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Imitation Learning with Turtlebot 3

This is an imitation learning implementation that contains both the DAgger and standard supervised learning algorithms. The main task is to train a neural network policy that allows the robot to navigate in the turtlebot3_house gazebo environment from room A to room B in the following figure:

Image of environment

We use the ROS Navigation Stack as the expert policy in this case. Packages relevant to turtlebot3_navigation are modified and included in this repository.

Setting Up

Clone the repository.

cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
git clone
cd ~/catkin_ws/ && catkin_make

After cloning the repository, create a virtual environment with virtualenv or conda and install the dependencies in requirements.txt. This is compatible with Python 3.6.

Running DAgger and Supervised Learning

Run the following commands in different terminals:

  • Launch the turtlebot3_house environment
roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_house.launch
  • Run the reset_robot_pos node to set the robot's position to the start at room A
rosrun imitation_learning reset_robot_pos
  • Launch the ROS Navigation Stack to initialize the expert
roslaunch turtlebot3_navigation turtlebot3_navigation.launch map_file:=$HOME/catkin_ws/src/ImitationLearning_Turtlebot3/imitation_learning/house_map.yaml
  • Run either DAgger (daglearner node) or supervised learning (learner node) algorithms in a terminal with the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
rosrun imitation_learning daglearner
  • Run the teleop_key to change between different modes
rosrun imitation_learning turtlebot3_teleop_key

For both learner and daglearner, press ’1’ in the terminal running turtlebot3_teleop_key to start collecting data. The robot will start moving to the goal position. Once the robot reaches the goal position, learner will reset the robot’s pose to the start and begin the next demonstration immediately. Contrarily, daglearner will reset the robot pose, train the neural network policy, then start the next demonstration. This process will repeat until it is stopped manually by quitting the program. For learner, press ’2’ after collecting enough demonstrations to train the neural network. Press ’3’ to switch to EXECUTE mode.

Evaluating a standalone policy

To evaluate a single policy, run the policyexec node after running reset_robot_pos.

source venv/bin/activate
rosrun imitation_learning policyexec

The robot will start moving once the program starts and resets at the goal position, followed by the program quitting itself. An trained model ( has been included for testing after setting up. It was trained using DAgger with 20 demonstrations.


DAgger is compared against standard supervised learning through the number of times the robot succeeded to get to room B over 10 tries given varying demonstrations. DAgger clearly outperforms supervised learning in terms of average performance and learning speed. This demonstrates DAgger's ability to reduce distribution shift in the training and testing data.

Average performance given number of demonstrations Average performance comparison


Imitation Learning for Turtlebot3 Robot Navigation






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