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Peter Rohde drpeterrohde
Quantum computer scientist & alpinist

Sydney, Australia

Moein (Surgeon) mrpintime
One Data Scientist said: I will Find your Data and turn them Against dictatorship of Your Mind With no Mask no Doubt.
Songtao Gui songtaogui
I study pop-genetics of crops.

SDAU Tai'an

Yueh-Hua Tu yuehhua
AI scientist in HII. Bioinformatics Ph.D. in computational biology. Founder of Julia Taiwan. Enthusiast of ML/DL and science.

Human Intelligence Integration Taiwan

Lucas Alves da Silva lucasilvalves
I'm too much of an erratic, moody baby! I don't have the passion anymore and so remember, its better to burn out than to fade away.

CEADIS São Paulo