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Proof wp_jnz rule
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JuneRousseau committed Jul 6, 2024
1 parent c3bf086 commit 80e3a39
Showing 1 changed file with 73 additions and 40 deletions.
113 changes: 73 additions & 40 deletions theories/rules/rules_Jnz.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,22 @@ Section cap_lang_rules.
nonZeroL lw = true →
Jnz_spec lregs dst src (<[PC := updatePcPermL lw' ]> lregs) NextIV.

Definition exec_optL_Jnz
(lregs : LReg) (dst src: RegName) : option _ :=
lwsrc ← lregs !! src;
lwdst ← lregs !! dst;
if nonZeroL lwsrc
Some (NextI, ( <[PC := (updatePcPermL lwdst) ]> lregs) )
lregs' ← incrementLPC lregs ; Some (NextI , lregs').

Lemma nonZeroL_spec (lw : LWord) :
nonZeroL lw = nonZero (lword_get_word lw).
by rewrite /nonZeroL /nonZero ; destruct lw ; cbn.

Lemma wp_Jnz Ep pc_p pc_b pc_e pc_a pc_v lw dst src lregs :
decodeInstrWL lw = Jnz dst src ->
isCorrectLPC (LCap pc_p pc_b pc_e pc_a pc_v) →
Expand All @@ -50,46 +66,63 @@ Section cap_lang_rules.
(pc_a, pc_v) ↦ₐ lw ∗
[∗ map] k↦y ∈ lregs', k ↦ᵣ y }}}.
(* iIntros (Hinstr Hvpc HPC Dregs φ) "(>Hpc_a & >Hmap) Hφ". *)
(* iApply wp_lift_atomic_head_step_no_fork; auto. *)
(* iIntros (σ1 ns l1 l2 nt) "Hσ1 /=". destruct σ1; simpl. *)
(* iDestruct "Hσ1" as "[Hr Hm]". *)
(* iDestruct (gen_heap_valid_inclSepM with "Hr Hmap") as %Hregs. *)
(* have ? := lookup_weaken _ _ _ _ HPC Hregs. *)
(* iDestruct (@gen_heap_valid with "Hm Hpc_a") as %Hpc_a; auto. *)
(* iModIntro. iSplitR. by iPureIntro; apply normal_always_head_reducible. *)
(* iNext. iIntros (e2 σ2 efs Hpstep). *)
(* apply prim_step_exec_inv in Hpstep as (-> & -> & (c & -> & Hstep)). *)
(* iIntros "_". *)
(* iSplitR; auto. eapply step_exec_inv in Hstep; eauto. *)

(* specialize (indom_regs_incl _ _ _ Dregs Hregs) as Hri. *)
(* unfold regs_of in Hri, Dregs. *)
(* destruct (Hri src) as [wsrc [H'src Hsrc]]. by set_solver+. *)
(* destruct (Hri dst) as [wdst [H'dst Hdst]]. by set_solver+. *)
(* unfold exec in Hstep; cbn in Hstep. *)

(* destruct (nonZero wsrc) eqn:Hnz; pose proof Hnz as H'nz; *)
(* cbn in Hstep; rewrite Hsrc Hdst /= Hnz in Hstep. *)
(* { inv Hstep. simplify_pair_eq. *)
(* iMod ((gen_heap_update_inSepM _ _ PC) with "Hr Hmap") as "[Hr Hmap]"; eauto. *)
(* iFrame. iApply "Hφ". iFrame. iPureIntro. econstructor 3; eauto. } *)

(* destruct (incrementPC regs) eqn:HX; pose proof HX as H'X; cycle 1. *)
(* { eapply incrementPC_fail_updatePC with (m:=mem) in HX. *)
(* eapply updatePC_fail_incl with (m':=mem) in HX; eauto. *)
(* rewrite HX in Hstep. inv Hstep. *)
(* iFrame. iApply "Hφ". iFrame. iPureIntro; econstructor; eauto. } *)

(* destruct (incrementPC_success_updatePC _ mem etable enumcur _ HX) *)
(* as (p' & g' & b' & e' & a'' & a_pc' & HPC'' & HuPC & ->). *)
(* eapply updatePC_success_incl with (m':=mem) in HuPC; eauto. rewrite HuPC in Hstep. *)
(* simplify_pair_eq. *)
(* iMod ((gen_heap_update_inSepM _ _ PC) with "Hr Hmap") as "[Hr Hmap]"; eauto. *)
(* iFrame. iApply "Hφ". iFrame. iPureIntro. econstructor 2; eauto. *)
(* Unshelve. all: eassumption. *)
(* Qed. *)
iIntros (Hinstr Hvpc HPC Dregs φ) "(>Hpc_a & >Hmap) Hφ".
cbn in Dregs.
iApply (wp_instr_exec_opt Hvpc HPC Hinstr Dregs with "[$Hpc_a $Hmap Hφ]").
iIntros (σ1) "(Hσ1 & Hmap &Hpc_a)".
iIntros (wa) "(%Hrpc & %Hmema & %Hcorrpc & %Hdecode) Hcred".

iApply (wp_wp2 (φ1 := exec_optL_Jnz lregs dst src)).

iMod (state_interp_transient_intro (lm:= ∅) with "[$Hmap $Hσ1]") as "Hσ".
{ by rewrite big_sepM_empty. }

iApply wp_opt2_bind.
iApply wp_opt2_eqn_both.
iApply (wp2_reg_lookup with "[$Hσ Hφ Hcred Hpc_a]") ; first by set_solver.
iIntros (lwsrc) "Hσ %HsrcL %Hsrc".

iApply wp_opt2_bind.
iApply wp_opt2_eqn_both.
iApply (wp2_reg_lookup with "[$Hσ Hφ Hcred Hpc_a]") ; first by set_solver.
iIntros (lwdst) "Hσ %HdstL %Hdst".
rewrite <- nonZeroL_spec.
destruct (nonZeroL lwsrc) eqn:Hnz.
+ (* non zero *)
iDestruct (update_state_interp_transient_from_regs_mod (dst:= PC) (lw2 := updatePcPermL lwdst) with "Hσ") as "Hσ".
{ rewrite elem_of_dom; eexists; eauto. }
{ intros.
eapply is_cur_updatePcPermL; eauto.
iApply wp2_val; cbn.
rewrite updatePcPermL_spec.
iMod (state_interp_transient_elim_commit with "Hσ") as "($ & Hregs & _)".
change (language.to_val (Instr NextI)) with (Some NextIV); cbn.
iApply ("Hφ" with "[$Hpc_a $Hregs]").
iPureIntro; by eapply Jnz_spec_success2.

+ (* zero *)
rewrite updatePC_incrementPC.
iApply (wp_opt2_bind (k1 := fun x => Some (NextI, x))).
iApply wp_opt2_eqn_both.
iApply (wp2_opt_incrementPC (φ := σ1) (lr := lregs) (lrt := lregs)).
{ rewrite elem_of_dom; eexists; eauto. }
iFrame "Hσ".
iSplit; cbn.
* iIntros (φt' lrt') "Hσ %Hin %Hlin".
iDestruct (state_interp_transient_elim_abort with "Hσ") as "($ & Hregs & _)".
iApply ("Hφ" with "[$Hpc_a $Hregs]").
iPureIntro; by eapply Jnz_spec_failure.
* iIntros (lrt' rs') "Hσ %Hlis %His".
iMod (state_interp_transient_elim_commit with "Hσ") as "($ & Hregs & _)".
iApply ("Hφ" with "[$Hpc_a $Hregs]").
iPureIntro; by eapply Jnz_spec_success1.

Lemma wp_jnz_success_jmp E r1 r2 pc_p pc_b pc_e pc_a pc_v lw lw1 lw2 :
decodeInstrWL lw = Jnz r1 r2 →
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