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mutable_typed_shared_data: Use of seal_state/valid_sealed
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lafeychine committed Jun 23, 2023
1 parent e7ec7f0 commit 17fa7c9
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Showing 2 changed files with 108 additions and 63 deletions.
51 changes: 43 additions & 8 deletions theories/examples/mutable_typed_shared_data/invariants.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,18 +6,59 @@ Section invariants.
{nainv: logrel_na_invs Σ} `{MP: MachineParameters}.

Notation "a ↪ₐ w" := (mapsto (L := Addr) (V := Word) a DfracDiscarded w) (at level 20) : bi_scope.
Definition sealN : namespace := nroot .@ "seal".

Definition isIntSealed_int w': Word → iProp Σ :=
(λ w, (∃ a_cap, ⌜w = WCap RW a_cap (a_cap ^+ 1)%a a_cap⌝ ∗ a_cap ↪ₐ w' ∗ ⌜is_z w'⌝)%I).

Definition isIntSealed: Word → iProp Σ := (λ w, (∃ w', isIntSealed_int w' w))%I.

Instance isIntSealed_timeless w : Timeless (isIntSealed w).
Proof. apply _. Qed.

Instance isIntSealed_persistent w : Persistent (isIntSealed w).
Proof. apply _. Qed.

Definition seal_state ι addr τ {Hpers : ∀ w, Persistent (isIntSealed w)} : iProp Σ
:= na_inv logrel_nais ι
(∃ τ_e, addr ↦ₐ WSealRange (true, true) τ τ_e τ ∗ ⌜(τ < τ_e)%ot⌝)%I
(∃ v, addr ↦ₐ v ∗ ⌜is_z v⌝)%I
∗ seal_pred τ isIntSealed.

Definition sealN : namespace := nroot .@ "seal".
Definition valid_sealed w τ Φ :=
(∃ sb, ⌜w = WSealed τ sb⌝ ∗ ⌜∀ w : leibnizO Word, Persistent (Φ w)⌝ ∗ seal_pred τ Φ ∗ Φ (WSealable sb))%I.

Global Instance valid_sealed_persistent w o Φ: Persistent (valid_sealed w o Φ).
Import uPred. (* exist_persistent *)

apply exist_persistent; intros sb.
unfold Persistent.
iIntros "(%Hw & %Hpers & #Hs & HP)".

(* use knowledge about persistence *)
iAssert (<pers> Φ (WSealable sb))%I with "[HP]" as "HP".
{ by iApply Hpers. }

repeat (iApply persistently_sep_2; iSplitR); auto.

Lemma interp_valid_sealed sb o:
interp (WSealed o sb) -∗ ▷ ∃ Φ, valid_sealed (WSealed o sb) o Φ.
iIntros "Hsl".
rewrite fixpoint_interp1_eq /=.
iDestruct "Hsl" as (Φ) "(%Hpers & Hpred & Hφ)".
iExists Φ, sb.
by repeat iSplit.

Lemma seal_state_valid_sealed_pred_eq ι ll o w Φ: seal_state ι ll o -∗ valid_sealed w o Φ -∗ (∀ w, ▷ (isIntSealed w ≡ Φ w)).
iIntros "HsealLL Hvs".
iDestruct "HsealLL" as "[_ Hsp]".
iDestruct "Hvs" as (sb) "(_ & _ & Hsp' & _)".
iApply (seal_pred_agree with "Hsp Hsp'").

Lemma isIntSealed_alloc a_cap w:
a_cap ↦ₐ w ∗ ⌜is_z w⌝ ==∗ isIntSealed_int w (WCap RW a_cap (a_cap ^+ 1)%a a_cap).
Expand All @@ -27,10 +68,4 @@ Section invariants.
iModIntro. iExists _; eauto.

Instance isIntSealed_timeless w : Timeless (isIntSealed w).
Proof. apply _. Qed.

Instance isIntSealed_persistent w : Persistent (isIntSealed w).
Proof. apply _. Qed.

End invariants.
120 changes: 65 additions & 55 deletions theories/examples/mutable_typed_shared_data/store.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,19 +32,18 @@ Section store_int.
Jmp r_t0

Lemma store_global_macro_int_spec
p_pc b_pc e_pc a_pc (* PC *)
a_cap (* Value capability *)
p_seal b_seal e_seal τ (* Seal capability *)
v w4 w5 (* Values in registers *)
p_pc b_pc e_pc a_pc (* PC *)
a_cap (* Value capability *)
p_seal b_seal e_seal τ Φ (* Seal capability *)
v w4 w5 (* Values in registers *)

let instrs := store_global_macro_int_instrs in
let length := (length instrs) in
let scap := SCap RW a_cap (a_cap ^+ 1)%a a_cap in

ExecPCPerm p_pc →
SubBounds b_pc e_pc a_pc (a_pc ^+ length)%a →
SubBounds b_pc e_pc a_pc (a_pc ^+ (length instrs))%a →

permit_unseal p_seal = true →
withinBounds b_seal e_seal τ = true →
Expand All @@ -54,32 +53,33 @@ Section store_int.
∗ codefrag a_pc instrs

∗ r_t1 ↦ᵣ WSealRange p_seal b_seal e_seal τ
∗ r_t2 ↦ᵣ WSealed τ (SCap RW a_cap (a_cap ^+ 1)%a a_cap)
∗ (∃ w, a_cap ↦ₐ w ∗ ⌜is_z w⌝)

∗ r_t2 ↦ᵣ WSealed τ scap
∗ r_t3 ↦ᵣ v
∗ r_t4 ↦ᵣ w4
∗ r_t5 ↦ᵣ w5

∗ ▷ (PC ↦ᵣ WCap p_pc b_pc e_pc (a_pc ^+ length)%a
∗ ▷ (valid_sealed (WSealed τ scap) τ Φ)
∗ seal_state sealN a_cap τ
∗ na_own logrel_nais ⊤

∗ ▷ (PC ↦ᵣ WCap p_pc b_pc e_pc (a_pc ^+ (length instrs))%a
∗ codefrag a_pc instrs

∗ r_t1 ↦ᵣ WSealRange p_seal b_seal e_seal τ
∗ r_t2 ↦ᵣ WSealed τ (SCap RW a_cap (a_cap ^+ 1)%a a_cap)
∗ r_t2 ↦ᵣ WSealed τ scap
∗ r_t3 ↦ᵣ v
∗ (∃ w, r_t4 ↦ᵣ w)
∗ (∃ w, r_t5 ↦ᵣ w)

∗ a_cap ↦ₐ v
⌜is_z v⌝
isIntSealed (WCap RW a_cap (a_cap ^+ 1)%a a_cap)
na_own logrel_nais ⊤

-∗ WP Seq (Instr Executable) {{ λ v, φ v ∨ ⌜v = FailedV⌝ }})
-∗ WP Seq (Instr Executable) {{ λ v, φ v ∨ ⌜v = FailedV⌝ }}.
iIntros (? ? Hexec ? ? ? ?)
"(HPC & Hprog & Hr_t1 & Hr_t2 & Haddr & Hr_t3 & Hr_t4 & Hr_t5 & Hφ)".
subst instrs length; simpl in *.
iDestruct "Haddr" as (w) "[Ha_cap %]".
"(HPC & Hprog & Hr_t1 & Hr_t2 & Hr_t3 & Hr_t4 & Hr_t5 & #Hseal_valid & [#Hseal_inv #Hseal_pred] & Hna & Hφ)".
subst instrs; simpl in *.

focus_block_0 "Hprog" as "Hblock" "Hcont".

Expand All @@ -91,23 +91,42 @@ Section store_int.
unfocus_block "Hblock" "Hcont" as "Hprog".

focus_block 1%nat "Hprog" as a_block Ha_block "Hblock" "Hcont".

iMod (na_inv_acc with "Hseal_inv Hna") as "(>Haddr & Hna & Hclose)"; [ solve_ndisj .. |].
iDestruct "Haddr" as (v') "(Haddr & _)".

iDestruct (seal_state_valid_sealed_pred_eq with "[$Hseal_inv $Hseal_pred] Hseal_valid") as "Heqv".

iGo "Hblock".

iMod ("Hclose" with "[Haddr $Hna]") as "Hna".
{ by iExists _; iFrame. }

unfocus_block "Hblock" "Hcont" as "Hprog".

iApply "Hφ".
replace (a_block ^+ 2)%a with (a_pc ^+ 8)%a by solve_addr.
iSplitL "Hr_t4"; eauto.
iSplitL "Hr_t4"; [ eauto |].
iSplitL "Hr_t5"; [ eauto |].

rewrite -/scap.
iDestruct "Hseal_valid" as (x) "(%Heq & _ & _ & HΦ)".
inversion Heq; subst.
iSpecialize ("Heqv" $! (WSealable scap)).
iRewrite "Heqv".
iFrame "HΦ".

Lemma store_global_macro_int_closure_spec
p_pc b_pc (* PC *)
a_cap (* Value capability *)
p_seal τ (* Seal capability *)
p_seal τ Φ (* Seal capability *)
adv v w3 w4 w5 (* Values in registers *)

let instrs := store_global_macro_int_closure_instrs τ in
let scap := SCap RW a_cap (a_cap ^+ 1)%a a_cap in
let e_pc := (b_pc ^+ length instrs)%a in

ExecPCPerm p_pc →
Expand All @@ -122,31 +141,35 @@ Section store_int.
∗ region_mapsto b_pc e_pc instrs

∗ r_t0 ↦ᵣ adv
∗ r_t1 ↦ᵣ WSealed τ (SCap RW a_cap (a_cap ^+ 1)%a a_cap)
∗ (∃ w, a_cap ↦ₐ w ∗ ⌜is_z w⌝)

∗ r_t1 ↦ᵣ WSealed τ scap
∗ r_t2 ↦ᵣ v
∗ r_t3 ↦ᵣ w3
∗ r_t4 ↦ᵣ w4
∗ r_t5 ↦ᵣ w5

∗ ▷ (valid_sealed (WSealed τ scap) τ Φ)
∗ seal_state sealN a_cap τ
∗ na_own logrel_nais ⊤

∗ ▷ (PC ↦ᵣ updatePcPerm adv
∗ region_mapsto b_pc e_pc instrs

∗ r_t0 ↦ᵣ adv
∗ r_t1 ↦ᵣ WSealed τ (SCap RW a_cap (a_cap ^+ 1)%a a_cap)
∗ (∃ w, a_cap ↦ₐ w ∗ ⌜is_z w⌝)

∗ r_t1 ↦ᵣ WSealed τ scap
∗ r_t2 ↦ᵣ WInt 0
∗ r_t3 ↦ᵣ WInt 0
∗ r_t4 ↦ᵣ WInt 0
∗ r_t5 ↦ᵣ WInt 0

∗ isIntSealed (WCap RW a_cap (a_cap ^+ 1)%a a_cap)
∗ na_own logrel_nais ⊤

-∗ WP Seq (Instr Executable) {{ λ v, φ v ∨ ⌜v = FailedV⌝ }})
-∗ WP Seq (Instr Executable) {{ λ v, φ v ∨ ⌜v = FailedV⌝ }}.
iIntros (? ? ? Hbounds ? ? ? ?)
"(HPC & Hprog & Hr_t0 & Hr_t1 & Haddr & Hr_t2 & Hr_t3 & Hr_t4 & Hr_t5 & Hφ)".
iIntros (? ? ? ? Hbounds ? ? ? ?)
"(HPC & Hprog & Hr_t0 & Hr_t1 & Hr_t2 & Hr_t3 & Hr_t4 & Hr_t5 & Hseal_valid & Hseal_inv & Hna & Hφ)".
subst scap.

iDestruct (region_mapsto_split b_pc e_pc (b_pc ^+ 1)%a _ _ with "Hprog") as "(Hseal & Hprog)"
; [ subst e_pc; solve_addr + | rewrite /finz.dist; solve_finz +Hbounds |].
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,7 +199,7 @@ Section store_int.

focus_block 1%nat "Hprog" as addr_block1 Haddr_block1 "Hblock" "Hcont".

iApply (store_global_macro_int_spec with "[-]"); last iFrame; eauto.
iApply store_global_macro_int_spec; last iFrame; eauto.

iIntros "!> (HPC & Hblock & Hr_t1 & Hr_t2 & Hr_t3 & Hr_t4 & Hr_t5 & Haddr)".
iDestruct "Hr_t4" as (w4') "Hr_t4".
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -206,7 +229,6 @@ Section store_int.

replace ((b_pc ^+ 1) ^+ 19%nat)%a with (b_pc ^+ 20)%a by solve_addr.
iExists v; iFrame.

Lemma store_global_macro_int_closure_spec_full
Expand All @@ -217,12 +239,12 @@ Section store_int.

let instrs := store_global_macro_int_closure_instrs τ in
let length := length instrs in
let e_pc := (b_pc ^+ length)%a in
let scap := SCap RW a_cap (a_cap ^+ 1)%a a_cap in
let e_pc := (b_pc ^+ length instrs)%a in

ExecPCPerm p_pc →
ContiguousRegion b_pc length →
SubBounds b_pc e_pc b_pc (b_pc ^+ length)%a →
ContiguousRegion b_pc (length instrs)
SubBounds b_pc e_pc b_pc (b_pc ^+ (length instrs))%a →

permit_unseal p_seal = true →
withinBounds a_cap (a_cap ^+ 1)%a a_cap = true →
Expand All @@ -233,40 +255,38 @@ Section store_int.
⊢ (PC ↦ᵣ WCap p_pc b_pc e_pc (b_pc ^+ 1)%a
∗ region_mapsto b_pc e_pc instrs

∗ r_t0 ↦ᵣ adv
∗ r_t1 ↦ᵣ WSealed τ (SCap RW a_cap (a_cap ^+ 1)%a a_cap)
∗ (∃ w, a_cap ↦ₐ w ∗ ⌜is_z w⌝)

∗ r_t0 ↦ᵣ adv ∗ interp adv
∗ r_t1 ↦ᵣ WSealed τ scap ∗ interp (WSealed τ scap)
∗ r_t2 ↦ᵣ v
∗ r_t3 ↦ᵣ w3

∗ seal_state sealN a_cap τ
∗ na_own logrel_nais ⊤

∗ ([∗ map] r_i↦w_i ∈ rmap, r_i ↦ᵣ w_i ∗ ⌜is_z w_i = true⌝)
interp adv
(* ∗ ([∗ map] r_i↦w_i ∈ rmap, r_i ↦ᵣ w_i ∗ interp w_i) *)

-∗ WP Seq (Instr Executable)
{{ v,
(⌜v = HaltedV⌝ → (∃ r: Reg, full_map r ∧ registers_mapsto r ∗ na_own logrel_nais ⊤))
∨ ⌜ v = FailedV ⌝ }})%I.
iIntros (? ? ? ? Hbounds ? ? ? ? Hdom)
"(HPC & Hprog & Hr_t0 & Hr_t1 & Haddr & Hr_t2 & Hr_t3 & Hseal & Hna & Hrmap & #Hadv_interp)".
"(HPC & Hprog & Hr_t0 & #Hadv_interp & Hr_t1 & #Hseal_interp & Hr_t2 & Hr_t3 & Hseal_inv & Hna & Hrmap)".

iDestruct (jmp_to_unknown with "Hadv_interp") as "Cont".

iExtractList "Hrmap" [r_t4; r_t5] as ["[Hr_t4 _]"; "[Hr_t5 _]"].

iApply (store_global_macro_int_closure_spec with "[-]")
; last iFrame; eauto; [ solve_addr + |].
iAssert (∃ Φ, ▷ valid_sealed (WSealed τ scap) τ Φ)%I as (Φ) "-#Hseal_valid".
{ iDestruct (interp_valid_sealed with "Hseal_interp") as (Φ) "Hseal_valid".
by iExists Φ. }

iIntros "!> (HPC & Hprog & Hr_t0 & Hr_t1 & Haddr & Hr_t2 & Hr_t3 & Hr_t4 & Hr_t5)".
iApply (store_global_macro_int_closure_spec); last iFrame; eauto; [ solve_addr + |].

iApply (wp_wand with "[-]"); [| iIntros (?) "?"; by iLeft ].
iIntros "!> (HPC & Hprog & Hr_t0 & Hr_t1 & Hr_t2 & Hr_t3 & Hr_t4 & Hr_t5 & Hseal & Hna)".

iDestruct "Haddr" as (w') "Haddr".
iMod (isIntSealed_alloc a_cap w' with "Haddr") as "Haddr".
iApply (wp_wand with "[-]"); [| iIntros (?) "?"; by iLeft ].

iApply "Cont"; eauto; iFrame; revgoals.
{ iAssert (⌜is_z (WInt 0) = true⌝)%I as "H"; [ done |].
Expand All @@ -282,16 +302,6 @@ Section store_int.
destruct w; [| discriminate.. ].
by rewrite fixpoint_interp1_eq. }

iAssert (interp (WSealed τ (SCap RW a_cap (a_cap ^+ 1)%a a_cap)))%I as "#Hseal_interp".
{ iApply fixpoint_interp1_eq.
iExists isIntSealed.
repeat iSplit.
- iPureIntro.
apply isIntSealed_persistent.
- iDestruct "Hseal" as "(_ & Hpred)".
- by iExists w'. }

iCombine "Hr_t1 Hseal_interp" as "Hr_t1".
iCombine "Hr_t0 Hadv_interp" as "Hr_t0".
iInsertList "Hrmap" [r_t1; r_t0].
Expand Down

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