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How to maintain neco-containers

This document describes the procedure for updating each container image.

Besides on-demand container updates, we have two regular renewal operations: Kubernetes Update and Regular Update. The target container of these operations have the following badges, so check before the operations.

In case of components whose Go source code are in neco-containers, all dependent Go modules should be updated if there is no special reason. Kubernetes-related modules such as client-go may be newer than the Kubernetes to be updated. For example, it is acceptable that client-go is v0.30 and Kubernetes is v1.29.

1 Kubernetes Update (Kubernetes Update)

  • Upgrade of Kubernetes. Besides the related components of Kubernetes, update the containers managed by CKE and some go modules.

2 Regular Update (Regular Update)

  • Update in every quarter. Keeping up with the upstream version and updating the ubuntu base image.

3 CSA Update (CSA Update)

  • Update by CSA team.

4 No Need Update (No Need Update)

  • Used as a PoC, so regular updates are not required.

admission (neco-admission)

Kubernetes Update

In Kubernetes update:

  1. Update the following version variables in Makefile.
  2. Upgrade direct dependencies listed in go.mod. Use go get or your editor's function.
  3. Generate code and manifests.
    $ cd $GOPATH/src/
    $ make generate manifests
    # Commit, if there are any updated files.
  4. Confirm build and test are green.
    $ make build test
  5. Update TAG file.

Regular Update

In Regular update, do the following as part of the update of each CRD-providing product:

  1. Update a matching version variable from the following in Makefile.
  2. Modify the code to match the new CRDs if CRDs are changed.
    • The code which depended on the CRDs are in the hook directory.
    • And let's use Unstructured instead of use golang library. Take a look at this PR.
  3. Generate code and manifests.
    $ cd $GOPATH/src/
    $ make clean
    $ make generate manifests
    # Commit, if there are any updated files.
  4. Confirm build and test are green.
    $ make build test
  5. Update TAG file.


Regular Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Check the upstream Dockerfile. If there are any updates, update our Dockefile.
  3. Update version variables in Dockerfile.
  4. Update BRANCH and TAG files.


Regular Update

  1. Check releases for changes.
  2. Check hack/ for the tools versions.
  3. Update tool versions in Dockerfile.
  4. Check the upstream Dockerfile. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  5. Update version variables in Dockerfile.
  6. Update BRANCH and TAG files.
  7. Follow maintenance instructions for neco-admission if needed.

NOTE: ArgoCD depends on dex,Redis,HAProxy. So browse the following manifests and update dex,redis,haproxy images next.

NOTE: ArgoCD's Application objects are validated by neco-admission. If Application CRD has been changed, you may need to update neco-admission.


Regular Update

  1. Check releases for changes.
  2. Check the upstream Dockerfile. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update version variables in Dockerfile.
  4. Update TAG file.


Regular Update

  1. Check the releases page in the official website.
  2. Update BIRD_VERSION variable in Dockerfile.
  3. Update image tag in
  4. Update BRANCH and TAG files.


Regular Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Update BLACKBOX_EXPORTER_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  3. Update BRANCH and TAG files.


Kubernetes Update

  1. Upgrade direct dependencies listed in go.mod. Use go get or your editor's function.
  2. Confirm test are green.
    $ make test
  3. Update image tag in bmc-reverse-proxy.yaml.
  4. Update TAG file.


Regular Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Check the upstream build files. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update CADVISOR_VERSION in Dockerfile
  4. Update TAG file.


Regular Update

  1. Upgrade direct dependencies listed in go.mod. Use go get or your editor's function.
  2. Update cilium and cilium-cli version in Makefile and go.mod to the version used by neco.
  3. Update TAG by incrementing the patch revision, e.g. 1.0.1, 1.0.2, ...


CSA Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Check the build ceph document and
    1. If other instructions are needed for ceph/, add the instructions.
    2. If there are ceph runtime packages or required tool changes, update Dockerfile.
  3. Update the version argument on the build-ceph job in the CircleCI main workflow and the build_ceph job in the Github Actions main workflow.
  4. Update BRANCH and TAG files.

NOTE: The rook image is based on the ceph image. So upgrade the rook image next.

Create a patched image from the specific version

When you want to create a new image with patches to the specific version of Ceph, follow these steps.

  1. Create a branch with the name ceph-vX.Y.Z from the commit you want, and push it.
    • You must follow the branch naming convention to activate the image build and push jobs.
    • If the branch already exists, you can skip this step.
  2. Create a PR to the branch ceph-vX.Y.Z, and merge it.


CSA Update

  1. See Rook's values.yaml file of the appropriate tag and check the version of cephcsi.
  2. Update CSI_IMAGE_VERSION in Dockerfile with the value which you checked in the previous step.
  3. Update BASE_IMAGE in Dockerfile if necessary.
    • If BASE_IMAGE is too old, the build may fail.
    • You should also check BASE_IMAGE in the upstream build.env file of the appropriate tag.
  4. See the upstream Dockerfile of the appropriate tag, and update our Dockerfile if necessary.
  5. Update BRANCH and TAG files.

NOTE: Because cephcsi container is build based on the ceph container, build the ceph container first if necessary.


CSA Update

  1. Upgrade direct dependencies listed in go.mod. Use go get or your editor's function.
  2. Upgrade base images in Dockerfile.
  3. Update the TAG files accordingly.


Regular Update

  1. Check releases for changes.
  2. Check whether manually applied patches have been included in the new release and remove them accordingly.
    1. If patches are still needed, synchronize the forked repository (
    2. Create and checkout a new branch named vX.Y.Z-neco from the tag named vX.Y.Z.
    3. Cherry-pick the commit included patches and create a new tag named vX.Y.Z-neco-longtimeout.1.
    4. Push it.
  3. Update CERT_MANAGER_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  4. Update image tag in
  5. Update BRANCH and TAG files.


Regular Update

  1. Check the release note.
  2. Update CHRONY_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  3. Update image tag in
  4. Update BRANCH and TAG files.


Regular Update

  1. Check the releases page for changes.
  2. If necessary, update cilium-proxy_version and image-tools_version parameters in the .github/workflows/cilium.yaml.
    1. The version for envoy is referenced in the Dockerfile for cilium in the source repository and is a commit hash from cilium/proxy
    2. Check the upstream Dockerfile and update the .github/actions/build_cilium-envoy/action.yaml as needed.
    3. For image-tools_version , use the latest commit hash from cilium/image-tools
    4. Check the upstream Dockerfile and update the .github/actions/build_cilium-image-tools/action.yaml as needed.
  3. Check the upstream Dockerfile. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  4. Check whether manually applied patches have been included in the new release and remove them accordingly.
  5. Update the BRANCH and TAG files accordingly.

NOTE: The cilium-operator-generic and hubble-relay images should be updated at the same time as the cilium image for consistency.


Regular Update

  1. Check the releases page for changes.
  2. Check the upstream Dockerfile. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update the BRANCH and TAG files accordingly.

NOTE: The cilium-operator-generic image should be updated at the same time as the cilium image for consistency.


Regular Update

  1. Check the releases page for changes.
  2. Check the upstream Dockerfile. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update the BRANCH and TAG files accordingly.


Regular Update

  1. Check the tags page.
  2. Check the upstream Dockerfile. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update CONFIGMAP_RELOAD_VERSION in Dockerfile
  4. Update BRANCH and TAG files.


Regular Update

NOTE: Contour uses Envoy as a "data plane." Keep version correspondence between the contour and envoy images. Check the compatibility matrix below.

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Check the upstream Dockerfile. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update CONTOUR_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  4. Update image tag in
  5. Update BRANCH and TAG files.
  6. Follow maintenance instructions for neco-admission if needed.

NOTE: Contour's HTTPProxy objects are validated by neco-admission. If HTTPProxy CRD has been changed, you may need to update neco-admission.


Kubernetes Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Check the upstream Dockerfile. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update COREDNS_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  4. Update image tag in
  5. Update BRANCH and TAG files.

csi sidecars

CSA Update

This section applies to the following containers. These containers are maintained similarly.

  • csi-attacher
  • csi-node-driver-registrar
  • csi-provisioner
  • csi-resizer
  • csi-snapshotter
  1. See Rook's values.yaml file of the appropriate tag and check the version of csi sidecars.
  2. Update VERSION in Dockerfile with the value which you checked in the previous step.
  3. See the upstream Dockerfile of the appropriate tag, and update our Dockerfile if necessary. The upstream Dockerfile is listed below.
  4. update image tag in Dockerfile if necessary.
  5. Update BRANCH and TAG files.

NOTE: You can choose the latest stable Ubuntu image for runtime. upstream uses distroless as the base image for runtime, while Neco uses Ubuntu for easier debugging.

NOTE: You may choose the latest docker image for the build, regardless of the upstream go version. The current go compiler builds with the language version and toolchain version based on the go version specified in the go.mod file. There is no need to use an older version of the image to match go.mod. As a known issue, the upstream build script warns that test-gofmt and test-vendor are known to be sensitive to the version of Go.. However, we use the latest docker image unless the test fails.


Regular Update

NOTE: This image is used by ArgoCD. So browse the following manifest and check the required version. If the manifest uses version a.b.c, we should use version a.b.d where d >= c. Don't use a newer minor version.

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Check the upstream Dockerfile. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update DEX_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  4. Update image tag in
  5. Update BRANCH and TAG files.


Regular Update

NOTE: Envoy is managed by Contour so update to the supported version. See the below.

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Update clang_archive_path in .github/workflows/main.yaml if you want to update the clang version.
  3. Update image tag in
  4. Upgrade direct dependencies listed in go.mod. Use go get or your editor's function.
  5. Update BRANCH and TAG files.


Kubernetes Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Check the upstream Dockerfile. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update ETCD_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  4. Update image tag in
  5. Update BRANCH and TAG files.


Regular Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Check the upstream .ko.yaml. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update EXTERNALDNS_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  4. Update image tag in
  5. Update TAG file.


Regular Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Update FLUENT_BIT_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  3. Update TAG.

golang-all (golang for combinations of versions and platforms)

Regular Update

  1. Check the release history.
  2. Update GO_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  3. Update BRANCH and TAG.




Regular Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Check the upstream Dockerfile. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update GRAFANA_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  4. Update installation of Node.js in Dockerfile according to JS_IMAGE if necessary.
  5. Update TAG.


Regular Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Check the upstream build procedure (Makefile, Dockerfile, .ko.yaml, etc). At the point of v5.4.1, grafana-operator is built by ko with its default configuration. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update VERSION in Dockerfile.
  4. Update TAG.
  5. Update GRAFANA_OPERATOR_VERSION in admission/Makefile.
  6. Follow maintenance instructions for neco-admission if needed.

NOTE: Grafana Operator's GrafanaDashboard objects are validated by neco-admission. If GrafanaDashboard CRD has been changed, you may need to update neco-admission.


Regular Update

NOTE: This image is used by ArgoCD. So browse the following manifest and check the required version. If the manifest uses version a.b.c, we should use version a.b.d where d >= c. Don't use a newer minor version.

  1. Check the release notes in the official site.
  2. Update HAPROXY_SHA256 in Dockerfile, SHA256 hash in
  3. Update BRANCH and TAG files.


Regular Update

Only the base image and module dependency should be updated.

  1. Upgrade direct dependencies listed in go.mod. Use go get or your editor's function.
  2. Update TAG by incrementing the patch revision, e.g. 1.0.1, 1.0.2, ...


Regular Update

  1. Check the releases page for changes.
  2. Check the upstream Dockerfile. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update the BRANCH and TAG files accordingly.


Regular Update

  1. Check the releases page for changes.
  2. Check the upstream Dockerfile. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update the BRANCH and TAG files accordingly.

NOTE: The hubble-relay image should be updated at the same time as the cilium image for consistency.


Regular Update

  1. Check the releases page for changes.
  2. Update the BRANCH and TAG files accordingly.
  3. Check the upstream Dockerfile. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  4. hubble-ui depends on nginx. As such, it may be also be necessary to bump the following nginx-related variables in the Dockerfile:

Update nginx that hubble-ui depends on as follows.

  1. Pick a commit hash from
  • If NGINX_VERSION is 1.23.2, the commit hash is 85f846c6c5d121b2b750d71c31429d9686523da0 referencing the commit "Update mainline NGINX to 1.23.2"
  • You can find the corresponding NJS_VERSION value in the same commit
  1. Check the upstream Dockerfile. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
# Check diff between v1.23.1 and v1.23.2
$ git diff 0b794b2bd54217ac3882680265c9426ae2edcbd6 85f846c6c5d121b2b750d71c31429d9686523da0 -- mainline/debian/Dockerfile


Kubernetes Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Update KMA_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  3. Update TAG file.


Kubernetes Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Check the upstream Dockerfile. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update KUBE_STATE_METRICS_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  4. Update image tag in
  5. Update TAG files.


Regular Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Check the upstream build files. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update MIGRATOR_VERSION in Dockerfile
  4. Update TAG file.


Kubernetes Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Update K8S_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  3. Update image tag in
  4. Update BRANCH and TAG files.


CSA Update

  1. Update version variables in Makefile.
  2. Upgrade direct dependencies listed in go.mod. Use go get or your editor's function.
  3. Generate code and manifests.
    $ cd $GOPATH/src/
    $ make generate manifests
    # Commit, if there are any updated files.
  4. Confirm build and test are green.
    $ make build test
  5. Update image tag in local-pv-provisioner.yaml.
  6. Update TAG file.


Regular Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Check the upstream Dockerfile. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update LOKI_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  4. Update TAG file.

NOTE: Keep the version of promtail the same as that of loki.


Kubernetes Update

  1. Update version variables in Makefile.
  2. Upgrade direct dependencies listed in go.mod. Use go get or your editor's function.
  3. Confirm test is green.
    $ make test
  4. Update image tag in machines-endpoints.yaml.
  5. Update TAG file.


Regular Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Update MEMCACHED_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  3. Update TAG file.


Regular Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Update MEMCACHED_EXPORTER_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  3. Update BRANCH and TAG file.


Regular Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Check the upstream Dockerfile. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update MEOWS_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  4. Update GO_VERSION and PLACEMAT_VERSION in Dockerfile, if there are any updates.
    1. GO_VERSION:
  5. Update BRANCH and TAG files.


Regular Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Check the upstream Dockerfile. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update the Dockerfile to install the same tools as ubuntu-debug.
  4. Update MEOWS_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  5. Update BRANCH and TAG files.


Regular Update

  1. Upgrade direct dependencies listed in go.mod. Use go get or your editor's function.
  2. Update TAG file.


Regular Update

opentelemetry-collector container consists of three repositories: opentelemetry-collector, opentelemetry-collector-contrib and opentelemetry-collector-releases

  1. Check the release pages main contrib release.
  2. Check the upstream Dockerfile and builder manifest. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update OTELCOL_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  4. Update BRANCH and TAG files.


Kubernetes Update

  1. Check the changelog.
  2. Check the upstream Dockerfile. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update K8S_VERSION and PAUSE_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  4. Update BRANCH and TAG files.


Kubernetes Update

  1. Update the following version variables in Makefile.
  2. Upgrade direct dependencies listed in go.mod. Use go get or your editor's function.
  3. Generate code and manifests.
    $ cd $GOPATH/src/
    $ make generate manifests
    # Commit, if there are any updated files.
  4. Confirm build and test are green.
    $ make build test
  5. Update TAG file.


Regular Update

  1. Check the release page and upgrade guide.
  2. Check the diff of the Dockerfile.
    $ cd /path/to/pomerium
    $ git switch --detach v${NewVersion}
    $ git diff v${CurrentVersion} Dockerfile
  3. Update Dockerfile.
    • Pomeruim version
    • Golang version
    • Node.js version
  4. Update TAG file.


Regular Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Update version variables in Dockerfile.
  3. Update TAG file.


Regular Update

This is a part of prometheus-operator. This is used by victoria-metrics operator too.

  1. Check the latest release of prometheus-operator
  2. Update version variable in Dockerfile.
  3. Update TAG file.


Regular Update

Promtail contains two versions, one for promtail and the other for libsystemd. The promtail version should be the same with loki. The libsystemd version should be the same with the one running on the stable Flatcar OS.

  1. Update LOKI_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  2. Update SYSTEMD_VERSION in Dockerfile if needed.
  3. Update TAG file.


Regular Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Check the upstream Dockerfile. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update version variables in Dockerfile.
  4. Update TAG file.


Regular Update

NOTE: This image is used by ArgoCD. So browse the following manifest and check the required version. If the manifest uses version a.b.c, we should use version a.b.d where d >= c. Don't use a newer minor version.

  1. Check the release notes in the official site.
  2. Check the Dockerfile in docker-library. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update REDIS_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  4. Update BRANCH and TAG files.


Regular Update

  1. Check the release notes in the release page.
  2. Check the upstream Dockerfile. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update REGISTRY_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  4. Update BRANCH and TAG files.


CSA Update

NOTE: If we update both Rook and Ceph, update Ceph image first, and then update Rook image.

NOTE: A specific version of rook depends on specific versions of csi sidecar containers listed below. Update these containers at the same time.

  • cephcsi
  • csi-attacher
  • csi-node-driver-registrar
  • csi-provisioner
  • csi-resizer
  • csi-snapshotter
  1. Check the release page.
  2. Check the upstream Dockerfile. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. update build image tag in Dockerfile if necessary.
  4. Update ROOK_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  5. Update ceph image tag in Dockerfile.
  6. Update BRANCH and TAG files.

NOTE: You may choose the latest docker image for the build, regardless of the upstream go version. The current go compiler builds with the language version and toolchain version based on the go version specified in the go.mod file. There is no need to use an older version of the image to match go.mod.


Regular Update

Only the base image and module dependency should be updated.

  1. Upgrade direct dependencies listed in go.mod. Use go get or your editor's function.
  2. Update TAG by incrementing the patch revision, e.g. 1.0.1, 1.0.2, ...


Regular Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Check the upstream Dockerfile and compare with ours especially on the runtime stage. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update SEALED_SECRETS_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  4. Update BRANCH and TAG files.


Regular Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Check the upstream Dockerfile. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update SERF_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  4. Update image tag in
  5. Update BRANCH and TAG files.


Regular Update

  1. Check the latest stable version at
  2. Check release notes if a new version is released.
  3. Update SQUID_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  4. Update image tag in
  5. Update BRANCH and TAG files.


Regular Update

  1. Upgrade direct dependencies listed in go.mod. Use go get or your editor's function.
  2. Update squid version in Makefile and e2e/pod.yaml if there are any updates.
  3. Update TAG by incrementing the patch revision, e.g. 1.0.1, 1.0.2, ...

NOTE: The squid images should be updated at the same time as the squid-exporter image for consistency.


Regular Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Check the upstream Dockerfile. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update BRANCH and TAG files.


Regular Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Run make -C teleport-node/ check-teleport-update and check the upstream Makefile and
  3. Update tools version in Dockerfile.
  4. Update Dockerfile If there are any changes to the build method.
  5. Update TELEPORT_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  6. Update TAG files.


Regular Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Check the upstream Makefile and cmd/tempo//Dockerfile. If they have been updated significantly, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update TEMPO_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  4. Update TAG file.


Regular Update

  1. Upgrade direct dependencies listed in go.mod. Use go get or your editor's function.
  2. Update BRANCH and TAG files.


Regular Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Check the upstream Dockerfile. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update BRANCH and TAG files.


Regular Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Check the upstream Containerfile. If there are any updates, update our Dockerfile.
  3. Update TRUST_MANAGER_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  4. Update EXPECTED_VERSION in Dockerfile as needed. You can check it to run docker command as follows.
    $ docker run --rm dpkg-query --show  ca-certificates
  5. Check the tini release page and update TINI_VERSION in Dockerfile as needed.
  6. Update TAG file. The TAG format is <ca-certificates version>.<patch version>.


Regular Update

Only the base image and module dependency should be updated.

  1. Upgrade direct dependencies listed in go.mod. Use go get or your editor's function.
  2. Update TAG by incrementing the patch revision, e.g. 1.0.1, 1.0.2, ...


Kubernetes Update

  1. Check the download page.
  2. Run make update-root-hints.
  3. Update UNBOUND_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  4. Update image tag in
  5. Update BRANCH and TAG files.


Kubernetes Update

  1. Check the release page
  2. Update UNBOUND_EXPORTER_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  3. Update BRANCH and TAG files.


Regular Update

  1. Check the release page and these notes:
  2. Update VAULT_VERSION in Dockerfile.
  3. Update image tag in
  4. Update BRANCH and TAG files.


Regular Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Check upstream Makefile and Dockerfile, and update our Dockerfile if needed.
  4. Update TAG file.


Regular Update

  1. Check the release page.
  2. Check upstream Makefile and Dockerfile, and update our Dockerfile if needed.
  4. Update TAG file.