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Releases: Azure/azure-sdk-for-go


19 Sep 17:47
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0.2.2 (2024-09-19)

Features Added

  • Add AuthenticationClient enabling third party libraries to interact with container and artifact registries

Other Changes

  • Updated dependencies.


18 Sep 18:08
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1.3.1 (2024-09-18)

Features Added

  • Upgraded service version to 2024-08-04.


18 Sep 17:48
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1.4.1 (2024-09-18)

Features Added

  • Added crc64 response header to Put Blob.
  • Upgraded service version to 2024-08-04.


18 Sep 08:37
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1.0.0 (2024-09-09)

Breaking Changes

  • Function *AccountsClient.BeginUpdate parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, string, AccountUpdateRequest, *AccountsClientBeginUpdateOptions) to (context.Context, string, AccountPatch, *AccountsClientBeginUpdateOptions)
  • Function *CustomersClient.Get parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, string, string, *CustomersClientGetOptions) to (context.Context, string, string, string, *CustomersClientGetOptions)
  • Function *EnrollmentAccountsClient.Get parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, string, *EnrollmentAccountsClientGetOptions) to (context.Context, string, string, *EnrollmentAccountsClientGetOptions)
  • Function *InvoicesClient.Get parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, string, string, *InvoicesClientGetOptions) to (context.Context, string, *InvoicesClientGetOptions)
  • Function *InvoicesClient.NewListByBillingAccountPager parameter(s) have been changed from (string, string, string, *InvoicesClientListByBillingAccountOptions) to (string, *InvoicesClientListByBillingAccountOptions)
  • Function *InvoicesClient.NewListByBillingProfilePager parameter(s) have been changed from (string, string, string, string, *InvoicesClientListByBillingProfileOptions) to (string, string, *InvoicesClientListByBillingProfileOptions)
  • Function *InvoicesClient.NewListByBillingSubscriptionPager parameter(s) have been changed from (string, string, *InvoicesClientListByBillingSubscriptionOptions) to (*InvoicesClientListByBillingSubscriptionOptions)
  • Function *PermissionsClient.NewListByCustomerPager parameter(s) have been changed from (string, string, *PermissionsClientListByCustomerOptions) to (string, string, string, *PermissionsClientListByCustomerOptions)
  • Function NewPoliciesClient parameter(s) have been changed from (azcore.TokenCredential, *arm.ClientOptions) to (string, azcore.TokenCredential, *arm.ClientOptions)
  • Function *PoliciesClient.GetByCustomer parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, string, string, *PoliciesClientGetByCustomerOptions) to (context.Context, string, string, string, ServiceDefinedResourceName, *PoliciesClientGetByCustomerOptions)
  • Function *ProductsClient.Update parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, string, string, Product, *ProductsClientUpdateOptions) to (context.Context, string, string, ProductPatch, *ProductsClientUpdateOptions)
  • Function NewSubscriptionsClient parameter(s) have been changed from (string, azcore.TokenCredential, *arm.ClientOptions) to (azcore.TokenCredential, *arm.ClientOptions)
  • Function *SubscriptionsClient.BeginMove parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, string, TransferBillingSubscriptionRequestProperties, *SubscriptionsClientBeginMoveOptions) to (context.Context, string, string, MoveBillingSubscriptionRequest, *SubscriptionsClientBeginMoveOptions)
  • Function *SubscriptionsClient.Get parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, string, *SubscriptionsClientGetOptions) to (context.Context, string, string, *SubscriptionsClientGetOptions)
  • Function *SubscriptionsClient.NewListByCustomerPager parameter(s) have been changed from (string, string, *SubscriptionsClientListByCustomerOptions) to (string, string, string, *SubscriptionsClientListByCustomerOptions)
  • Type of AccountProperties.EnrollmentDetails has been changed from *Enrollment to *AccountPropertiesEnrollmentDetails
  • Type of AccountProperties.SoldTo has been changed from *AddressDetails to *AccountPropertiesSoldTo
  • Type of AgreementProperties.BillingProfileInfo has been changed from *ProfileInfo to []*ProfileInfo
  • Type of AgreementProperties.Participants has been changed from []*Participants to []*Participant
  • Type of AvailableBalanceProperties.Amount has been changed from *Amount to *AvailableBalancePropertiesAmount
  • Type of CustomerPolicyProperties.ViewCharges has been changed from *ViewCharges to *ViewChargesPolicy
  • Type of EnrollmentAccountListResult.Value has been changed from []*EnrollmentAccountSummary to []*EnrollmentAccount
  • Type of ErrorResponse.Error has been changed from *ErrorDetails to *ErrorDetail
  • Type of InvoiceProperties.AmountDue has been changed from *Amount to *InvoicePropertiesAmountDue
  • Type of InvoiceProperties.AzurePrepaymentApplied has been changed from *Amount to *InvoicePropertiesAzurePrepaymentApplied
  • Type of InvoiceProperties.BilledAmount has been changed from *Amount to *InvoicePropertiesBilledAmount
  • Type of InvoiceProperties.CreditAmount has been changed from *Amount to *InvoicePropertiesCreditAmount
  • Type of InvoiceProperties.Documents has been changed from []*Document to []*InvoiceDocument
  • Type of InvoiceProperties.FreeAzureCreditApplied has been changed from *Amount to *InvoicePropertiesFreeAzureCreditApplied
  • Type of InvoiceProperties.Payments has been changed from []*PaymentProperties to []*Payment
  • Type of InvoiceProperties.RebillDetails has been changed from map[string]*RebillDetails to *InvoicePropertiesRebillDetails
  • Type of InvoiceProperties.SubTotal has been changed from *Amount to *InvoicePropertiesSubTotal
  • Type of InvoiceProperties.TaxAmount has been changed from *Amount to *InvoicePropertiesTaxAmount
  • Type of InvoiceProperties.TotalAmount has been changed from *Amount to *InvoicePropertiesTotalAmount
  • Type of InvoiceSectionProperties.TargetCloud has been changed from *TargetCloud to *string
  • Type of InvoiceSectionWithCreateSubPermission.BillingProfileSpendingLimit has been changed from *SpendingLimitForBillingProfile to *SpendingLimit
  • Type of InvoiceSectionWithCreateSubPermission.BillingProfileStatusReasonCode has been changed from *StatusReasonCodeForBillingProfile to *BillingProfileStatusReasonCode
  • Type of ProductProperties.BillingFrequency has been changed from *BillingFrequency to *string
  • Type of ProductProperties.EndDate has been changed from *time.Time to *string
  • Type of ProductProperties.LastCharge has been changed from *Amount to *ProductPropertiesLastCharge
  • Type of ProductProperties.LastChargeDate has been changed from *time.Time to *string
  • Type of ProductProperties.PurchaseDate has been changed from *time.Time to *string
  • Type of ProductProperties.Quantity has been changed from *float32 to *int64
  • Type of ProductProperties.Reseller has been changed from *Reseller to *ProductPropertiesReseller
  • Type of ProductProperties.Status has been changed from *ProductStatusType to *ProductStatus
  • Type of ProfileProperties.BillTo has been changed from *AddressDetails to *ProfilePropertiesBillTo
  • Type of ProfileProperties.IndirectRelationshipInfo has been changed from *IndirectRelationshipInfo to *ProfilePropertiesIndirectRelationshipInfo
  • Type of ProfileProperties.StatusReasonCode has been changed from *StatusReasonCode to *BillingProfileStatusReasonCode
  • Type of ProfileProperties.TargetClouds has been changed from []*TargetCloud to []*string
  • Type of PropertyProperties.BillingProfileSpendingLimit has been changed from *BillingProfileSpendingLimit to *SpendingLimit
  • Type of RebillDetails.RebillDetails has been changed from map[string]*RebillDetails to *RebillDetails
  • Type of ReservationProperty.EffectiveDateTime has been changed from *string to *time.Time
  • Type of RoleAssignmentProperties.CreatedOn has been changed from *string to *time.Time
  • Type of RoleDefinitionProperties.Permissions has been changed from []*PermissionsProperties to []*Permission
  • Type of TransactionProperties.AzureCreditApplied has been changed from *Amount to *TransactionPropertiesAzureCreditApplied
  • Type of TransactionProperties.EffectivePrice has been changed from *Amount to *TransactionPropertiesEffectivePrice
  • Type of TransactionProperties.Kind has been changed from *TransactionTypeKind to *TransactionKind
  • Type of TransactionProperties.MarketPrice has been changed from *Amount to *TransactionPropertiesMarketPrice
  • Type of TransactionProperties.SubTotal has been changed from *Amount to *TransactionPropertiesSubTotal
  • Type of TransactionProperties.Tax has been changed from *Amount to *TransactionPropertiesTax
  • Type of TransactionProperties.TransactionAmount has been changed from *Amount to *TransactionPropertiesTransactionAmount
  • Type of TransactionProperties.TransactionType has been changed from *ReservationType to *string
  • InvoiceTypeAzureService from enum InvoiceType has been removed
  • SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCodeNotAvailableForDestinationMarket from enum SubscriptionTransferValidationErrorCode has been removed
  • Enum BillingFrequency has been removed
  • Enum BillingProfileSpendingLimit has been removed
  • Enum BillingSubscriptionStatusType has been removed
  • Enum DocumentType has been removed
  • Enum ProductStatusType has been removed
  • Enum ProductTransferValidationErrorCode has been removed
  • Enum ReservationType has been removed
  • Enum SpendingLimitForBillingProfile has been removed
  • Enum StatusReasonCode has been removed
  • Enum StatusReasonCodeForBillingProfile has been removed
  • Enum TargetCloud has been removed
  • Enum TransactionTypeKind has been removed
  • Enum ViewCharges has been removed
  • Function *AvailableBalancesClient.Get has been removed
  • Function *ClientFactory.NewInstructionsClient has been removed
  • Function *ClientFactory.NewPeriodsClient has been removed
  • Function *ClientFactory.NewRoleDefinitionsClient has been removed
  • Function *EnrollmentAccountsClient.NewListPager has been removed
  • Function NewInstructionsClient has been removed
  • Function *InstructionsClient.Get has been removed
  • Function *InstructionsClient.NewListByBillingProfilePager has...
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19 Sep 20:26
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0.4.2 (2024-09-19)

Features Added

  • A new field has been added to StorageLifecyclePolicyCompletedEventData:
    • TierToColdSummary


18 Sep 20:58
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1.1.0-beta.1 (2024-09-18)

Features Added

  • Added batch query functionality


17 Sep 16:25
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1.8.0-beta.3 (2024-09-17)

Features Added

  • Added ObjectID type for ManagedIdentityCredentialOptions.ID

Other Changes

  • Removed redundant content from error messages


11 Sep 18:19
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1.7.2 (2024-09-11)

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a bug where cancelling RenewMessageLock() calls could cause hangs in future RenewMessageLock calls. (PR#23400)


11 Sep 17:47
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1.1.0 (2024-09-10)

Features Added

  • Added support for OpenTelemetry trace spans. See PR 23268
  • Added support for MaxIntegratedCacheStaleness option See PR 23406

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed sending Prefer header with return=minimal value on metadata operations. See PR 23335
  • Fixed routing metadata requests to satellite regions when using ClientOptions.PreferredRegions and multiple write region accounts. See PR 23339


10 Sep 22:53
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0.2.1 (2024-09-10)

Features Added

  • Added support for the FileSearch tool definition.
  • Added ChunkingStrategy to vector store creation APIs.