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Mohpic's Layouts

The Morphic Library of Pharo is a low level UI framework. This page aims at describing how to layout morphes together.

Row layout

This layout displays a morph's submorphs horizontally aligned. By default, the submorphs display start at the topLeft corner of the morph. With this layout, the submorphs are display in a array. This array associate a submorph with a cell of the array. The size of a cell in Y depends of the max size of the morph in Y. However, the length in X of a cell depends of the size of the submorph who are displayed in this cell. We modify the display of the submorph with several attribut :

  • cellPositioning takes several values : center, bottomLeft, bottomRight, topLeft, topRight. This value allow to modify the display of the submorphs.
  • cellInset : set a space between each cell of the morph, it takes an integer.
  • extent : set the size of the morph, it takes a point.
  • hResizing : allows to modify a morph horizontally. It takes several value : shrinkWrap, spaceFill, rigid.
    • rigid allows to not modify the morph
    • shrinkWrap resizes the morph to fit the frame of his submorph
    • spaceFill fills the empty space with this morph
  • vResizing: allows to modify a morph vertically. It takes the same value as hResizing.

Example 1 : Row layout with two morphs

alt text

| m1 m2 m3|
m1 := Morph new layoutPolicy: RowLayout new; yourself.
m2 := Morph new color: Color green.
m3 := Morph new color: Color yellow.
m1 addMorph: m2.
m1 addMorph: m3.
m1 openInWorld.`

Example 2 : Row layout with three morphs

alt text

| m1 m2 m3 m4|
m1 := Morph new layoutPolicy: RowLayout new; yourself.
m2 := Morph new color: Color green.
m3 := Morph new color: Color yellow.
m4 := Morph new color: Color purple.
m1 addMorph: m2.
m1 addMorph: m3.
m1 addMorph: m4.
m1 openInWorld.

Example 3 : Row layout with two morphs with cellPositioning : bottomLeft

alt text

| m1 m2 m3|
m1 := Morph new color: Color blue; layoutPolicy: RowLayout new;extent: (200@200);cellPositioning: #bottomLeft; yourself.
m2 := Morph new color: Color green.
m3 := Morph new color: Color yellow; extent: (100@100); yourself.
m1 addMorph: m2.
m1 addMorph: m3.
m1 openInWorld .

Example 4 : Row layout with two morphs with cellPositioning : center

alt text

|m1 m2 m3|
m1 := Morph new color: Color blue; layoutPolicy: RowLayout new; extent: (200@200); cellPositioning: #center; yourself.
m2 := Morph new color: Color green.
m3 := Morph new color: Color yellow; extent: (100@100); yourself.
m1 addMorph: m2.
m1 addMorph: m3.
m1 openInWorld .

Exemple 5 : Row layout example with two morphs with cellPositioning : topLeft

alt text

|m1 m2 m3|
m1 := Morph new color: Color blue; layoutPolicy: RowLayout new; extent: (200@200); cellPositioning: #topLeft; yourself.
m2 := Morph new color: Color green.
m3 := Morph new color: Color yellow; extent: (100@100); yourself.
m1 addMorph: m2.
m1 addMorph: m3.
m1 openInWorld .

Exemple 6 : Row layout with hResizing and vResizing : spaceFill

alt text

| m1 m2 m3|
m1 := Morph new layoutPolicy: RowLayout new; yourself.
m1 extent: 250@250.
m2 := Morph new color: Color green.
m3 := Morph new color: Color purple.
m2 vResizing: #spaceFill.
m2 hResizing: #spaceFill.
m3 extent: 100@100.
m1 addMorph: m2.
m1 addMorph: m3.
m1 openInWorld.

Exemple 7 : Row layout with hResizing and vResizing : shrinkWrap

alt text

| m1 m2 m3|
m1 := Morph new layoutPolicy: RowLayout new; yourself.
m1 vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
m1 hResizing: #shrinkWrap.
m1 extent: 250@250.
m2 := Morph new color: Color green.
m3 := Morph new color: Color purple.

m3 extent: 100@100.
m1 addMorph: m2.
m1 addMorph: m3.
m1 openInWorld.

Table Layout

The layout is processed like this: For computing the new layout for the children of any morph, we start with an initial rectangle which is provided as a reference.

Step 1: The first step of this layout computation is to compute the minimum extent each of our children can have. The minimum extent is mapped through both the local layout frame of the morph (for relative positioning) and the global layout frame (for insets, such as cursor indication) to obtain the minimal size required for each cell.

Step 2: Based on the cell sizes, the number of cells we can put into each row and column is computed. For equal spacing, the maximum size of the cells is taken into account here.

Step 3: Based on the row/column sizes, we compute the extra space which should be added to each row/column. For:

  • #leftFlush/#topFlush - we add all extra space add the end
  • #rightFlush/#bottomFlush - we add all extra space at the start
  • #centering - we add 1/2 of the extra space at start and end
  • #justified - we distribute the space evenly between the morphs

NOTE: If any #spaceFill morphs are encountered during this step, #justified is implied and the space is exclusively and equally distributed between those #spaceFill morphs. This is for backward compatibility and should never be necessary in the new regime.

Step 4: The morphs are placed in the computed cells and the extra space is distributed as necessary. Placing the submorphs is done by mapping through the global and the local layout frame as requested.

Start point: => bounds: new rectangle for the morph.

Compute basic arrangement of morphs: => For each submorph compute minExtent

  • if global layout frame inset in global layout frame
  • if local layout frame inset in local layout frame => Compute number of morphs per, width and height of row/column
  • if equal spacing based on max size => Compute extra space per row/column
  • if centering = #justified; distribute space equally
  • if centering #leftFlush/#topFlush (-1) add start extra
  • if centering #rightFlush/#bottomFlush (1) add end extra
  • if centering #centered add 1/2 extra to start/end <extra space must be float and rounded accordingly!> => Place morphs in appropriate cells
  • if global layout frame inset in global layout frame
  • if local layout frame inset in local layout frame <will likely cause #layoutChanged by submorphs>

Distribute morphs in row/column:

=> Compute the max length of each row/column

Example 1 : Table layout with two morphs

alt text

|m1 m2 m3|
m1 := Morph new layoutPolicy: TableLayout new; yourself.
m2 := Morph new color: Color green.
m3 := Morph new color: Color yellow.
m1 addMorph: m2.
m1 addMorph: m3.
m1 openInWorld.

Example 2 : Table layout with three morphs

alt text

|m1 m2 m3 m4|
m1 := Morph new layoutPolicy: TableLayout new; yourself.
m2 := Morph new color: Color green.
m3 := Morph new color: Color yellow.
m4 := Morph new color: Color purple.
m1 addMorph: m2.
m1 addMorph: m3.
m1 addMorph: m4.
m1 openInWorld.

Exemple 3 : Table layout with two morphs with cellPositioning : center

alt text

|m1 m2 m3|
m1 := Morph new color: Color blue; layoutPolicy: TableLayout new; extent: (200@200); cellPositioning: #center; yourself.
m2 := Morph new color: Color green.
m3 := Morph new color: Color yellow; extent:  (100@100); yourself.
m1 addMorph: m2.
m1 addMorph: m3.
m1 openInWorld.

Exemple 4 : Table layout with two morphs with cellPositioning : topLeft

alt text

|m1 m2 m3|
m1 := Morph new color: Color blue; layoutPolicy: TableLayout new; extent: (200@200); cellPositioning: #topRight; yourself.
m2 := Morph new color: Color green.
m3 := Morph new color: Color yellow; extent: (100@100); yourself.
m1 addMorph: m2.
m1 addMorph: m3.
m1 openInWorld.

Exemple 5 : Table layout with two morphs with cellPositioning : topRight

alt text

|m1 m2 m3|
m1 := Morph new color: Color blue; layoutPolicy: TableLayout new; extent: (200@200); cellPositioning: #topLeft; yourself.
m2 :=  Morph new color: Color green.
m3 := Morph new color: Color yellow; extent: (100@100); yourself.
m1 addMorph: m2.
m1 addMorph: m3.
m1 openInWorld.

Exemple 6 : Table layout with vResizing and hResizing : shrinkWrap.

alt text

| m1 m2 m3 m4|
m1 := Morph new layoutPolicy: TableLayout new; yourself.
m1 vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
m1 hResizing: #shrinkWrap.
m1 extent: 1500@1500.
m2 := Morph new color: Color green.
m3 := Morph new color: Color yellow.
m4 := Morph new color: Color purple.
m4 extent: 100@100.
m1 addMorph: m2.
m1 addMorph: m3.
m1 addMorph: m4.
m1 openInWorld.

Exemple 7 : Table layout with vResizing and hResizing : spaceFill

alt text

| m1 m2 m3|
m1 := Morph new layoutPolicy: TableLayout new; yourself.
m1 extent: 250@250.
m2 := Morph new color: Color green.
m3 := Morph new color: Color purple.
m2 vResizing: #spaceFill.
m2 hResizing: #spaceFill.
m3 extent: 100@100.
m1 addMorph: m2.
m1 addMorph: m3.
m1 openInWorld.

Exemple 8 : Table layout with wrapCentering : center

alt text

| m1 m2 m3 |
m1 := Morph new layoutPolicy: TableLayout new; yourself.
m2 := Morph new color: Color green.
m3 := Morph new color: Color yellow; layoutPolicy: TableLayout new; yourself.
m1 extent: 200@200.
m1 wrapCentering: #center.
m1 addMorph: m2.
m3 extent: (100@100).
m1 addMorph: m3.
m1 openInWorld.

Exemple 9 : Table layout with wrapCentering : bottomRight

alt text

| m1 m2 m3 |
m1 := Morph new layoutPolicy: TableLayout new; yourself.
m2 := Morph new color: Color green.
m3 := Morph new color: Color yellow; layoutPolicy: TableLayout new; yourself.
m1 extent: 200@200.
m1 wrapCentering: #bottomRight.
m1 addMorph: m2.
m3 extent: (100@100).
m1 addMorph: m3.
m1 openInWorld.

Exemple 10 : Table layout with wrapCentering : topLeft

alt text

| m1 m2 m3 |
m1 := Morph new layoutPolicy: TableLayout new; yourself.
m2 := Morph new color: Color green.
m3 := Morph new color: Color yellow; layoutPolicy: TableLayout new; yourself.
m1 extent: 200@200.
m1 wrapCentering: #topLeft.
m1 addMorph: m2.
m3 extent: (100@100).
m1 addMorph: m3.
m1 openInWorld.

Stack Layout

Unstack the submorphs at the center of the morph in default. It could be a problem if the last submorph unstack was bigger than the other submorph, because the last one was display on the other. It takes several attribut but the most relevant attribut was :

  • cellPositioning
  • extent cellPositioning set the point of reference to display morph. For example, if the value was center, the morphs were gonna display with the center, if the value was : topRight, they gonna stack on the top right corner of parent morph

Example 1 : Stack layout with two morphs with lower morph extent

alt text

|m1 m2 m3|
m1 := Morph new layoutPolicy: StackLayout new; yourself.
m2 :=  Morph new color: Color green; extent: (100@100); yourself.
m3 := Morph new color: Color yellow .
m1 addMorph: m2.
m1 addMorph: m3.
m1 openInWorld.

Example 2 : Stack layout with two morphs with upper morph extent

alt text

|m1 m2 m3|
m1 := Morph new layoutPolicy: StackLayout new ; yourself.
m2 :=  Morph new color: Color green.
m3 := Morph new color: Color yellow; extent: (100@100); yourself .
m1 addMorph: m2.
m1 addMorph: m3.
m1 openInWorld.

Exemple 3 : Stack layout with two morphs with cellPositioning : topRight

alt text

|m1 m2 m3|
m1 := Morph new layoutPolicy: StackLayout new; cellPositioning: #topRight; yourself.
m2 :=  Morph new color: Color green; extent: (100@100); yourself.
m3 := Morph new color: Color yellow .
m1 addMorph: m2.
m1 addMorph: m3.
m1 openInWorld.  

Exemple 4 : Stack layout with two morphs with cellPositioning : bottomRight

alt text

|m1 m2 m3|
m1 := Morph new layoutPolicy: StackLayout new; cellPositioning: #bottomRight; yourself.
m2 :=  Morph new color: Color green; extent: (100@100); yourself.
m3 := Morph new color: Color yellow .
m1 addMorph: m2.
m1 addMorph: m3.
m1 openInWorld.

Proportionnal layout

This layout allows to modify the relative size of a submorph when the size of the container change. The goal is to change proportionnaly to the size of the morph. For doing this, the submorph need a frame where it will be display. This frame is a percentage of the morph. For example: if we give a frame of (0 @ 0 corner: 0.5 @ 0.5) to a submorph, it occupies 25% of the morph. And if we resize the container, the size of the submorph will be resize proportionaly to stay with a occupied frame of 25%.

Exemple 1 : Proportionnal layout with 25% of the morph area.

alt text

|frame sub|
m1 :=SystemWindow new.
m1 layoutPolicy: ProportionalLayout new.
frame := (0 @ 0 corner: 0.5 @ 0.5) asLayoutFrame .
sub := Morph new color: Color red.
m1 addMorph: sub fullFrame: frame.
m1 extent:300@300.
m1 openInWorld.

Exemple 2 : Proportionnal layout with 50% of the morph area.

alt text

|frame sub|
m1 :=SystemWindow new.
m1 layoutPolicy: ProportionalLayout new.
frame := (0 @ 0 corner: 1.0 @ 0.5) asLayoutFrame .
sub := Morph new color: Color red.
m1 addMorph: sub fullFrame: frame.
m1 extent:300@300.
m1 openInWorld.

Example 3 : Proportionnal layout with 100% of the morph area.

alt text

|frame sub|
m1 :=SystemWindow new.
m1 layoutPolicy: ProportionalLayout new.
frame := (0 @ 0 corner: 1.0 @ 1.0) asLayoutFrame .
sub := Morph new color: Color red.
m1 addMorph: sub fullFrame: frame.
m1 extent:300@300.
m1 openInWorld.

Example 4 : Proportionnal layout with 2 Morph, each Morph was display on 50% of the morph area.

alt text

|frame sub|
m1 := SystemWindow new.
m1 layoutPolicy: ProportionalLayout new.
frame := (0 @ 0 corner: 1.0 @ 1.0) asLayoutFrame .
sub := Morph new layoutPolicy: TableLayout new.
m3 := Morph new color: Color green; yourself.
m2 := Morph new color: Color red; yourself.
sub addMorph: m2 fullFrame: frame.
sub addMorph: m3 fullFrame: frame.
m1 addMorph: sub fullFrame: frame.
m1 extent: 300@300.
m1 openInWorld.

Example 5: Proportional layout with scrollbar alt text

| window scrollPane pasteUpMorph |
	window := Morph new layoutPolicy: ProportionalLayout new.
	window extent: (500@500).
	scrollPane := ScrollPane new.
	pasteUpMorph := Morph new color: Color yellow .
	pasteUpMorph extent: 1000@1000.
	scrollPane scroller addMorph: pasteUpMorph.
	window addMorph: scrollPane fullFrame: (0@0 corner: 1@1).

	window openInWorld.


No minimal size in particular