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≡ contacts API

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contacts API

The contacts API allows to access and manage the user's contacts.

.. rst-class:: api-main-section


.. api-member::
   :name: :permission:`addressBooks`

   Read and modify your address books and contacts

.. api-member::
   :name: :permission:`sensitiveDataUpload`

   Transfer sensitive user data (if access has been granted) to a remote server for further processing

.. rst-class:: api-permission-info


The permission addressBooks is required to use messenger.contacts.*.

.. rst-class:: api-main-section


create(parentId, [id], properties)

.. api-section-annotation-hack::

Adds a new contact to the address book with the id parentId.

.. api-header::
   :label: Parameters

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``parentId``
      :type: (string)

   .. api-member::
      :name: [``id``]
      :type: (string, optional)

      Assigns the contact an id. If an existing contact has this id, an exception is thrown. **Note:** Deprecated, the card's id should be specified in the vCard string instead.

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``properties``
      :type: (:ref:`contacts.ContactProperties`)

      The properties object for the new contact. If it includes a :value:`vCard` member, all specified `legacy properties <>`__ are ignored and the new contact will be based on the provided vCard string. If a UID is specified in the vCard string, which is already used by another contact, an exception is thrown. **Note:** Using individual properties is deprecated, use the :value:`vCard` member instead.

.. api-header::
   :label: Return type (`Promise`_)

   .. api-member::
      :type: string

      The ID of the new contact.

   .. _Promise:

.. api-header::
   :label: Required permissions

   - :permission:`addressBooks`


.. api-section-annotation-hack::

Removes a contact from the address book. The contact is also removed from any mailing lists it is a member of.

.. api-header::
   :label: Parameters

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``id``
      :type: (string)

.. api-header::
   :label: Required permissions

   - :permission:`addressBooks`


.. api-section-annotation-hack::

Gets a single contact.

.. api-header::
   :label: Parameters

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``id``
      :type: (string)

.. api-header::
   :label: Return type (`Promise`_)

   .. api-member::
      :type: :ref:`contacts.ContactNode`

   .. _Promise:

.. api-header::
   :label: Required permissions

   - :permission:`addressBooks`


.. api-section-annotation-hack:: -- [Added in TB 106]

Gets the photo associated with this contact. Returns null, if no photo is available.

.. api-header::
   :label: Parameters

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``id``
      :type: (string)

.. api-header::
   :label: Return type (`Promise`_)

   .. api-member::
      :type: `File <>`__ or null

   .. _Promise:

.. api-header::
   :label: Required permissions

   - :permission:`addressBooks`


.. api-section-annotation-hack::

Gets all the contacts in the address book with the id parentId.

.. api-header::
   :label: Parameters

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``parentId``
      :type: (string)

.. api-header::
   :label: Return type (`Promise`_)

   .. api-member::
      :type: array of :ref:`contacts.ContactNode`

   .. _Promise:

.. api-header::
   :label: Required permissions

   - :permission:`addressBooks`

quickSearch([parentId], queryInfo)

.. api-section-annotation-hack::

Gets all contacts matching queryInfo in the address book with the id parentId.

.. api-header::
   :label: Parameters

   .. api-member::
      :name: [``parentId``]
      :type: (string, optional)

      The id of the address book to search. If not specified, all address books are searched.

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``queryInfo``
      :type: (string or :ref:`contacts.QueryInfo`)

      Either a *string* with one or more space-separated terms to search for, or a complex :ref:`contacts.QueryInfo` search query.

.. api-header::
   :label: Return type (`Promise`_)

   .. api-member::
      :type: array of :ref:`contacts.ContactNode`

   .. _Promise:

.. api-header::
   :label: Required permissions

   - :permission:`addressBooks`

setPhoto(id, file)

.. api-section-annotation-hack:: -- [Added in TB 107]

Sets the photo associated with this contact.

.. api-header::
   :label: Parameters

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``id``
      :type: (string)

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``file``
      :type: (`File <>`__)

.. api-header::
   :label: Required permissions

   - :permission:`addressBooks`

update(id, properties)

.. api-section-annotation-hack::

Updates a contact.

.. api-header::
   :label: Parameters

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``id``
      :type: (string)

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``properties``
      :type: (:ref:`contacts.ContactProperties`)

      An object with properties to update the specified contact. Individual properties are removed, if they are set to :value:`null`. If the provided object includes a :value:`vCard` member, all specified `legacy properties <>`__ are ignored and the details of the contact will be replaced by the provided vCard. Changes to the UID will be ignored. **Note:** Using individual properties is deprecated, use the :value:`vCard` member instead.

.. api-header::
   :label: Required permissions

   - :permission:`addressBooks`

.. rst-class:: api-main-section



.. api-section-annotation-hack::

Fired when a contact is created.

.. api-header::
   :label: Parameters for onCreated.addListener(listener)

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``listener(node)``

      A function that will be called when this event occurs.

.. api-header::
   :label: Parameters passed to the listener function

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``node``
      :type: (:ref:`contacts.ContactNode`)

.. api-header::
   :label: Required permissions

   - :permission:`addressBooks`


.. api-section-annotation-hack::

Fired when a contact is removed from an address book.

.. api-header::
   :label: Parameters for onDeleted.addListener(listener)

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``listener(parentId, id)``

      A function that will be called when this event occurs.

.. api-header::
   :label: Parameters passed to the listener function

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``parentId``
      :type: (string)

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``id``
      :type: (string)

.. api-header::
   :label: Required permissions

   - :permission:`addressBooks`


.. api-section-annotation-hack::

Fired when a contact is changed.

.. api-header::
   :label: Parameters for onUpdated.addListener(listener)

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``listener(node, changedProperties)``

      A function that will be called when this event occurs.

.. api-header::
   :label: Parameters passed to the listener function

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``node``
      :type: (:ref:`contacts.ContactNode`)

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``changedProperties``
      :type: (:ref:`contacts.PropertyChange`)
      :annotation: -- [Added in TB 83]

.. api-header::
   :label: Required permissions

   - :permission:`addressBooks`

.. rst-class:: api-main-section



.. api-section-annotation-hack::

A node representing a contact in an address book.

.. api-header::
   :label: object

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``id``
      :type: (string)

      The unique identifier for the node. IDs are unique within the current profile, and they remain valid even after the program is restarted.

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``properties``
      :type: (:ref:`contacts.ContactProperties`)

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``type``
      :type: (:ref:`addressBooks.NodeType`)

      Always set to :value:`contact`.

   .. api-member::
      :name: [``parentId``]
      :type: (string, optional)

      The :value:`id` of the parent object.

   .. api-member::
      :name: [``readOnly``]
      :type: (boolean, optional)

      Indicates if the object is read-only.

   .. api-member::
      :name: [``remote``]
      :type: (boolean, optional)

      Indicates if the object came from a remote address book.


.. api-section-annotation-hack::

A set of individual properties for a particular contact, and its vCard string. Further information can be found in :doc:`examples/vcard`.

.. api-header::
   :label: object

   .. api-member::
      :name: ``vCard``
      :annotation: -- [Added in TB 102]


.. api-section-annotation-hack:: -- [Added in TB 83]

A dictionary of changed properties. Keys are the property name that changed, values are an object containing oldValue and newValue. Values can be either a string or null.

.. api-header::
   :label: object


.. api-section-annotation-hack:: -- [Added in TB 91]

Object defining a query for :ref:`contacts.quickSearch`.

.. api-header::
   :label: object

   .. api-member::
      :name: [``includeLocal``]
      :type: (boolean, optional)

      Whether to include results from local address books. Defaults to :value:`true`.

   .. api-member::
      :name: [``includeReadOnly``]
      :type: (boolean, optional)

      Whether to include results from read-only address books. Defaults to :value:`true`.

   .. api-member::
      :name: [``includeReadWrite``]
      :type: (boolean, optional)

      Whether to include results from read-write address books. Defaults to :value:`true`.

   .. api-member::
      :name: [``includeRemote``]
      :type: (boolean, optional)

      Whether to include results from remote address books. Defaults to :value:`true`.

   .. api-member::
      :name: [``searchString``]
      :type: (string, optional)

      One or more space-separated terms to search for in predefined contact fields (defined by the preference :value:`mail.addr_book.quicksearchquery.format`).