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Dave Methvin edited this page Feb 27, 2015 · 1 revision

Standards Lead: Yehuda Katz (@wycats on Twitter)

The jQuery Foundation invests significant resources in its efforts to drive Web standards on behalf of developers. The Standards Lead coordinates those efforts, communicating on a regular basis with both the community and the projects hosted within the jQuery Foundation. The Standards Lead will:

  • Know what Foundation projects are doing related to standards, and what departments or projects are involved to properly disseminate information and solicit feedback.
  • Act as an ambassador to the wider web development community, and provide feedback to the Foundation regarding its impact in that community.
  • State their affiliation with the jQuery Foundation, particularly in conferences or meetings where their attendance is a result of affiliation with, or funded by, the Foundation.
  • Provide a high-level summary of the meetings they attend, and distribute those reports as widely as possible. If there is no confidential information, public distribution is preferred.
  • Attend the bi-weekly Dev Leads meeting to provide standards-related information and get feedback from projects regarding standards.
  • Distribute information about upcoming standards meetings within the jQuery Foundation to ensure that they are attended by the appropriate representatives.
  • Inform the jQuery Foundation and interested projects of upcoming votes in the standards bodies, and take feedback on the appropriate way to vote on the matter.
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