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flerda edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 2 revisions

MiniSat-ocaml is a set of OCaml bindings for the SAT solver MiniSat. Instead
of reimplementing MiniSat itself in OCaml, this library makes the MiniSat
interface available through OCaml.

The usage of the OCaml interface is pretty straightforward and mimics the C++

The package provides an example,, that reads from standard input a
formula and print its satisfiability and a satisfying assignment (if any). A
formula is a sequence of lines that either define a variable (‘v’ ),
define a clause (‘c’ followed by a sequence of names, with a leading ‘-’ if
they are negated in the clause) and comments (starting with ‘#’). A couple of
example formulas are available in the ‘examples/’ directory.

In order to compile the library, a copy of the source code of MiniSat is
needed. The code should be located in ‘MiniSat/src/’.

For questions, comments, suggestion, or improvements please contact Flavio
Lerda <[email protected]>.

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