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WIP update_state_interp_transient_next_version
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JuneRousseau committed May 24, 2024
1 parent 651b3da commit 254c98d
Showing 1 changed file with 96 additions and 23 deletions.
119 changes: 96 additions & 23 deletions theories/rules/rules_IsUnique.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -237,36 +237,103 @@ Section cap_lang_rules.
by destruct_and? Hsweep.

Set Nested Proofs Allowed.
(* TODO generalise to not just LMem + find better name + move iris_extra *)
Lemma map_full_own (lm : LMem) :
([∗ map] k↦y ∈ lm, k ↦ₐ y)%I
⊣⊢ ([∗ map] la↦dw ∈ ((λ y : LWord, (DfracOwn 1, y)) <$> lm), la ↦ₐ{dw.1} dw.2).
induction lm using map_ind.
- rewrite fmap_empty.
by iSplit; iIntros "Hmem".
- rewrite fmap_insert.
iSplit; iIntros "Hmem".
+ iDestruct (big_sepM_insert with "Hmem") as "[Hi Hmem]"; first done.
iDestruct (IHlm with "Hmem") as "Hmem".
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert with "[Hi Hmem]") as "Hmem"; try iFrame.
by rewrite lookup_fmap fmap_None.
by cbn.
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert with "Hmem") as "[Hi Hmem]"
; first (by rewrite lookup_fmap fmap_None).
iDestruct (IHlm with "Hmem") as "Hmem".
by iDestruct (big_sepM_insert with "[Hi Hmem]") as "Hmem"; try iFrame.

(* TODO lemma à la update_state_interp_from_mem_mod,
i.e. that updates the actual state *)
Lemma update_state_interp_next_version
{σ Ep lregs lmem lmem' (* vmap *) src lwsrc (* p *) (* b e *) (* a *) (* v *)} :
(* TODO it probably misses some hypotheses ? *)
(* Hupd_lmemt : update_cur_version_region lmemt lmt vmap (finz.seq_between b e) = (lmemt', lmt', vmap') *)
(* HNoDup : NoDup (finz.seq_between b e) *)
(* Hsrc : lrt !! src = Some lwsrc *)
(* HcurMap : Forall (λ a0 : Addr, vmap !! a0 = Some v) (finz.seq_between b e) *)
(* HmemMap_maxv : Forall (λ a0 : Addr, lmt !! (a0, v + 1) = None) (finz.seq_between b e) *)
(* HmemMap : Forall (λ a' : Addr, is_Some (lmt !! (a', v))) (finz.seq_between b e) *)
(* Hsweep : unique_in_machineL lrt lmt vmap src lwsrc *)
{σ Ep lregs lmem (* lmem' *) (* vmap *) src lwsrc p b e a v} :

sweep (mem σ) (reg σ) src = true ->
lregs !! src = Some lwsrc ->
get_lcap lwsrc = Some (LSCap p b e a v) ->

state_interp_logical σ
∗ ([∗ map] k↦y ∈ lregs, k ↦ᵣ y)
∗ ([∗ map] la↦dw ∈ ((λ y : LWord, (DfracOwn 1, y)) <$> lmem), la ↦ₐ{dw.1} dw.2)
⊢ |={Ep}=>
∃ lmem',
⌜ is_valid_updated_lmemory lmem (finz.seq_between b e) v lmem'⌝ ∗
state_interp_logical σ
∗ ([∗ map] k↦y ∈ (<[src:=next_version_lword lwsrc]> lregs), k ↦ᵣ y)
∗ ([∗ map] la↦dw ∈ ((λ y : LWord, (DfracOwn 1, y)) <$> lmem'), la ↦ₐ{dw.1} dw.2).
iIntros (Hsweep Hlsrc Hlcap_wsrc) "(Hσ & Hregs & Hmem)".
iDestruct "Hσ" as (lr lm vmap) "(Hr & Hm & %HLinv)"; simpl in HLinv.
iPoseProof (gen_heap_valid_inclSepM with "Hr Hregs") as "%Hlregs_incl".
iDestruct (map_full_own with "Hmem") as "Hmem".
iPoseProof (gen_heap_valid_inclSepM with "Hm Hmem") as "%Hlmem_incl".
iMod ((gen_heap_update_inSepM _ _ src (next_version_lword lwsrc)) with "Hr Hregs") as
"[Hr Hregs]"; eauto.
(update_cur_version_region lmem lm vmap ((finz.seq_between b e)))
as ((lmem' & lm') & vmap') eqn:Hupd_lmem.
iMod ((gen_heap_lmem_version_update lmem lm lmem' _ vmap _ (finz.seq_between b e) v)
with "Hm Hmem") as "[Hm Hmem]"; eauto.
by apply finz_seq_between_NoDup.
admit. (* easy (?) *)
admit. (* easy (?) *)
iModIntro; iExists lmem'.
iSplit; first (iPureIntro; eapply update_cur_version_region_valid; eauto).
by apply finz_seq_between_NoDup.
admit. (* easy (?) *)
admit. (* easy (?) *)
admit. (* easy (?) *)
iSplitR "Hmem".
rewrite /state_interp_logical.
iExists (<[src:=next_version_lword lwsrc]> lr),lm',vmap'.
(* TODO extract as a lemma ? *)
assert (lr !! src = Some lwsrc) as Hsrc' by (eapply lookup_weaken; eauto).
eapply sweep_true_specL in Hsweep; eauto.
+ rewrite (_: (reg σ) = (<[src:=(lword_get_word (next_version_lword lwsrc))]> (reg σ))).
* eapply update_cur_version_region_lreg_corresponds_src; eauto.
eapply update_cur_version_region_lcap_update_lword; eauto.
admit. (* easy (?) *)
eapply lreg_corresponds_read_iscur; eauto.
by destruct HLinv.
* rewrite lword_get_word_next_version.
rewrite insert_id; first done.
eapply state_corresponds_reg_get_word; eauto.
+ eapply update_cur_version_region_lmem_corresponds; eauto.
by iDestruct (map_full_own with "Hmem") as "Hmem".

Lemma update_state_interp_transient_next_version {σ σt lreg lregt lmem lmemt src lwsrc p b e a v}:
sweep (mem σt) (reg σt) src = true ->
lregt !! src = Some lwsrc ->
get_lcap lwsrc = Some (LSCap p b e a v) ->
state_interp_transient σ σt lreg lregt ((λ y : LWord, (DfracOwn 1, y)) <$> lmem) ((λ y : LWord, (DfracOwn 1, y)) <$> lmemt) ⊢
state_interp_transient σ σt lreg lregt
((λ y : LWord, (DfracOwn 1, y)) <$> lmem)
((λ y : LWord, (DfracOwn 1, y)) <$> lmemt) ⊢
∃ (lmemt' : LMem),
⌜ is_valid_updated_lmemory lmemt (finz.seq_between b e) v lmemt'⌝ ∗
Expand All @@ -278,21 +345,21 @@ Section cap_lang_rules.
cbn in *.
destruct Hcor as (lrt & lmt & vmap & Hlregt_incl & Hlmemt_incl & HLinv).
rewrite snd_fmap_pair_inv in Hlmemt_incl.
(update_cur_version_region lmemt lmt vmap ((finz.seq_between b e)))
as ((lmemt' & lmt') & vmap') eqn:Hupd_lmemt.
iExists lmemt'.
assert (HNoDup : NoDup (finz.seq_between b e)) by (apply finz_seq_between_NoDup).
eapply lookup_weaken in Hsrc ; eauto.
assert (lrt !! src = Some lwsrc) as Hsrc' by (eapply lookup_weaken in Hsrc ; eauto).
opose proof
(state_corresponds_cap_all_current _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HLinv _ Hsrc)
(state_corresponds_cap_all_current _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HLinv _ Hsrc')
as HcurMap ; first (by cbn).
opose proof
(state_corresponds_last_version_lword_region _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HLinv _ Hsrc)
(state_corresponds_last_version_lword_region _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HLinv _ Hsrc')
as HmemMap_maxv; first (by cbn).
opose proof
(state_corresponds_access_lword_region _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HLinv _ Hsrc)
(state_corresponds_access_lword_region _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HLinv _ Hsrc')
as HmemMap; first (by cbn).
(update_cur_version_region lmemt lmt vmap ((finz.seq_between b e)))
as ((lmemt' & lmt') & vmap') eqn:Hupd_lmemt.
iExists lmemt'.
iSplit; first (iPureIntro; eapply update_cur_version_region_valid; eauto).
iFrame "Hσ Hregs Hmem".
eapply sweep_true_specL in Hsweep; eauto.
Expand All @@ -305,8 +372,7 @@ Section cap_lang_rules.
split; [|split]; auto.
{ by apply insert_mono. }
{ rewrite !snd_fmap_pair_inv.
eapply update_cur_version_region_preserves_lmem_incl; eauto.
eapply update_cur_version_region_preserves_lmem_incl; eauto. }
(* TODO extract as a lemma ? *)
Expand All @@ -323,8 +389,15 @@ Section cap_lang_rules.
- iIntros (Ep) "H".
iMod ("Hcommit" with "H") as "(Hσ & Hregs & Hmem)".
iApply update_state_interp_next_version; iFrame.
iDestruct (update_state_interp_next_version with "[$Hσ $Hregs $Hmem]") as "H"; eauto.
iMod "H".
iDestruct "H" as (lmemt0) "(%Hvalid & Hσ & Hreg & Hmem)"; iFrame.
(* TODO well, it is problematic because the
lmemt0 that I get from the update of the commit
might not be the same as the one obtained before. *)
(* eapply lookup_weaken ; eauto. *)

(* TODO the proof uses wp_opt,
but requires some early destructs,
Expand Down

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