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Snippets of useful cljc code

Clojars Project

  1. aalog - A logger that wraps js/console and tools.logging.
  2. closer - Lifecycle for ultra-light components.
  3. dewdrop - Lenses.
  4. bytes - Byte arrays.
  5. cs256 - A 256-bit checksum.
  6. buffer - Extends octet with missing nio.ByteBuffer capabilities.

Change Log


The aautil/aalog.cljc file implements a thin dumb layer over js/console and org.clojure/tools.logging. Easy to use from another .cljc file.

The aautil/aalog_test.clj file provides a simple clj test of aalog, while the counters demo provides a simple cljc example using hoplon.


(info msg) displays an info log message.

(warn msg) displays a warning log message.

(debug msg) displays a debug log message.

(error msg) displays an error log message.


We can think of bags (maps) of properties as a light-weight form of component, where the properties can be either data or functions. Components are composed from traits simply by combining the properties of those traits into a single map structure.

But even light-weight components have some life-cycle requirements. Often a trait needs to be closed. And a composition of components typically requires that the closes need to be performed in the reverse of the opening order. This is handled by aautil/closer.cljc.

The aautil/closer_test.clj file provides a simple clj test of closer, while the closer demo provides a simple cljc example using hoplon.


(open-trait this name f) opens a trait.

  • this - the map structure of the component.
  • name - the name of the trait.
  • f - the function used to close the trait. Takes a single argument, this.
  • The value returned by open-trait is the revised map structure of the component.

(close-component this) closes the traits of a component, reversing the order in which the traits were opened. The this parameter is the map structure of the component.


Dewdrop is a very simple implementation of lenses, where a lens is a device for operating on a part of a larger structure.

Lets say you have a map and you want to operate on the value of :x. You would define the lens like this:

(def x-lens (key-lens :x))

Here are some sample tests:

(println (lset! x-lens {} 5))
;-> {:x 5}
(println (lget x-lens {:x 5 :y 6}))
;-> 5
(println (lget x-lens {}))
;-> nil
(println (lset! x-lens nil 5))
;-> {:x 5}
(println (lupd! x-lens {:x 5 :y 6}
                (fn [old] (* 2 old))))
;-> {:x 10, :y 6}

Dewdrop lenses also work with data structures held by atoms:

(def my-atom (atom {:x 1 :y 2}))
(println (lderef x-lens my-atom))                           ;-> 1
(println (lreset! x-lens my-atom 3) @my-atom)               ;-> {:x 3, :y 2} {:x 3, :y 2}
(println (lswap! x-lens my-atom
                 (fn [data] (* 2 data))) @my-atom)          ;-> {:x 6, :y 2} {:x 6, :y 2}

Now lets create a second lens for operating on the value of :y in a map:

(def y-lens (key-lens :y))

But what if the value of :y is found in the map which :x holds? We just compose a new lens using the lenses we already have:

(def xy-lens (lcomp y-lens x-lens))

And here are some more tests:

(println (lset! xy-lens nil 5))
;-> {:x {:y 5}
(println (lget xy-lens {:x {:y 5 :z 3}}))
;-> 5
(println (lupd! xy-lens {:x {:y 5 :z 3}}
                  (fn [old] (* 2 old))))
;-> {:x {:y 10, :z 3}}

Sometimes we need a key-lens which allows the value of the key to change. For this we can use key-atom-lens:

(def my-key (atom :w))
(def my-key-lens (key-atom-lens my-key))
(println (lset! my-key-lens {} 5)) ;-> {:w 5}
(println (lget my-key-lens {:w 5 :y 6})) ;-> 5
(println (lget my-key-lens {})) ;-> nil
(reset! my-key :n)
(println (lset! my-key-lens nil 5)) ;-> {:n 5}
(println (lupd! my-key-lens {:n 5 :y 6}
                 (fn [old] (* 2 old)))) ;-> {:n 10, :y 6}

Now if your data structure happens to be an EDN string, or happens to contain a string that holds an EDN string, then the edn-lens may be quite handy:

(println (lset! edn-lens nil 5)) ;-> "5"
(def edn-xy-lens (lcomp xy-lens edn-lens))
(println (lset! edn-xy-lens nil 5)) ;-> "{:x {:y 5}}"
(println (lget edn-xy-lens "{:x {:y 5 :z 3}}")) ;-> 5
(println (lupd! edn-xy-lens "{:x {:y 5 :z 3}}"
                 (fn [old] (* 2 old)))) ;-> "{:x {:y 10, :z 3}}"


The lens-view in dewdrop is a record created using the lview function, which combines a lens with an atom (or hoplon cell):

(defn lview [lens data-atom]
  (->lens-view lens data-atom))

Functions which work with a lens-view are @, reset! and swap!.

Write your own lenses

A dewdrop lens is nothing more than a map structure with getter and setter functions as values:

(defn new-lens
  "Create a new lens."
  [getter setter]
  {:getter getter :setter setter})

Defining a kind of lens then is very simple, and you can easily define lenses for different types of data structures. Here is the key-lens function we used above for accessing maps:

(defn key-lens [key]
  {:getter (fn [data] (get data key)) 
   :setter (fn [data item] (assoc data key item))})

The key-atom-lens is almost the same:

(defn atom-key-lens
  {:getter (fn [data] (get data @key-atom))
   :setter (fn [data item] (assoc data @key-atom item))})

And edn-lens is just as simple:

(def edn-lens
  {:getter read-string
   :setter (fn [_ item] (pr-str item))})


The aautil/bytes.cljc file implements a thin dumb layer over various clojure and clojurescript functions. Easy to use from another .cljc file.

The byte-array demo provides a simple cljc example, as well as unit tests.


(make-bytes s) Returns a byte array of size s.

(set-byte! ba i v) Sets byte i in array ba to v.

(get-byte ba i) Returns the ith byte of the byte array.

(bytes-equal ba1 ba2) Returns true only if the two byte arrays are equal.

(vec-bytes ba) Returns a vector of bytes.


The aautil/cs256.cljc file uses the aautil.bytes namespace to implement a 256-bit checksum.

The checksum demo provides a simple cljc example, as well as unit tests.


(make-cs256) Returns a new 256-bit checksum.

(cs256-equal cs1 cs2) Returns true only if the two checksums are equal.

(digest! cs ba) Updates the checksum using the provided byte array.

cs256-spec An Octet spec for checksums.


Buffer builds on the funcool/octet project, adding a number of capabilities from java.nio.bytebuffer while supporting the extensible specs from octet.

Type specs supported by octet can be found here.

The buffers demo provides a simple cljc example, as well as unit tests.


The aabuffer protocol is implemented to work the same for both clojure and clojurescript, thought the clojure implementation is little more than a redirect to the ByteBuffer methods. The exceptions are the read and write functions, which make use of octet specs.

(defprotocol aabuffer
  (-array [this])
  (-array-offset [this])
  (-as-read-only-buffer [this])
  (-capacity [this])
  (-clear! [this])
  (-duplicate [this])
  (-flip! [this])
  (-limit [this])
  (-limit! [this nl])
  (-mark! [this])
  (-position [this])
  (-position! [this np])
  (-read! [this spec])
  (-read-at [this spec offset])
  (-read-only? [this])
  (-remaining [this])
  (-remaining? [this])
  (-reset! [this])
  (-rewind! [this])
  (-slice [this])
  (-write! [this data spec])
  (-write-at! [this data spec offset]))

(newBuffer 42) Returns a byte buffer based on an array of size 42.

(wrap array) Returns a byte buffer built on the provided array.

(wrap array offset length) Returns a byte buffer built on the provided array with position set to the offset and the limit set to the length.

(data-size octet.core/int32) Returns a size of 4. This function works for all specs, i.e. for both fixed size and dynamic specs.

Change Log

0.0.8 - Extends octet with missing nio.ByteBuffer capabilities.

0.0.7 - checksum spec for octet

0.0.6 - 256-bit checksum.

0.0.5 - Accessing byte arrays.

0.0.4 - Dewdrop now supports views.

0.0.3 - Added dewdrop lenses.

0.0.2 - Fixed bugs in closer-test.

0.0.1 - Initial release.


Snippets of useful cljc code






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