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Inspection guide

The Basics

Consider you have a view:

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        Text("Hello, world!")

Your test file would look like this:

import XCTest
import ViewInspector // 1.
@testable import MyApp

final class ContentViewTests: XCTestCase {

    func testStringValue() throws { // 2.
        let sut = ContentView()
        let value = try sut.inspect().implicitAnyView().text().string() // 3.
        XCTAssertEqual(value, "Hello, world!")

So, you need to do the following:

  1. Add import ViewInspector
  2. Annotate the test function with throws keyword to not mess with the bulky do { } catch { }. Test fails automatically upon exception.
  3. Start the inspection with .inspect() function

After the .inspect() call you need to repeat the structure of the body by chaining corresponding functions named after the SwiftUI views.

Note that Swift compiler v6, shipped as part of Xcode 16, began to insert implicit AnyView views in the view hierarchy. Although the logical structure of CustomView in the example doesn't have AnyView, after compilation it is there, so we need to unwrap it with .anyView(), or, if we want to express this isn't our AnyView, with .implicitAnyView() call.

struct MyView: View {
    var body: some View {
        HStack {

struct OtherView: View {
    var body: some View {

In this case you can obtain access to the Text("Ok") with the following chain:

let view = MyView()

Note that after .hStack() you're required to provide the index of the view you're retrieving: .anyView(1). For obtaining Text("Hi") you'd call .text(0).

You can save the intermediate result in a variable and reuse it for further inspection:

let view = MyView()
let hStack = try view.inspect().implicitAnyView().hStack()
let hiText = try hStack.text(0)
let okText = try hStack.anyView(1).view(OtherView.self).text()

Alternatively, you can use the subscript syntax: hStack[1].anyView(). All the multiple-descendants views, such as hStack, provide the standard set of functions available for a RandomAccessCollection, including count, map, first(where: ), etc.

Dynamic query with find

Alternatively to writing the full path to the target view you can use one of the find functions so the library could locate the view for you.

find is fully compatible with the inspection call chain and can be triggered at any step:

try sut.inspect().implicitAnyView().anyView().find(ViewType.HStack.self).text(1)

try sut.inspect().find(where: { ... }).zStack()

You can query for a specific view with find or use findAll to get an array of all matching views.

The find traverses the hierarchy in the breadth-first order until it finds the first matching view. If none are found it throws an exception.

The findAll traverses the entire hierarchy in depth-first order and returns an array of all matching views. It does not throw and returns an empty array if none are found.

Here are a few examples of the find functions made available:

.find(text: "xyz") // returns Text
.find(button: "xyz") // returns Button which label contains Text("xyz")
.find(viewWithId: 7) // returns a view with modifier .id(7)
.find(viewWithTag: "Home") // returns a view with modifier .tag("Home")
.find(ViewType.HStack.self) // returns the first found HStack
.find(CustomView.self) // returns CustomView
.find(viewWithAccessibilityLabel: "Play button") // returns the first view with accessibilityLabel "Play button"
.find(viewWithAccessibilityIdentifier: "play_button") // returns the first view with accessibilityIdentifier "play_button"

where condition

Some of the functions also accept an additional parameter where for specifying a condition:

.find(ViewType.Text.self, where: { try $0.string() == "abc" })

The above is identical to .find(text: "abc")


If you want to assure the library found the correct view you can read the pathToRoot value from any view to see the full inspection path:

let view = try sut.inspect().find(viewWithId: 42)
// print(view.pathToRoot) in the code or
// lldb: po view.pathToRoot


There could be a use case when you want to find a specific view which only difference lays in its child views.

For example, locating a TableViewCell by its title.

In such a scenario you can find the child first, and then shift the focus to its parent.

Each view has a property parent, returning an anonymous view that you can unwrap and inspect:

let view = AnyView(HStack { Text("abc") })
let text = try sut.inspect().find(text: "abc")
let hStack = try text.parent().hStack()
let anyView = try text.parent().parent().anyView()

Alternatively, you can use find with parameter relation: .parent for locating a specific parent view:

let anyView = try text.find(ViewType.AnyView.self, relation: .parent)

The default value for the relation parameter is .child, but .parent inverts the direction of the search outwards.

So here is how you could find a TableViewCell by title:

let title = try sut.inspect().find(text: "Cell's title")
let cell = try title.find(TableViewCell.self, relation: .parent)

... or simply use this other variation of the find function:

let cell = try sut.find(TableViewCell.self, containing: "Cell's title")

This function accepts either a custom view type or types like ViewType.HStack, searches for a specific Text first and then locates the parent view of a given type.

Generic find function

All the find functions are based on one most generic version, that takes the relation, traversal, skipFound and where parameters:

let text = try sut.inspect()
    .find(relation: .child, traversal: .breadthFirst, skipFound: 2, where: {
        try $0.text().string() == "abc"

The parameter traversal allows you to toggle between "breadth-first" and "depth-first" traversal algorithms (defaults to breadthFirst).

The parameter skipFound is the number of matches you want to skip before returning the matching view you need (defaults to 0).

The condition is called with an anonymous view, giving you the flexibility of either unwrapping it for verifying its type or just assuring a certain modifier is applied.

Here is how find(viewWithId:) is implemented in the library:

func find(viewWithId id: AnyHashable) throws -> InspectableView<ViewType.ClassifiedView> {
    return try find(where: { try $ == id })

It does not care about the type of the view, but assures the id modifier exists and the values match.

Your custom find functions

Lastly, you can define your own find function for convenience by extending the InspectableView type:

extension InspectableView {
    func find(textWithFont font: Font) throws -> InspectableView<ViewType.Text> {
        return try find(ViewType.Text.self, where: {
            try $0.attributes().font() == font

let text = try sut.find(textWithFont: .headline)

Inspectable attributes

ViewInspector provides access to various parameters held inside Views.

For a particular view type, there might be available values of alignment or spacing. For another, there could be labelView – a non-standard child view.

ViewInspector's API coverage is the place where you can see all the attributes available for each view type.

Let's consider NavigationLink as an example: it offers contained view, label view, isActive: Bool, activate() and deactivate().

While the last three are self-explanatory, you can see it contains two views: one for the destination, another for the label.

The destination view is the "default" child, which gets returned as you continue chaining the view inspection calls (such as hStack() or view(MyCustomView.self)) after the navigationLink(). Such a direct descendant view is referred to as "contained view".

Label view, on the other hand, is an additional child view available for inspection on NavigationLink. In order to direct ViewInspector to that view, use labelView() call after the navigationLink().

Let's say we have a view with a NavigationLink inside a VStack. The view body looks likes this:

var body: some View {
    NavigationView {
        VStack {
            // ...Various subviews...
            NavigationLink(destination: MyView(parameter: "Screen 1") {

Test code can find this NavigationLink either by traversing the tree or by searching for a navigation link with the given label:

let link = try sut.inspect().find(navigationLink: "Continue")

We can unwrap its contained view to test the parameter:

let nextView = try link.view(MyView.self).actualView()
XCTAssertEqual(nextView.parameter, "Screen 1")

or unwrap the label view and read its contents:

let label = try link.labelView().text()
XCTAssertEqual(try label.string(), "Continue")

Views using @Binding

ViewInspector provides a helper initializer for the Binding that you can use to test such views without the need to define a @State variable:

func testBindingValueChanges() throws {
    let flag = Binding<Bool>(wrappedValue: false)
    let sut = ContentView(binding: flag)
    try sut.inspect().button().tap()

Views using @ObservedObject

ViewInspector provides full support for such views, so you can inspect them without any intervention in the source code.

Unlike the views using @State, @Environment or @EnvironmentObject, the state changes inside @Binding and @ObservedObject can be evaluated with synchronous tests. You may consider, however, using the asynchronous approach described below, just for the sake of the tests consistency.

Views using @State, @Environment or @EnvironmentObject

Inspection of these views requires a tiny refactoring of the view's source code, and you can choose between two approaches: the first one is more lightweight, the second one is more flexible.

Approach #1

Consider you have a view with a @State variable:

struct ContentView: View {

    @State var flag: Bool = false
    var body: some View {
        Button(action: {
        }, label: { Text(flag ? "True" : "False") })

You can inspect it after adding these two lines:

struct ContentView: View {

    @State var flag: Bool = false
    internal var didAppear: ((Self) -> Void)? // 1.
    var body: some View {
        Button(action: {
        }, label: { Text(flag ? "True" : "False") })
        .onAppear { self.didAppear?(self) } // 2.

The inspection will be fully functional inside the didAppear callback. You can configure the didAppear manually, or use a convenience function on(_ keyPath:):

func testStateValueChanges() {
    var sut = ContentView()
    let exp = sut.on(\.didAppear) { view in
        XCTAssertFalse(try view.actualView().flag)
        try view.button().tap()
        XCTAssertTrue(try view.actualView().flag)
    } sut)
    wait(for: [exp], timeout: 0.1)

An advantage of this variant is simplicity and a minimal intrusion in the source code. The downside is lack of flexibility: it is impossible to inspect the view in an arbitrary moment after onAppear.

Approach #2

This one works for more complex test scenarios where we want to inspect the view after a time span or when it receives an update from a publisher.

Here is a code snippet that you need to include in the build target to make it work:

import Combine
import SwiftUI

internal final class Inspection<V> {

    let notice = PassthroughSubject<UInt, Never>()
    var callbacks = [UInt: (V) -> Void]()

    func visit(_ view: V, _ line: UInt) {
        if let callback = callbacks.removeValue(forKey: line) {

This code is intentionally not included in the ViewInspector so that your build target could remain independent from the framework, and since it requires internal access level it doesn't leave a trace.

After you add that class Inspection<V> to the build target, you should extend it in the test target with conformance to InspectionEmissary protocol:

extension Inspection: InspectionEmissary { }

Once you add these two snippets, the ViewInspector will be fully armed for inspecting any custom views with all types of the state.

For the same sample view we considered in approach #1, instead of onAppear / didAppear dance we should use another two lines:

struct ContentView: View {

    @State var flag: Bool = false
    internal let inspection = Inspection<Self>() // 1.
    var body: some View {
        Button(action: {
        }, label: { Text(flag ? "True" : "False") })
        .onReceive(inspection.notice) { self.inspection.visit(self, $0) } // 2.

This allows us not only to repeat the original test case functionality:

final class ContentViewTests: XCTestCase {

    func testButtonTogglesFlag() {
        let sut = ContentView()
        let exp = sut.inspection.inspect { view in
            XCTAssertFalse(try view.actualView().flag)
            try view.button().tap()
            XCTAssertTrue(try view.actualView().flag)
        } sut)
        wait(for: [exp], timeout: 0.1)

... but also to gain the ability to delay the inspection:

let exp = sut.inspection.inspect(after: 0.5) { view in

... inspect right after a Publisher emits a value:

let exp = sut.inspection.inspect(onReceive: publisher) { view in

... and run multiple inspections within a single test:

final class ContentViewTests: XCTestCase {

    func testPublisherChangingValue() {
        let publisher = PassthroughSubject<Bool, Never>()
        let sut = ContentView(publisher: publisher)
        let exp1 = sut.inspection.inspect { view in
            XCTAssertFalse(try view.actualView().flag)
        let exp2 = sut.inspection.inspect(onReceive: publisher) { view in
            XCTAssertTrue(try view.actualView().flag)
        let exp3 = sut.inspection.inspect(after: 0.2) { view in
            XCTAssertFalse(try view.actualView().flag)
        wait(for: [exp1, exp2, exp3], timeout: 0.3)

Note that the inspection callbacks are one-time-use. So if you need to inspect the view for multiple values emitted by a publisher, you can configure the test the following way:

let exp1 = sut.inspection.inspect(onReceive: publisher) { view in
    // First value received
let exp2 = sut.inspection.inspect(onReceive: publisher.dropFirst()) { view in
    // Second value received

For the case of @Environment or @EnvironmentObject, you can perform the injection before hosting the view: sut.environmentObject(...))

Custom ViewModifier

You can inspect custom ViewModifier independently, or together with the parent view hierarchy, to which the ViewModifier is applied using .modifier(...). Consider an example:

struct MyViewModifier: ViewModifier {
    func body(content: Self.Content) -> some View {
            .padding(.top, 15)

The following test shows how you can extract the modifier and its content placeholder view using modifier(_ type: T.Type) and viewModifierContent() inspection calls respectively:

func testCustomViewModifierAppliedToHierarchy() throws {
    let sut = EmptyView().modifier(MyViewModifier())
    let modifier = try sut.inspect().emptyView().modifier(MyViewModifier.self)
    let content = try modifier.viewModifierContent()
    XCTAssertTrue(try content.hasPadding(.top))
    XCTAssertEqual(try content.padding(.top), 15)

If your ViewModifier uses references to SwiftUI state or environment, you may need to appeal to asynchronous inspection, similar to the custom view inspection techniques.

Approach #1:

struct MyViewModifier: ViewModifier {
    var didAppear: ((Self) -> Void)? // 1.
    func body(content: Self.Content) -> some View {
            .padding(.top, 15)
            .onAppear { self.didAppear?(self) } // 2.

Here is how you'd verify that MyViewModifier applies the padding:

func testViewModifier() {
    var sut = MyViewModifier()
    let exp = sut.on(\.didAppear) { modifier in
        XCTAssertEqual(try modifier.viewModifierContent().padding(.top), 15)
    let view = EmptyView().modifier(sut) view)
    wait(for: [exp], timeout: 0.1)

Approach #2:

struct MyViewModifier: ViewModifier {
    let inspection = Inspection<Self>() // 1.
    func body(content: Self.Content) -> some View {
            .padding(.top, 15)
            .onReceive(inspection.notice) { self.inspection.visit(self, $0) } // 2.

And the test:

func testViewModifier() {
    let sut = MyViewModifier()
    let exp = sut.inspection.inspect(after: 0.1) { modifier in
        XCTAssertEqual(try modifier.viewModifierContent().padding(.top), 15)
    let view = EmptyView().modifier(sut) view)
    wait(for: [exp], timeout: 0.2)

If your custom ViewModifier references an @EnvironmentObject or requires setting an EnvironmentKey, you can do that right before hosting a view with the modifier:

let view = EmptyView().modifier(sut).environmentObject(envObject) view)

Inspecting a mix of UIKit and SwiftUI

If your custom view is UIViewRepresentable or UIViewControllerRepresentable, there is a possibility of accessing its genuine UIKit instance on screen:

let swiftuiView = try sut.inspect().find(MyCustomView.self)
let uikitView = try swiftuiView.actualView().uiView() // or .viewController()

Note that UIKit hierarchy gets added on screen asynchronously - so you need to use one of the async inspection approaches discussed above. See some examples in the tests.

From there you can use UIKit API to inspect subviews. However, if you're using UIKit just as a middleware and child content is again SwiftUI view, an easier way might be using the CustomInspectable protocol added as part of this proposal.

Async inspection

If you're writing an async test some of the APIs change slightly. The biggest change is to ViewHosting which now uses a closure.

let sut = TestView(flag: false)
try await { hostedView in
    try await hostedView.inspection.inspect { view in
        let text = try view.button().labelView().text().string()
        XCTAssertEqual(text, "false")

For instances where a test is async but the view utilizes Combine to listen to publisher changes there can be a situation where you need to make sure that inspection subscribes to a publisher in time. In these cases, it's advisable to use a task group.

let sut = TestView(flag: false)
try await { sut in
    try await withThrowingDiscardingTaskGroup { group in
        group.addTask {
            try await sut.inspection.inspect { view in
                let text = try view.button().labelView().text().string()
                XCTAssertEqual(text, "false")
        group.addTask {
            try await sut.inspection.inspect(onReceive: sut.publisher) { view in
                let text = try view.button().labelView().text().string()
                XCTAssertEqual(text, "true")

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