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Releases: shenwei356/seqkit

fakit v0.2.3

06 May 08:21
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  • reduce memory occupation by avoid copy data when convert string to []byte
  • speedup reverse-complement by avoid repeatedly calling functions

fakit v0.2.2 optimization never stop

01 May 17:52
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  • reduce memory occupation of subcommands that use FASTA index

fakit v0.2.1 with further performance improvement of outputing

29 Apr 09:27
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  • _with further performance improvement of outputing_
  • fix bug of fakit seq -g for FASTA fromat
  • some other minor fix of code and docs
  • update benchmark results

fakit v0.2.0 with lower memory usage

28 Apr 05:02
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  • _reduce memory usage of writing output_
  • fix bug of subseq, shuffle, sort when reading from stdin
  • reduce memory usage of faidx
  • make validating sequences an optional option in seq command, it saves some time.

fakit v0.1.9

26 Apr 12:51
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  • using custom FASTA index file extension: .fakit.fai
  • reducing memory usage of sample --number --two-pass
  • _change default CPU number to 2 for multi-cpus computer, and 1 for single-CPU computer_
  • and some optimizations
  • update benchmark and docs.

fakit v0.1.8 utilizes faidx to improve performance and reduce memory usage

24 Apr 15:17
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  • add subcommand rename to rename duplicated IDs
  • add subcommand faidx to create FASTA index file
  • _utilize faidx to improve performance of subseq_
  • _shuffle, sort and split support two-pass mode (by flag -2) with faidx to reduce memory usage._
  • document updates

fakit v0.1.7 with support for (multi-line) FASTQ format

21 Apr 06:49
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  • _add support for (multi-line) FASTQ format_
  • update document, add technical details
  • rename subcommands fa2tab and tab2fa to fx2tab and tab2fx
  • add subcommand fq2fa
  • add column "seq_format" to stat
  • add global flag -b (--bufer-size)
  • little change of flag in subseq and some other commands

fakit v0.1.6 with new command `replace`

07 Apr 06:39
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add subcommand replace


replace name/sequence/by regular expression.

Note that the replacement supports capture variables.
e.g. $1 represents the text of the first submatch.
ATTENTION: use SINGLE quote NOT double quotes in *nix OS.

Examples: Adding space to all bases.

    fakit replace -p "(.)" -r '$1 ' -s

Or use the \ escape character.

    fakit replace -p "(.)" -r "\$1 " -s

more on:

  fakit replace [flags]

  -s, --by-seq               replace seq
  -i, --ignore-case          ignore case
  -p, --pattern string       search regular expression
  -r, --replacement string   replacement. supporting capture variables.  e.g. $1 represents the text of the first submatch. ATTENTION: use SINGLE quote NOT double quotes in *nix OS or use the \ escape character.


  1. Remove descriptions

    $ echo -e ">seq1 abc-123\nACGT-ACGT" | fakit replace -p " .+"
  2. Replace "-" with "="

    $ echo -e ">seq1 abc-123\nACGT-ACGT" | fakit replace -p "\-" -r '='
    >seq1 abc=123
  3. Remove gaps in sequences.

    $ echo -e ">seq1 abc-123\nACGT-ACGT" | fakit replace -p " |-" -s
    >seq1 abc-123
  4. Add space to every base. *ATTENTION: use SINGLE quote NOT double quotes in nix OS

    $ echo -e ">seq1 abc-123\nACGT-ACGT" | fakit replace -p "(.)" -r '$1 ' -s
    >seq1 abc-123
    A C G T - A C G T
  5. Transpose sequence with csvtk

    $ echo -e ">seq1\nACTGACGT\n>seq2\nactgccgt" | fakit replace -p "(.)" -r  "\$1 " -s | fakit seq -s -u | csvtk space2tab | csvtk -t transpose
    A       A
    C       C
    T       T
    G       G
    A       C
    C       C
    G       G
    T       T

fakit v0.1.5.2

06 Apr 03:34
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  • fix bug of grep, when not using flag -r, flag -i will not take effect.

fakit v0.1.5.1

29 Mar 05:47
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- fix result of `fakit sample -n`
- fix benchmark scripts