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Welcome to the Supabase Auth using the SSR package repository! This project showcases how to effortlessly integrate authentication in your Next.js projects using the power of Supabase and its new server-side rendering (SSR) capabilities.


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Supabase Auth with SSR πŸš€

Project Showcase


Front Page 1 Front Page 2 Front Page 3 Protected Page 1 Sign In Page Sign In Page Password Sign Up Page AI Chat Page


You can find the videos located inside the public folder!

For Implementing AI with Internet Search Capabilities

If you are interested in implementing an AI that can search the internet and link to its sources, please contact me at [email protected]. Below is an example image of what such a system might look like.

AI Online Searcher Example


[v1.6.0] - 2024-06-10


  • Supabase Integration for Chat Storage: Replaced Upstash/redis storage of chat messages with Supabase. The AI/RSC part of the application now stores data directly in Supabase tables. This was done to keep everything in one place.


  • Database Schema: Implemented new schemas in Supabase for chat storage. The new schemas are as follows:

    -- Chat Sessions Table
    create table public.chat_sessions (
      id text not null,
      user_id uuid not null,
      created_at timestamp with time zone not null default now(),
      updated_at timestamp with time zone not null default now(),
      constraint chat_sessions_pkey primary key (id),
      constraint chat_sessions_user_id_fkey foreign key (user_id) references users (id) on delete cascade
    ) tablespace pg_default;
    create index idx_chat_sessions_user_id on public.chat_sessions using btree (user_id);
    create index idx_chat_sessions_created_at on public.chat_sessions using btree (created_at desc);
    create index idx_chat_sessions_user_id_created_at on public.chat_sessions using btree (user_id, created_at desc);
    -- Chat Messages Table
    create table public.chat_messages (
      id uuid not null default extensions.uuid_generate_v4(),
      chat_session_id text not null,
      is_user_message boolean not null,
      content text null,
      sources jsonb null,
      created_at timestamp with time zone not null default now(),
      constraint chat_messages_pkey primary key (id),
      constraint chat_messages_chat_session_id_fkey foreign key (chat_session_id) references chat_sessions (id) on delete cascade
    ) tablespace pg_default;
    create index idx_chat_messages_chat_session_id on public.chat_messages using btree (chat_session_id);
    create index idx_chat_messages_is_user_message on public.chat_messages using btree (is_user_message);
    create index idx_chat_messages_created_at on public.chat_messages using btree (created_at);
    create index idx_chat_messages_chat_session_id_is_user_message on public.chat_messages using btree (chat_session_id, is_user_message);
    create index idx_chat_messages_chat_session_id_created_at on public.chat_messages using btree (chat_session_id, created_at);

[v1.5.0] - 2024-06-02


  • End-to-End Types: Implemented types for ServerMessage, ClientMessage, SubmitMessageResult, and ChatHistoryUpdateResult to ensure type safety from client to server actions.
  • Bug Fixes: Fixed various bugs throughout the application.
  • Chat History Improvement: Enhanced the chat history feature in the server action chatbot to load the 30 newest messages initially, with a "load more" button to retrieve the next 30 messages.
  • Perplexity Provider Integration: Updated the integration of the Perplexity provider to use the @ai-sdk/openai module. This involved changing from the old OpenAI configuration to the new createOpenAI function from @ai-sdk/openai, ensuring compatibility with the Perplexity API. The updated code allows for seamless streaming of text responses and includes better error handling and rate limiting.

[v1.4.0] - 2024-05-25


  • Vercel AI SDK Example: Added an example demonstrating the usage of the new Vercel AI SDK with the use server directive. This example showcases how to create a Server Action to query a language model and update the frontend UI accordingly.
  • Chat History: Implemented a chat history feature that allows users to view and interact with their previous conversations. The chat history is seamlessly integrated into the user interface, enhancing the overall user experience.
  • Streaming UI Feature: Introduced a real-time streaming UI feature that enables users to see the AI-generated responses as they are being generated. This feature provides a more engaging and interactive experience, mimicking a natural conversation flow.
  • useSWR Package Integration: Implemented the useSWR package to demonstrate how to efficiently handle server actions and data fetching. The useSWR package provides a simple and powerful way to manage server state, ensuring optimal performance and user experience.

[v1.3.0] - 2024-05-25


  • Vercel AI SDK Integration: Migrated from Langchain to the Vercel AI SDK for a more streamlined and efficient integration with AI models. The Vercel AI SDK provides a simpler and more straightforward approach to interacting with AI models, reducing unnecessary complexity in the codebase.


  • Langchain Dependency: Uninstalled Langchain to simplify the codebase and reduce unnecessary complexity. While Langchain provided useful functionality, it was deemed redundant given the capabilities of the Vercel AI SDK. An example of the previous Langchain integration can still be found in the file in the package folder for reference.


  • Memoized Message Component: Implemented memoization for the Message component using React.memo. This optimization helps prevent unnecessary re-renders of the Message component by only re-rendering when its props change. Memoization improves performance by reducing the number of re-renders, especially in scenarios with large amounts of messages and frequent updates, such as streaming.

[v1.2.0] - 2024-05-24


  • Enhanced Chat List Deletion: Improved the chat list deletion process with robust checking and validation using Zod. When a chat is deleted, only the associated tag is revalidated, optimizing cache management and avoiding unnecessary clearing of the entire cache for the aichat component.

  • Upgraded Chat Component: Enriched the chat component with a range of new features and enhancements:

    • Expanded support for multiple AI models, including GPT-3.5, GPT-4, and Claude AI Opus, catering to diverse user preferences.
    • Implemented a responsive design that dynamically adjusts the chat width and size based on screen size, responsize screensize across devices.
    • Added a convenient "scroll to top" button for effortless navigation within lengthy chat conversations.
    • Improved error handling and introduced user-friendly error messages to guide users and maintain a smooth interaction flow.
    • Enabled copy-to-clipboard functionality for assistant messages, allowing users to easily capture and share AI-generated responses.
    • Enhanced code block rendering with syntax highlighting and language detection, providing a visually appealing and readable format for shared code snippets.
    • Upgraded the chat input area with multiline support, retry and stop buttons, and optimized integration with the selected AI model, enhancing the overall user input experience.

[v1.1.0] - 2024-05-23


  • Swipeable Chat List Drawers: Introduced swipeable chat list drawers, enhancing the mobile user experience by providing intuitive navigation and management of chats.
  • Claude AI Opus Integration: Expanded the available AI models by integrating Claude AI Opus, offering users an additional option for their chat interactions.
  • Abort Signal Handling: Implemented abort signal functionality, allowing users to gracefully cancel ongoing chat requests, improving overall application responsiveness.
  • Partial Chat Save: Developed a robust partial chat save mechanism. In the event of a user aborting the chat mid-stream or a stream failure, the application now stores the generated content up to that point, minimizing data loss and ensuring a more reliable user experience.


  • Optimized Drawer Rendering: Enhanced drawer rendering performance for users with numerous chats by leveraging useMemo to minimize unnecessary re-renders, resulting in a smoother and more efficient user interface.
  • Optimized UseChat Component: Improved the UseChat component's responsiveness and performance across various screen sizes, providing a consistent and optimized user experience.

[v1.0.0] - 2024-05-22


  • Latest AI Package: Upgraded to the most recent AI package from Vercel, leveraging the latest advancements in artificial intelligence technology.
  • Langchain Upgrade: Updated to the newest version of Langchain, enhancing the integration and communication between the application and AI models.
  • Chat History Feature: Introduced chat history feature, enabling users to easily access and reference their previous conversations.
  • Mobile-Friendly Chat: Implemented a responsive chat interface that dynamically adapts its width and size based on the user's screen size, ensuring optimal usability across various devices.
  • Modern Authentication Pages: Revamped the /auth page with a sleek and professional design for sign-in, sign-up, and password reset flows, elevating the overall user experience and visual appeal.

Table of Contents


  • Robust Authentication: Utilize Supabase's comprehensive auth capabilities alongside SSR for enhanced security.
  • Performance: Leverage server-side rendering for faster load times and improved user experience.
  • Next.js Integration: Specifically designed for easy integration with Next.js 14 projects.

Getting Started



  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the Project Directory

    cd SupabaseAuthWithSSR
  3. Install Required Packages

    npm install

Database Setup

Before launching your application, you must configure the database schema within Supabase.

  1. Create the Users Table

    create table users (
      -- UUID from auth.users
      id uuid references auth.users not null primary key,
      full_name text,

    This SQL statement creates a users table with columns for storing user data such as id, full_name. The id column is a foreign key referencing the auth.users table.

  2. Enable Row Level Security (RLS)

    alter table users enable row level security;
    create policy "Can view own user data." on users for select using (auth.uid() = id);
    create policy "Can update own user data." on users for update using (auth.uid() = id);

    These SQL statements enable Row Level Security (RLS) on the users table and create policies to allow users to view and update their own data.

  3. Create a Trigger Function

    create function public.handle_new_user()
    returns trigger as $$
      insert into public.users (id, full_name)
      values (, new.raw_user_meta_data->>'full_name');
      return new;
    $$ language plpgsql security definer;

    This SQL function is a trigger function that automatically inserts a new user entry into the public.users table when a new user signs up via Supabase Auth. It extracts the id, full_name from the auth.users table and inserts them into the corresponding columns in the public.users table.

  4. Create a Trigger

    create trigger on_auth_user_created
      after insert on auth.users
      for each row execute procedure public.handle_new_user();

    This SQL statement creates a trigger named on_auth_user_created that executes the public.handle_new_user() function after each new user is inserted into the auth.users table.

  5. Sign Up for an Account

    • Navigate to http://localhost:3000/auth in your web browser.
    • Use the sign-up form to create an account. Ensure you use a valid email address that you have access to, as you'll need to verify it in the next step.
  6. Verify Your Email

    • After signing up, Supabase will send an email to the address you provided. Check your inbox for an email from Supabase or your application.
    • Open the email and click on the verification link to confirm your email address. This step is crucial for activating your account and ensuring that you can log in and access the application's features.

Setting Up the Error Feedback Database in Supabase OPTIONAL

Step 1: Create the error_feedback Table

To store error feedback data, execute this SQL query in your Supabase SQL editor:

CREATE TABLE error_feedback (
    feedback TEXT NOT NULL,
    category TEXT,
    errorMessage TEXT,
    errorStack TEXT,

This table will store feedback messages, their categories, any associated error messages, and the error stack trace to help with debugging.

Step 2: Configure Row Level Security (RLS)

  1. Enable RLS for the error_feedback table:

    • Navigate to Authentication > Policies in your Supabase project dashboard.
    • Select the error_feedback table and enable RLS.
  2. Create an RLS policy for inserts (Optional):

    • If you want to restrict who can insert data into this table, you can create a policy.
    • Click "New Policy", provide a name like Allow feedback insertion.
    • Set the Policy Definition to allow INSERT operations.
    • For the Using expression, you could use (auth.role() = 'authenticated') to only allow authenticated users to insert feedback.
    • Leave the Check expression as is if no further restrictions are needed or adjust according to your requirements.
    • Ensure the Policy Command is set to INSERT.

Environment Variables

Configure your environment by renaming .env.local.example to .env.local and updating it with your Supabase project details:

  • NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL: Your Supabase project URL.
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY: Your Supabase anon (public) key.

Optional variables for extended functionality:


For third-party auth configurations, include:


For Openai, Perplexity and Upstash/Redis


πŸ” Usage

πŸ“– Follow the provided examples to integrate Supabase Auth with SSR in your Next.js project.

πŸ“§ Email Templates

To ensure that the authentication flow works correctly with the API routes provided in this codebase, please update your email templates in the Supabase project settings according to the templates provided below:

Confirm Your Signup

When users sign up, they'll receive an email to confirm their account. The template should look like this:

<!doctype html>
    <title>Confirm Your Signup</title>
    <!-- Add styles and head content here -->
    <div class="container">
      <div class="header">
        <h1>Welcome to You Company Name</h1>

      <h2>Confirm your signup</h2>
      <p>Follow this link to confirm your user:</p>
        href="{{ .SiteURL }}/api/auth/callback?token_hash={{ .TokenHash }}&type=email"
        >Confirm your email</a

      <div class="footer">
          For any queries, reach out to us at
          <a href="mailto:[email protected]"
            >[email protected]</a

Invite User Email When you invite new users to your platform, they should receive an invitation like this:

<h2>You have been invited</h2>
  You have been invited to create a user on {{ .SiteURL }}. Follow this link to
  accept the invite:
  href="{{ .SiteURL }}/api/auth/callback?token_hash={{ .TokenHash }}&type=invite&next=/auth-password-update"
  >Accept the invite</a

Magic Link Email For passwordless login, the magic link email template should be set as follows:

<h2>Magic Link</h2>
<p>Follow this link to login:</p>
  href="{{ .SiteURL }}/api/auth/callback?token_hash={{ .TokenHash }}&type=email"
  >Log In</a

Confirm Email Change When users need to confirm their new email, use the following template:

<h2>Confirm Change of Email</h2>
  Follow this link to confirm the update of your email from {{ .Email }} to {{
  .NewEmail }}:
<a href="{{ .ConfirmationURL }}">Change Email</a>

Reset Password Email For users that have requested a password reset:

<h2>Reset Password</h2>
<p>Follow this link to reset the password for your user:</p>
  href="{{ .SiteURL }}/api/auth/callback?token_hash={{ .TokenHash }}&type=recovery&next=/auth-password-update"
  >Reset Password</a

Chat Interface Integration

OpenAI and Perplexity API

This project includes integration with OpenAI and Perplexity API endpoints for powering an advanced chat interface. Users can interact with an AI model, with the option to switch between different models or APIs for varied responses.

Upstash Redis for Chat History

Chat conversations are stored and managed using Upstash Redis, allowing for efficient retrieval of chat history. This ensures users can access previous conversations, enhancing the chat experience.


To integrate the chat features:

  1. Set Up API Routes: Create API routes in your Next.js project for interacting with OpenAI and Perplexity API.

  2. Configure Upstash Redis: Set up Upstash Redis for storing chat conversations. Ensure environment variables for Upstash Redis are correctly configured.

  3. Update the Chat Interface: Utilize the provided chat interface component, adjusting the API endpoint based on the selected model type.

πŸ“œ License

πŸ”– Licensed under the MIT License. See for details.

πŸ™ Acknowledgements

  • πŸŽ‰ A special thank you to the Supabase team for developing such a versatile and user-friendly tool. Their commitment to making database interaction seamless and efficient has greatly enhanced this project.
  • πŸ›  Appreciation goes to TypeScript for its powerful type system that makes JavaScript code safer and easier to understand. This project leverages TypeScript to ensure code reliability and maintainability.
  • 🌐 Thanks to Vercel for their innovative platform and tools like @vercel/ai, which simplify the deployment process and enhance the integration of AI features into web applications.
  • πŸ€– Gratitude to Langchain for their toolkit that makes it easier to build language AI applications, enabling this project to integrate complex AI functionalities with ease.
  • πŸ’‘ This project also benefits from the innovative @supabase/ssr package, which seamlessly integrates Supabase authentication with Next.js server-side rendering, providing a robust foundation for secure and efficient user authentication.

Each of these contributions has been invaluable in creating a comprehensive, secure, and user-friendly application. Thank you for your tools, services, and the community support that makes projects like this possible.

πŸ“¦ Packages Used

  • 🧰 Material-UI (@mui/material, @mui/icons-material): Provides a comprehensive suite of UI tools for React applications.
  • 🎨 @emotion/react, @emotion/styled, @emotion/cache: CSS-in-JS libraries used for styling components in a more expressive and dynamic way.
  • πŸš€ @supabase/supabase-js, @supabase/ssr: Official Supabase client for JavaScript, enabling interaction with Supabase services including authentication, database queries, and more, with support for server-side rendering.
  • πŸ–Ό Next.js (next): A React framework for building server-rendered applications, static websites, and more.
  • βš›οΈ React (react, react-dom): A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • πŸ†• @mui/material-nextjs: An experimental package for integrating Material-UI with Next.js projects.
  • πŸ€– Langchain (langchain): A toolkit for building language AI applications, simplifying the integration of large language models.
  • 🧠 AI by Vercel (@vercel/ai): Provides easy access to AI tools and models directly within the Vercel platform.
  • πŸ“ React Markdown (react-markdown): A component to render Markdown text in React applications, used for formatting chat messages.

Each package plays a crucial role in building, styling, and securing the application, ensuring a seamless user experience and robust functionality.


Welcome to the Supabase Auth using the SSR package repository! This project showcases how to effortlessly integrate authentication in your Next.js projects using the power of Supabase and its new server-side rendering (SSR) capabilities.







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