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Ra'Shaun Stovall edited this page Apr 16, 2017 · 2 revisions

Why? We don't need (yet) another framework. We need "syntactic sugar" around new spec'ed browser features. For instance the "Components" are great to use as you are always interacting with Living DOM nodes. This gives you the ability to gradually incorporate your component of choice a la carte into your existing client side code! Best of all, works in your favorite browser today!. This means you can try out the examples just by "Copy & Pasta" 'ing directly into your console straight from the README!

Modern client side Javascript specs have been moving at light speed the past couple of years. Best to avoid front end frameworks wherever possible as the browser can provide you with all your needs! If you are uncomfortable with a particular browser's javascript implementation then "polyfills" are (usually) trivial to implement. You may be familiar with Douglas Crockford's JSON2 polyfill from back in the day. (Please use JSON 3 Polyfill if you are still using JSON2) These backwards compatibility snippets can be injected prior to your code. In the future they can be removed when you feel your respective browser landscape has matured. And if a feature we've implemented doesn't work to your liking feel free to submit an issue and we will attempt a polyfill for you ASAP!

Using modern DOM & ECMAScript browser specifications have allowed us to decrease framework needs by ~90%. This tool is extremely light weighing in at < 2KB! (uncommented,minified,gzipped). The browsers are working dilligently abiding by the specs and we should be abiding by the hard work they have put in much work over the recent years. Finally the browsers are coming to fruition. You are able to use these features for the immediate future without needint to "update" anything. Therefore not only can we use modern style code today, this README alone will better acclaimate you to modern browser development best practices javascript that you have always been curious to learn about.

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