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Releases: Hylozoic/hylo-node


20 Sep 03:12
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  • Track editedAt timestamp for posts and comments


  • New users have the default notification setting of all posts, meaning they will now receive notifications for all posts in groups they are a member of, instead of just important ones.

5.9.0 - Powerful roles and responsibilities

20 Sep 03:11
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  • More powerful Roles & Responsibilities: Groups can now have roles that have specific responsibilities, and members can have multiple roles in a group. Roles can be assigned to members by group Coordinators (described below). There are 4 built in System responsibilities: Administration (super admin that can do everything and change all group settings), Manage Content (can remove posts from the group, and edit the Explore page), Remove Members (boot members from the group), and Add Members (full access to the invite and join request functionality for the group). There are also 3 built in Common Roles that all groups have: Coordinators have full Administration powers, Moderators can Manage Content and Remove Members, and Hosts can Add Members. Groups can also add custom roles with custom responsibilities defined by the group, or custom roles that include the system responsibilities.

5.8.0 - Proposals post type

11 Jul 18:51
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  • New post type: Proposals! Use these to propose ideas, projects, decisions, or anything else to your group. Proposals can be voted on, and have a status that can be updated by the proposer.


  • Deleting user accounts


11 Jul 18:50
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  • New setting to receive a notification for every post in your groups. This is set to only receive "important" post notifications by default, which includes Announcement posts, and posts you are mentioned in. You can change the setting to All posts or None in the Notifications settings page.


11 Jul 18:48
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  • Group Agreements: Groups can now have agreements that members must agree to when joining the group. Each agreement has a title and description, and newly joining members must agree to them before they are let in. If agreements change then the member will be asked to agree to the newly changed agreeements.
  • You can now require Join Questions for Groups that are set to Accessibility = Closed or Open, no longer just for Restricted groups


  • When inviting someone to a group that has Join Questions new members are now asked to answer the join questions before being let in to the group even when invited by join link or email address.


  • Bug that allowed people to message someone they don't share a group with.


11 Jul 18:48
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  • oAuth refresh tokens last 180 days instead of 14 days


  • Bug that was preventing direct message email notifications from going out


21 Dec 22:12
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  • Notifications for new chats take you to the chat room on mobile, scrolled to that post, instead of opening the post itself
  • Turn off ability for new groups to to be able to post in public and appear in the Group Explorer. In the future groups will have to apply to be able to post in public. This is a temporary measure to prevent spam.
  • Improve performance by loading event invites only for events and post members only for projects
  • For post related Zapier triggers set the post URL to be the post in the first group it is in, instead of in the "all" groups context. Normally this is what people will want, to see the post in its group context.


  • Fix bug that broke notifications when dealing with a post that somehow doesn't have a group (still have to figure out why that can happen)
  • "Null" post time in notification emails for posts that dont have a start time.
  • Don't sort pinned posts first when getting posts for chat rooms

5.6.0 - group purpose

21 Dec 22:12
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  • Purpose field for groups. This is a free form text field that can be used to describe the group's purpose, mission, vision, etc.


21 Dec 22:11
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  • Ability to change notification settings and unsubscribe from all notifications from links in emails that still work even when not logged in. Uses special JWT tokens for this that only allow for fetching and updating the user's notification settings.


  • Person query to return the right user when searching by email


09 Aug 23:33
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  • Show timezone for events in digest emails and announcement emails, for now always display in the time zone of the event creator
  • Ensure you can't double upvote on posts with the same reaction
  • Notifications related to groups joining other groups
  • Pinned posts from child groups appearing at the top of streams when viewing parent groups