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Cloud DevOps Internship 2024

Here's a detailed weekly task plan with technical documentation assignments for a 2-month AWS and DevOps internship:

Week 1: Orientation and Basics


  1. Day 1-2: Orientation

    • Read and understand the company's orientation materials.
    • Set up the development environment and access necessary tools.
    • Install VSCode, Git, Docker, Minikube, Terraform, Jenkins, Chef, Puppet.
    • Set VM (VMware, Virtual Box) | Linux OS - ubuntu, redhat OS*
  2. Day 3-5: Basics

    • AWS: Set up an AWS account, create IAM users, and assign roles.
    • Git & GitHub: Install Git, create a GitHub account, initialize a repository, and practice basic Git commands (clone, add, commit, push, pull).
    • Documentation: Write a README file for the GitHub repository.

Technical Documentation:

  • Create a guide on setting up an AWS account and configuring IAM roles.
  • Write a tutorial on Git basics and GitHub repository management.

Week 2: AWS Core Services


  1. AWS:

    • Launch EC2 instances, configure security groups, and manage key pairs.
    • Create and manage S3 buckets, upload and retrieve data.
  2. Git & GitHub:

    • Work on collaborative workflows: forks, pull requests, code reviews.

Technical Documentation:

  • Document the process of launching EC2 instances and managing S3 buckets.
  • Write a guide on collaborative workflows in GitHub.

Week 3: Containerization with Docker


  1. Docker:

    • Install Docker and understand its architecture.
    • Build, run, and manage Docker containers.
    • Use Docker Hub to pull images and push custom images.
  2. Project: Create a Dockerfile for a simple web application and run it locally.

Technical Documentation:

  • Create a Docker installation and usage guide.
  • Write a tutorial on creating and managing Docker containers.

Week 4: Container Orchestration with Kubernetes


  1. Kubernetes:

    • Install Minikube and set up a local Kubernetes cluster.
    • Deploy applications to Kubernetes, manage pods, and services.
  2. Project: Deploy the Dockerized web application to Kubernetes.

Technical Documentation:

  • Document the steps to set up Minikube and deploy applications on Kubernetes.
  • Write a guide on Kubernetes core concepts and architecture.

Week 5: Infrastructure as Code with Terraform


  1. Terraform:

    • Install Terraform and understand its architecture.
    • Write basic Terraform configurations to provision AWS resources.
  2. Project: Use Terraform to provision an EC2 instance and S3 bucket.

Technical Documentation:

  • Create a Terraform installation and usage guide.
  • Write a tutorial on provisioning AWS resources with Terraform.

Week 6: Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment with Jenkins


  1. Jenkins:

    • Install Jenkins and understand its architecture.
    • Create and configure Jenkins jobs.
    • Set up a CI/CD pipeline for the Dockerized web application.
  2. Project: Automate the build and deployment of the Dockerized application using Jenkins.

Technical Documentation:

  • Document the installation and configuration of Jenkins.
  • Write a guide on setting up CI/CD pipelines with Jenkins.

Week 7: Configuration Management with Ansible and Chef


  1. Ansible:

    • Install Ansible and understand its architecture.
    • Write and run Ansible playbooks.
  2. Chef:

    • Install Chef and understand its architecture.
    • Write Chef recipes.
  3. Project: Use Ansible and Chef to automate the configuration of a web server.

Technical Documentation:

  • Create an Ansible installation and playbook writing guide.
  • Write a tutorial on Chef installation and recipe writing.

Week 8: Configuration Management with Puppet and Final Project


  1. Puppet:

    • Install Puppet and understand its architecture.
    • Write Puppet manifests and apply configurations.
  2. Final Project:

    • Combine all the tools and concepts learned throughout the internship.
    • Design and implement a complete CI/CD pipeline with infrastructure provisioning, configuration management, and application deployment.

Technical Documentation:

  • Document the installation and usage of Puppet.
  • Write a comprehensive guide on building a complete CI/CD pipeline using the learned tools.

Weekly Review and Feedback

  • At the end of each week, review the tasks completed.
  • Provide feedback and address any challenges faced.
  • Plan for the next week’s tasks based on progress and learning pace.

This detailed plan ensures that the interns have structured tasks each week, along with the creation of technical documentation to reinforce their learning and provide a valuable resource for future reference.


Cloud DevOps Internship 2024







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