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Configuring gears for HelpStack

Anirudh S edited this page Mar 17, 2015 · 3 revisions

Follow the instructions below for configuring the gear of your choice:

i. HappyFox:
public class HSApplication extends Application {
  HSHelpStack helpStack;
  public void onCreate() {
    helpStack = HSHelpStack.getInstance(this); // Get the HSHelpStack instance
    HSHappyfoxGear happyfoxGear = new HSHappyfoxGear(
            "<Account URL>",
            "<Your API Key>",
            "<Your Auth Code>",
            "<Category ID>",
            "<Priority ID>"); // Create the Gear object 
    happyfoxGear.setSectionId("<Section id>"); // Optional. Set the Section Id of your Knowledge Base articles.
    helpStack.setGear(happyfoxGear); // Set the Gear

The API key and Auth code can be found in your HappyFox account under Manage > Integrations. You can generate an API key and Auth code by clicking on the API configure link.

Priority ID and Category ID cannot be nil. These are the ID's of the priority and the category with which tickets will be created. Setting the Section ID of your KB articles is optional. Navigate to the following URL's in your HappyFox account, to obtain the necessary details:

https://<HappyFox account domain>/api/1.1/json/priorities/ 
https://<HappyFox account domain>/api/1.1/json/categories/
https://<HappyFox account domain>/api/1.1/json/kb/sections/
ii. Zendesk:
public class HSApplication extends Application {
  HSHelpStack helpStack;
  public void onCreate() {
    helpStack = HSHelpStack.getInstance(this); // Get the HSHelpStack instance
    HSZendeskGear zendeskGear = new HSZendeskGear(
            "<Account URL>",
            "<Staff Email Address>",
            "<API Token"); // Create the Gear object 
    zendeskGear.setSectionId("<Section id>"); // Optional. Set the Section Id of your Help Center articles.
    helpStack.setGear(zendeskGear); // Set the Gear

The token can be found in your Zendesk account under Settings > Channels > API. Setting the Section ID of your Help Center articles is optional. You can find the sections in your Zendesk account, as mentioned below:

https://<Zendesk account domain>/api/v2/help_center/sections.json
iii. Desk:
public class HSApplication extends Application {
  HSHelpStack helpStack;
  public void onCreate() {
    helpStack = HSHelpStack.getInstance(this); // Get the HSHelpStack instance
    HSDeskGear deskGear = new HSDeskGear(
            "<Account URL>",
            "<To Help email address>",
            "<Staff email address>",
            "<Staff password"); // Create the Gear object 
    helpStack.setGear(deskGear); // Set the Gear
iv. Email:

Email address and Articles in xml format

public class HSApplication extends Application {
  HSHelpStack helpStack;
  public void onCreate() {
    helpStack = HSHelpStack.getInstance(this); // Get the HSHelpStack instance
    HSEmailGear emailGear = new HSEmailGear( 
            "[email protected]",

    helpStack.setGear(emailGear); // Set the Gear