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File metadata and controls

38 lines (30 loc) · 1.53 KB

Project Overview

This section is to provide a high level overview of the project. You don't need to have a perfect mental model of the project, but knowing how things generally fit together will be helpful.

Model Relationships

There are only a few models, but they are inter-related. They are Post, Category, User, Subscription, SubscriptionNotification.

  • Post has a M2M (many to many) to Category.
  • Post has a FK (foreign key / 1 to many) to User.
  • User has a nullable 1:1 (one to one) to Subscription.
  • Subscription has a M2M to Category
  • SubscriptionNotification has a FK to Subscription.
  • SubscriptionNotification has a FK to Post.
    Post }o--o{ Category : "0..* to 0..*"
    Post ||--o{ User : "1 to 0..*"
    User ||--o| Subscription : "1 to 0..1"
    Subscription }o--o{ Category : "0..* to 0..*"
    SubscriptionNotification ||--|{ Subscription : "1 to 1..*"
    SubscriptionNotification ||--|{ Post : "1 to 1..*"


The Post model is worth discussing briefly as it's the center of the project. The fields to be aware of are:

  • is_public - Controls whether an unauthenticated user can view the post on the site.
  • is_published - Signals that a post is no longer a draft and should be accessible to non-staff users.
  • publish_at - Allows the author to schedule a post to be published in the future.
  • publish_date - This is a calculated property that identfies the Post's publish datetime. It returns publish_at if set otherwise created.