        data-filters="{{json_encode(['name' => 'Baker Hasan'])}}"
        data-preselected-option="{{json_encode(['text' => 'Baker Hasan', 'id' => 1])}}"
        data-placeholder="Select option"
    <option selected disabled>Select User</option>

Model data-model

This will define which model you want to fetch.

Model namespace should encode using base64_encode. Otherwise, it won't work.

excepted format data-model="{{base64_encode(Softbd\Acl\Models\User::class)}}"

Label Fields data-label-fields

The definition of which field you want to fetch from model and display in select2.


if its relational column


if you want to show multiple column.

data-label-fields="{name} - {institute.title}"

Depend on fields data-depend-on

When the resource depends on some other input field, then


Here, user_type_id field value passed to ajax request for filter.

You may define column name and field name as well, Otherwise it will parse automatically

ID data-depend-on="user_type_id:#user_type_id"

Class data-depend-on="user_type_id:.user_type_id"

Name data-depend-on="user_type_id:[name=user_type_id]"

Depend on optional data-depend-on-optional

Where depend on always pass the value to ajax, but data-depend-on-optional only pass the value if the value isn't empty.


selector criteria same as data-depend-on.

Dependant field data-dependent-fields

If any of the field dependent to this field, then.


multiple data-dependent-fields="#name_en|.name_bn|[name=email]"

Filters data-filters

Additional filter.

data-filters="{{json_encode(['name_en' => 'Hasan'])}}"
data-filters="{{json_encode(['id' => [\App\Models\User::USER_TYPE_TRAINER_USER_CODE, 'type' => 'not-equal']])}}"
data-filters="{{json_encode(['id' => [\App\Models\User::USER_TYPE_TRAINER_USER_CODE, 'type' => 'equal']])}}"

Scopes data-scopes

Apply scopes. data-scopes="acl|bcl"

Preselected option data-preselected-option
data-preselected-option="{{json_encode(['text' => 'Hasan', 'id' => 1])}}"

Placeholder data-placeholder

data-data-placeholder="Select User"

Fetch model using AJAX

    type: 'post',
    url: '{{route('web-api.model-resources')}}',
    data: {
        resource: {
            model: "{{base64_encode(\Softbd\Acl\Models\User::class)}}",
            columns: 'name_en|institute.title_en|institute.title_bn',
            scopes: 'acl',
}).then(function (res) {

To set locale, locale currency and locale country code

Go to config/settings.php and set your locales

Contributions and Support

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this project!

Please see to contribute.

If you have any query please email me to [[email protected]]


No description, website, or topics provided.







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