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1019 lines (902 loc) · 49.6 KB

File metadata and controls

1019 lines (902 loc) · 49.6 KB

Change Log

  • Fix unsoundness of template::UriTemplateStr


  • Fix unsoundness of template::UriTemplateStr
    • The type should have #[repr(transparent)] to compile safely but did not.
    • Any creations and uses of the value are undefined behavior without the fix, while the current version of the Rust compiler seems to happen to generate the expected binary (without any guarantee).
  • Fix calculation of template expansion error location.
    • Currently this just appears in an error message but not exposed through any other public API.
  • Add an iterator of variables that appears in a URI template.
  • Support URI template expansion with a mutable context.


  • Add an iterator of variables that appears in a URI template.
    • List of added items:
      • template::UriTemplateStr::variables() method
      • template::UriTemplateVariables<'_> iterator type
  • Support URI template expansion with a mutable context.
    • Add methods template::UriTemplateStr::expand_dynamic() and template::UriTemplateStr::expand_dynamic_to_string().
    • Add template::context::DynamicContext trait for mutable context.
    • Add template::context::Visitor::purpose() method and template::context::VisitPurpose type to enable users to know for what purpose the variable is being visited.


  • Fix calculation of template expansion error location.
    • Currently this error location info just appears in an error message (from <template::Error as std::fmt::Display>::fmt), but not exposed through any other public API.
  • Add easy conversion from an expanded template into IRI/URI string types.


  • Add easy conversion from an expanded template into IRI/URI string types.
    • List of added conversions:
      • TryFrom<template::Expanded<'_, S, C>> for types::RiAbsoluteString<S>
      • TryFrom<template::Expanded<'_, S, C>> for types::RiReferenceString<S>
      • TryFrom<template::Expanded<'_, S, C>> for types::RiRelativeString<S>
      • TryFrom<template::Expanded<'_, S, C>> for types::RiString<S>
  • Fix a bug that some abnormal IRIs that have no authority and end with /. resulted in wrong normalization that generate unintentional authorities.
    • Reported at #36.
  • Fix a bug that the normalization incorrectly omits percent-encoded triplets partially if they constitute invalid UTF-8 byte sequence.
    • Reported at #36.


  • Fix a bug that some abnormal IRIs that have no authority and end with /. resulted in wrong normalization that generate unintentional authorities.
    • Reported at #36.
    • IRI resolution and normalization had this bug, but only for IRIs without authority.
    • This happened when the resolution and normalization result should not contain an authority but the path part resulted in //..
      • For example, a:/.//. and a:/bar/..//. should be normalized to a:/.//, but the actual result was a:// due to this bug.
  • Fix a bug that the normalization incorrectly omits percent-encoded triplets partially if they constitute invalid UTF-8 byte sequence.
    • Reported at #36.
    • URIs and IRIs that only contains the percent-encoded triplets for valid UTF-8 byte sequences won't be affected.
  • Add new_unchecked() methods to string types.
  • Move template::VarName type into template::context module and deprecate the old name.
  • Add template::context::VarName::new() method.
  • Add component getters to resolve::FixedBaseResolver.
  • Fix some lint warnings detected by newer clippy.


  • Add new_unchecked() methods to string types.
    • List of added methods:
      • template::UriTemplateStr::new_unchecked()
      • template::UriTemplateString::new_unchecked()
      • types::RiAbsoluteStr::new_unchecked()
      • types::RiAbsoluteString::new_unchecked()
      • types::RiFragmentStr::new_unchecked()
      • types::RiFragmentString::new_unchecked()
      • types::RiQueryStr::new_unchecked()
      • types::RiQueryString::new_unchecked()
      • types::RiReferenceStr::new_unchecked()
      • types::RiReferenceString::new_unchecked()
      • types::RiRelativeStr::new_unchecked()
      • types::RiRelativeString::new_unchecked()
      • types::RiStr::new_unchecked()
      • types::RiString::new_unchecked()
  • Add template::context::VarName::new() method.
  • Add component getters to resolve::FixedBaseResolver.
    • List of added methods:
      • resolve::FixedBaseResolver::scheme_str()
      • resolve::FixedBaseResolver::authority_str()
      • resolve::FixedBaseResolver::path_str()
      • resolve::FixedBaseResolver::query()
      • resolve::FixedBaseResolver::query_str()
      • resolve::FixedBaseResolver::fragment_str()

Changed (non-breaking)

  • Move template::VarName type into template::context module and deprecate the old name.
    • The old name (template::VarName) is still available while it is marked as deprecated.
  • Add template module that contains URI Template (RFC 6570) processor.
  • Add PercentEncoded::{unreserve,characters} methods.
  • Remove "WHATWG" normalization.
    • Fixes the issue #29 and #30.
  • Add normalization that preserves relative path in some special condition.


  • Add template module that contains URI Template (RFC 6570) processor.
    • The processor supports nostd environment.
  • Add PercentEncoded::{unreserve,characters} methods.
    • List of added methods:
      • percent_encode::PercentEncoded::characters()
      • percent_encode::PercentEncoded::unreserve()
  • Add normalization that preserves relative path in some special condition.
    • When the authority component is absent and the path is relative, the dot-segments removal is not applied to the path. This behavior is inspired by WHATWG URL Standard, but the implementation is not guaranteed to follow that spec.
    • List of added items:
      • types::RiStr::normalize_but_preserve_authorityless_relative_path()
      • types::RiStr::is_normalized_but_authorityless_relative_path_preserved()
      • types::RiAbsoluteStr::normalize_but_preserve_authorityless_relative_path()
      • types::RiAbsoluteStr::is_normalized_but_authorityless_relative_path_preserved()
      • normalize::Normalized::and_normalize_but_preserve_authorityless_relative_path()
      • normalize::Normalized::enable_normalization_preserving_authorityless_relative_path()
    • Note that this normalization algorithm is not compatible with RFC 3986 algorithm for some inputs.

Changed (breaking)

  • Remove non-compliant "WHATWG" normalization.
    • Fixes the issue #29 and #30.
    • Previous implementations of normalization is described as "defined in WHATWG spec", but they were not compliant to the spec. Specifically, when the authority component is absent and the path is relative, WHATWG spec requires the path to be treated as "opaque", but the old implementation applied dot-segments removal to the path.
    • List of removed items:
      • types::RiStr::is_normalized_whatwg()
      • types::RiAbsoluteStr::is_normalized_whatwg()
  • Bump MSRV to 1.60.0.
  • Remove memchr-std, serde-alloc, and serde-std features.
  • Support escaping username and password by percent_encode::PercentEncode.
  • Add format module that contains utilities for types with Display trait impl.
    • Add format::ToStringFallible trait.
    • Add format::ToDedicatedString trait.
    • Add format::write_to_slice function and format::CapacityOverflow type.
    • Add format::try_append_to_string function.
  • Remove task module and task::ProcessAndWrite trait.
    • Remove task module.
    • Remove ProcessAndWrite trait implementation from percent_encode::PercentEncoded type.
    • Remove ProcessAndWrite trait implementation from convert::MappedToUri type.
  • Remove "task" types.
    • Remove normalize::NormalizationTask type.
    • Remove normalize::NormalizationTask type.
      • Use normalize::Normalized instead.
  • Change return types of some functions from task types or string types to Display-able types.
    • Change return types of {BorrowedIri}::encode_to_uri to convert::MappedToUri<'_, Self>.
    • Change return type of resolve::FixedBaseResolver::resolve() method to noramlize::Normalized.
    • Change return type of {BorrowedIri}::normalize() method to normalize::Normalized.
    • Change return type of {BorrowedIri}::resolve_against() method to normalize::Normalized.
    • Remove BufferError type.
  • Change API of IRI-to-URI conversion.
    • Rename {OwnedIri}::encode_to_uri to {OwnedIri}::encode_to_uri_inline.
    • Add {OwnedIri}::try_encode_to_uri_inline method.
    • Add {OwnedIri}::try_encode_into_uri method.
  • Make the methods impl of convert::MappedToUri<'_, T> generic over the spec.
  • Revome functions under resolve module.
  • Add normalize::Normalized type.
  • Remove some methods of resolve::FixedBaseResolver.
  • Rename {BorrowedIri}::is_normalized() methods to {BorrowedIri}::is_normalized_rfc3986().
  • Remove some methods of borrowed IRI string types.
  • Support password masking.
    • Add mask_password module.
    • Add {BorrowedIri}::mask_password method.
    • Add {OwnedIri}::remove_password_inline and {OwnedIri}::remove_nonempty_password_inline() methods.
  • Remove deprecated percent_encoding module and aliases defined in it.
  • Unify normalization of build::Builder.
    • Add build::Builder::normalize() method.
    • Add build::Built::ensure_rfc3986_normalizable() method.
    • Change return type of build::Builder::build().
    • Remove build::Builder::normalize_rfc3986() and build::Builder::normalize_whatwg() methods.
    • Remove build::Error type.
  • Stop accepting user part as Option<&str> type for build::Builder::userinfo
  • Reject user with colon characters on IRI build.
  • Allow builders to normalize path component of relative IRIs if safely possible.


  • Support escaping username and password by percent_encode::PercentEncode.
    • List of added functions: percen_encode::PercentEncode::from_user() percen_encode::PercentEncode::from_password()
  • Add format::ToStringFallible trait.
    • This trait allows users to convert Display-able values into String, but without panicking on OOM.
    • List of types that implements this trait:
      • build::Built<'_, RiReferenceStr<S>>
      • build::Built<'_, RiStr<S>>
      • build::Built<'_, RiAbsoluteStr<S>>
      • build::Built<'_, RiRelativeStr<S>>
  • Add format::ToDedicatedString trait.
    • This trait allows users to convert Display-able values into owned dedicated IRI string types, with or without panicking on OOM.
    • List of added implementations:
      • build::Built<'_, RiReferenceStr<S>> (Target = RiReferenceString<S>)
      • build::Built<'_, RiStr<S>> (Target = RiString<S>)
      • build::Built<'_, RiAbsoluteStr<S>> (Target = RiAbsoluteString<S>)
      • build::Built<'_, RiRelativeStr<S>> (Target = RiRelativeString<S>)
      • convert::MappedToUri<'_, RiReferenceStr<S>> (Target = RiReferenceString<S>)
      • convert::MappedToUri<'_, RiStr<S>> (Target = RiString<S>)
      • convert::MappedToUri<'_, RiAbsoluteStr<S>> (Target = RiAbsoluteString<S>)
      • convert::MappedToUri<'_, RiRelativeStr<S>> (Target = RiRelativeString<S>)
      • convert::MappedToUri<'_, RiQueryStr<S>> (Target = RiQueryString<S>)
      • convert::MappedToUri<'_, RiFragmentStr<S>> (Target = RiFragmentString<S>)
  • Add format::write_to_slice function and format::CapacityOverflow type.
  • Add format::try_append_to_string function.
  • Add {OwnedIri}::try_encode_to_uri_inline method.
  • Add {OwnedIri}::try_encode_into_uri method.
  • Add normalize::Normalized type.
    • This replaces normalize::NormalizationTask type in previous versions.
  • Add mask_password module.
    • Items in this module let users hide or replace password to keep sensitive information secret.
    • List of added items:
      • mask_password::PasswordMasked type
      • mask_password::PasswordReplaced type
  • Add {BorrowedIri}::mask_password method.
    • List of added methods:
      • types::RiReferenceStr::mask_password()
      • types::RiStr::mask_password()
      • types::RiAbsoluteStr::mask_password()
      • types::RiRelativeStr::mask_password()
  • Add {OwnedIri}::remove_password_inline and {OwnedIri}::remove_nonempty_password_inline() methods.
    • List of added methods:
      • types::RiReferenceString::remove_password_inline()
      • types::RiReferenceString::remove_nonempty_password_inline()
      • types::RiString::remove_password_inline()
      • types::RiString::remove_nonempty_password_inline()
      • types::RiAbsoluteString::remove_password_inline()
      • types::RiAbsoluteString::remove_nonempty_password_inline()
      • types::RiRelativeString::remove_password_inline()
      • types::RiRelativeString::remove_nonempty_password_inline()
  • Add build::Builder::normalize() method.
  • Add build::Built::ensure_rfc3986_normalizable() method.

Changed (breaking)

  • Bump MSRV to 1.60.0.
  • Remove memchr-std, serde-alloc, and serde-std features.
  • Remove ProcessAndWrite trait implementation from percent_encode::PercentEncoded type.
  • Remove ProcessAndWrite trait implementation from convert::MappedToUri type.
  • Change return types of {BorrowedIri}::encode_to_uri to convert::MappedToUri<'_, Self>.
    • The code borrowed.encode_to_uri() in older versions should be rewritten to borrowed.encode_to_uri().to_dedicated_string().
  • Rename {OwnedIri}::encode_to_uri to {OwnedIri}::encode_to_uri_inline.
  • Remove normalize::NormalizationTask type.
    • Use normalized::Normalized type instead.
  • Revome functions under resolve module.
    • List of removed functions:
      • resolve::resolve()
      • resolve::resolve_normalize()
      • resolve::resolve_whatwg()
      • resolve::resolve_normalize_whatwg()
      • resolve::try_resolve()
      • resolve::try_resolve_normalize()
      • resolve::try_resolve_whatwg()
      • resolve::try_resolve_normalize_whatwg()
  • Remove normalize::NormalizationTask type.
    • Use normalize::Normalized instead.
  • Remove some methods of resolve::FixedBaseResolver.
    • List fo removed methods:
      • resolve::FixedBaseResolver::try_resolve()
      • resolve::FixedBaseResolver::try_resolve_normalize()
      • resolve::FixedBaseResolver::resolve_normalize()
      • resolve::FixedBaseResolver::create_task()
      • resolve::FixedBaseResolver::create_normalizing_task()
  • Change return type of resolve::FixedBaseResolver::resolve() to noramlize::Normalized.
  • Rename {BorrowedIri}::is_normalized methods to {BorrowedIri}::is_normalized_rfc3986.
    • List of renamed methods:
      • types::RiStr::is_normalized to types::RiStr::is_normalized_rfc3986
      • types::RiAbsoluteStr::is_normalized to types::RiAbsoluteStr::is_normalized_rfc3986
  • Change return type of {BorrowedIri}::normalize() method to normalize::Normalized.
    • List of affected methods:
      • types::RiStr::normalize()
      • types::RiAbsoluteStr::normalize()
  • Remove some methods of borrowed IRI string types.
    • List of removed methods:
      • types::RiReferenceStr::try_resolve_against()
      • types::RiReferenceStr::try_resolve_whatwg_against()
      • types::RiReferenceStr::resolve_whatwg_against()
      • types::RiReferenceStr::try_resolve_normalize_against()
      • types::RiReferenceStr::resolve_normalize_against()
      • types::RiReferenceStr::try_resolve_normalize_whatwg_against()
      • types::RiReferenceStr::resolve_normalize_whatwg_against()
      • types::RiStr::try_normalize()
      • types::RiStr::try_normalize_whatwg()
      • types::RiStr::normalize_whatwg()
      • types::RiAbsoluteStr::try_normalize()
      • types::RiAbsoluteStr::try_normalize_whatwg()
      • types::RiAbsoluteStr::normalize_whatwg()
      • types::RiRelativeStr::try_resolve_against()
      • types::RiRelativeStr::try_resolve_whatwg_against()
      • types::RiRelativeStr::resolve_whatwg_against()
      • types::RiRelativeStr::try_resolve_normalize_against()
      • types::RiRelativeStr::resolve_normalize_against()
      • types::RiRelativeStr::try_resolve_normalize_whatwg_against()
      • types::RiRelativeStr::resolve_normalize_whatwg_against()
  • Change return type of {BorrowedIri}::resolve() method to normalize::Normalized.
    • List of affected methods:
      • types::RiReferenceStr::resolve_against()
      • types::RiRelativeStr::resolve_against()
  • Remove BufferError type.
  • Remove task module.
    • List of removed items:
      • task::Error type
      • task::ProcessAndWrite trait
  • Remove deprecated percent_encoding module and aliases defined in it.
    • List of removed items:
      • percent_encoding module.
      • percent_encoding::PercentEncoded type alias.
      • percent_encoding::PercentEncodedForIri type alias.
      • percent_encoding::PercentEncodedForUri type alias.
  • Change return type of build::Builder::build().
    • Now it returns Result<(), validate::Error> instead of Result<(), build::Error>.
  • Remove build::Builder::normalize_rfc3986() and build::Builder::normalize_whatwg() methods.
    • Use build::Builder::normalize() and build::Builder::ensure_rfc3986_normalizable() instead.
  • Remove build::Error type.
  • Stop accepting user part as Option<&str> type for build::Builder::userinfo
    • Now user part should be non-optional (but possibly empty) &str.

Changed (non-breaking)

  • Make methods of convert::MappedToUri<'_, T> generic over the spec.
    • Now methods of convert::MappedToUri<'_, T> can be called for {BorrowedIri}<S> where S: Spec.
  • Reject user with colon characters on IRI build.
    • Now build::Builder::build() fails when user part contains a colon (:).
  • Allow builders to normalize path component of relative IRIs if safely possible.
  • Fix normalization bug.
    • Previously, trailing colon of an authority (with empty port) was not stripped. Now this is fixed.
  • Add ensure_rfc3986_normalizable() methods to absolute IRI string types.
  • Add IRI builder in build module.
  • Deprecate percent_encoding module in favor of the new name percent_encode.


  • Add ensure_rfc3986_normalizable() methods to absolute IRI string types.
    • List of added functions:
      • types::RiStr::ensure_rfc3986_normalizable()
      • types::RiAbsoluteStr::ensure_rfc3986_normalizable()
  • Add IRI builder in build module.
    • Builder type is a builder.
    • DisplayBulid type is a validated build result (but not yet heap-allocates).
    • PortBuilder and UserinfoBuilder types are intermediate types to provide convenient generics to component setters.
    • Error type is a builder error.
    • Buildable trait indicates the syntax corresponding to the string types (such as IriStr or UriReferenceStr) can be constructed by the builder.


  • Fix normalization bug.
    • Previously, trailing colon of an authority (with empty port) was not stripped. Now this is fixed.

Changed (non-breaking)

  • Deprecate percent_encoding module in favor of the new name percent_encode.
    • Previously exported items are still provided from percent_encoding module to keep backward compatibility.
  • Add RiQueryStr and RiQueryString types for query.
  • Add functions with try_ prefix are introduced for normalization and IRI resolution, and deprecate non-try versions.
  • Add encoder types for percent-encoding in percent_encoding module.


  • Add RiQueryStr and RiQueryString types for query.
  • Add functions with try_ prefix are introduced for normalization and resolution.
    • List of added functions:
      • types::RiStr::try_normalize()
      • types::RiStr::try_normalize_whatwg()
      • types::RiAbsoluteStr::try_normalize()
      • types::RiAbsoluteStr::try_normalize_whatwg()
      • resolve::try_resolve()
      • resolve::try_resolve_whatwg()
      • resolve::try_resolve_normalize()
      • resolve::try_resolve_normalize_whatwg()
      • types::RiReferenceStr::try_resolve_against()
      • types::RiReferenceStr::try_resolve_normalize_against()
      • types::RiReferenceStr::try_resolve_whatwg_against()
      • types::RiReferenceStr::try_resolve_normalize_whatwg_against()
      • types::RiRelativeStr::try_resolve_against()
      • types::RiRelativeStr::try_resolve_normalize_against()
      • types::RiRelativeStr::try_resolve_whatwg_against()
      • types::RiRelativeStr::try_resolve_normalize_whatwg_against()
  • Add encoder types for percent-encoding in percent_encoding module.
    • List of added types:
      • percent_encoding::PercentEncoded
      • percent_encoding::PercentEncodedForIri (type alias)
      • percent_encoding::PercentEncodedForUri (type alias)

Changed (non-breaking)

  • Deprecate non-try function names for normalization and resolution.
    • List of deprecated functions:
      • types::RiStr::normalize()
      • types::RiStr::normalize_whatwg()
      • types::RiAbsoluteStr::normalize()
      • types::RiAbsoluteStr::normalize_whatwg()
      • resolve::resolve()
      • resolve::resolve_whatwg()
      • resolve::resolve_normalize()
      • resolve::resolve_normalize_whatwg()
      • types::RiReferenceStr::resolve_against()
      • types::RiReferenceStr::resolve_normalize_against()
      • types::RiReferenceStr::resolve_whatwg_against()
      • types::RiReferenceStr::resolve_normalize_whatwg_against()
      • types::RiRiAblosuteStrStr::resolve_against()
      • types::RiRiAblosuteStrStr::resolve_normalize_against()
      • types::RiRiAblosuteStrStr::resolve_whatwg_against()
      • types::RiRiAblosuteStrStr::resolve_normalize_whatwg_against()
    • Use functions with try_ prefix instead.


  • Implement IRI resolution and normalization that uses serialization algorithm described in WHATWG URL Standard.
    • They won't fail even when the input or result is abnormal (but of course they may still fail on memory shortage).
    • The difference between RFC 3986/3987 versions and WHATWG versions is, handling of absent host and path starting with //. The RFC versions fail since scheme://not-a-host is invalid, but WHATWG versions serializes the result as scheme:/.//not-a-host.
    • List of added functions:
      • resolve::resolve_whatwg()
      • resolve::resolve_normalize_whatwg()
      • normalize::NormalizationTask::enable_normalization()
      • normalize::NormalizationTask::enable_whatwg_serialization()
      • types::RiStr::is_normalized_whatwg()
      • types::RiStr::normalize_whatwg()
      • types::RiAbsoluteStr::is_normalized_whatwg()
      • types::RiAbsoluteStr::normalize_whatwg()
      • types::RiReferenceStr::resolve_normalize_whatwg_against()
      • types::RiReferenceStr::resolve_whatwg_against()
      • types::RiRelativeStr::resolve_normalize_whatwg_against()
      • types::RiRelativeStr::resolve_whatwg_against()
  • Decode percent-encoded unreserved characters on normalizaiton.
  • Add is_normalized method to absolute URI/IRI types.
  • Implement more conversion traits from string types to Cow, Box, Rc, and Arc.
  • Improve documents.


  • Add is_normalized method to absolute URI/IRI types.
    • They don't heap-allocate.
  • Implement more conversion traits from string types to Cow, Box, Rc, and Arc.
    • List of added conversions:
      • From<&'a $slice> for Cow<'a, $slice>
      • From<&'_ $slice> for Box<$slice>
      • From<&'_ $slice> for Rc<$slice>
      • From<&'_ $slice> for Arc<$slice>
      • From<$owned> for Cow<'_, $owned>
      • From<$owned> for Box<$owned>


  • Decode percent-encoded unreserved characters on normalizaiton.
    • Previous implementation incorrectly leave unreserved percent-encoded characters as is, but now this is fixed.
  • Fix IPvFuture literal parsing again (#17).


  • Fix IPvFuture literal parsing again (#17).
  • Add FixedBaseResolver::base() method.
  • Fix IP literal parsing and decomposition (#17).


  • Add FixedBaseResolver::base() method.


  • Fix IP literal parsing and decomposition (#17).

This entry describes the changes since the previous stable release (v0.4.1).

  • Bump MSRV to 1.58.0.
  • Add more conversions from/to IRI string types.
    • Implement TryFrom<&[u8]> for the IRI string types.
    • Implement From<{owned URI}> for the owned IRI string types.
    • Add as_slice method to the owned string types.
    • Add convert::MappedToUri type.
    • Add encode_to_uri() method for the IRI string types.
    • Add encode_into_uri() method for the owned IRI string types.
    • Add as_uri() method for the borrowed IRI string types.
    • Add try_into_uri() method for the owned IRI string types.
  • Add capacity() method to the owned string types.
  • Add components getters for borrowed string types.
  • Add IRI normalization API and related types.
  • Add normalizing variations for IRI resolution.
  • Support nostd for IRI resolution.
  • Change IRI resolution API incompatibly.
    • Change number and types of parameters.
    • Change return types.
  • Let IRI resolution recognize percent-encoded period during normalization.
  • Drop internal dependency to nom crate.
  • Permit serde+{alloc,std} without serde-{alloc,std}.
  • Update examples.
    • Improve parse example to show more information.
    • Add normalize example.
  • Travis CI is no longer used.
    • Checks should be run manually. See README for detail.


  • Add more conversions from/to IRI string types.
    • Implement TryFrom<&[u8]> for the IRI string types.
    • Implement From<{owned URI}> for the owned IRI string types.
    • Add as_slice method to the owned string types.
    • Add convert::MappedToUri type.
    • Add encode_to_uri() method for the IRI string types.
    • Add encode_into_uri() method for the owned IRI string types.
    • Add as_uri() method for the borrowed IRI string types.
    • Add try_into_uri() method for the owned IRI string types.
  • Add capacity() method to the owned string types.
  • Add components getters for borrowed string types.
    • Add getters for major components of IRIs/URIs: scheme, authority, path, and query.
    • Add types and getters for subcomponents of authority: userinfo, host, and port.
      • components::AuthorityComponents type and authority_components method.
  • Add IRI normalization API and related types.
    • Add {RiStr, RiAbsoluteStr}::normalize() methods.
    • Add normalize::NormalizationTask.
  • Add normalizing variations for IRI resolution.
    • resolve_normalize for resolve.
    • resolve_normalize_against for resolve_against.
  • Support nostd for IRI resolution.
    • Add resolve::FixedBaseResolver to get normalize::NormalizationTask.
    • Users can write the resolution/normalization result to user-provided buffer by NormalizationTask.
  • Update examples.
    • Add normalize example.

Changed (breaking)

  • Bump MSRV to 1.58.0.
    • Rust 1.58.0 is released at 2022-01-13.
  • Change IRI resolution API incompatibly.
    • Remove is_strict: bool parameter from resolve::resolve().
    • Make IRI resolution fallible.

Changed (non-breaking)

  • Let IRI resolution recognize percent-encoded period during normalization.
    • For example, /%2e%2e/ in the path are now recognized as /../, and handled specially as "parent directory".
  • Drop internal dependency to nom crate.
    • Parsers are rewritten manually, and are now much faster than before.
  • Permit serde+{alloc,std} without serde-{alloc,std}.
    • Previously, compilation error are intentionally caused when both serde and {alloc,std} are enabled but corresponding serde-{alloc,std} is not.
    • Note that you still need to enable serde-alloc or serde-std to use serde support for owned string types.
      • This change only intends to support the cases when flags are independently enabled from different indirect dependencies.
  • Update examples.
    • Improve parse example to show more information.
  • Travis CI is no longer used.
    • Checks should be run manually. See README for detail.

No more API changes are planned until v0.5.0.

  • Add more conversions from IRI to URI string types.
    • Add as_uri() method for the borrowed IRI string types.
    • Add try_into_uri() method for the owned IRI string types.
  • Update examples.
    • Improve parse example to show more information.
    • Add normalize example.


  • Add more conversions from IRI to URI string types.
    • Add as_uri() method for the borrowed IRI string types.
    • Add try_into_uri() method for the owned IRI string types.
  • Update examples.
    • Add normalize example.

Changed (non-breaking)

  • Update examples.
    • Improve parse example to show more information.
  • Add more conversions from/to IRI string types.
    • Implement From<{owned URI}> for the owned IRI string types.
    • Add as_slice method to the owned string types.
    • Add convert::MappedToUri type.
    • Add encode_to_uri() method for the IRI string types.
    • Add encode_into_uri() method for the owned IRI string types.
  • Refine task API
    • Move some methods of normalize::NormalizationTask into newly added task::ProcessAndWrite trait.
      • allocate_and_write, write_to_byte_slice, append_to_std_string, and try_append_to_std_string is moved.
    • Change type parameter of NormalizationTask from a spec into a string slice type.
    • Change error type for NormalizationTask.
    • Remove normalize::create_task() function.


  • Add more conversions from/to IRI string types.
    • Implement From<{owned URI}> for the owned IRI string types.
    • Add as_slice method to the owned string types.
    • Add convert::MappedToUri type.
    • Add encode_to_uri() method for the IRI string types.
    • Add encode_into_uri() method for the owned IRI string types.

Changed (breaking)

  • Move some methods of normalize::NormalizationTask into newly added task::ProcessAndWrite trait.
    • allocate_and_write, write_to_byte_slice, append_to_std_string, and try_append_to_std_string is moved.
  • Change type parameter of NormalizationTask from a spec into a string slice type.
    • Now NormalizationTask<S> should be changed to NormalizationTask<RiStr<S>> or NormalizationTask<RiAbsoluteStr<S>>.
    • This enables the task to return more appropriate type. For example, returning &RiAbsoluteStr<S> rather than &RiStr<S> when the input IRI type is RiAbsoluteStr<S>.
  • Change error type for NormalizationTask.
    • Now buffer error and processing error is split to different types.
  • Remove normalize::create_task() function.
  • Add normalize module, and unify it with IRI resolution.
    • Move resolve::{Error, ErrorKind} to normalize module.
    • Move and rename resolve::ResolutionTask to normalize::NormalizationTask.
    • Add normalize::create_task function.
    • Add {RiStr, RiAbsoluteStr}::normalize() methods.
  • Add normalizing variations for IRI resolution.


  • Add normalize module.
    • Add normalize::create_task() function.
    • Add {RiStr, RiAbsoluteStr}::normalize() methods.
  • Add normalizing variations for IRI resolution.
    • resolve_normalize for resolve.
    • resolve_normalize_against for resolve_against.

Changed (breaking)

  • Move resolve::{Error, ErrorKind} to normalize module.
  • Move and rename resolve::ResolutionTask to normalize::NormalizationTask.
    • Now resolve::FixedBaseResolver::create_task() returns NormalizationTask.
  • Fix a bug that serde-std feature did not enable serde support for owned types.


  • Fix a bug that serde-std feature did not enable serde support for owned types.
    • Now serde-std enables alloc features automatically.
  • Add getters for major components of IRIs/URIs: scheme, authority, path, and query.
  • Add types and getters for subcomponents of authority: userinfo, host, and port.
    • components::AuthorityComponents type and authority_components method.
  • Fix a bug that serde-std feature did not enable serde support for owned types.


  • Add getters for major components of IRIs/URIs: scheme, authority, path, and query.
    • Method names are scheme_str, authority_str, path_str, and query_str, respectively.
    • Getters for fragment component is already provided.
  • Add getter for subcomponents of authority: userinfo, host, and port.
    • components::AuthorityComponents type and authority_components method.


  • Fix a bug that serde-std feature did not enable serde support for owned types.
    • Now serde-std enables alloc features automatically.
  • Bump MSRV to 1.58.0.
  • Add conversion from a byte slice (&[u8]) into IRI string types.
  • Add capacity method to allocated string types.
  • Remove is_strict: bool parameter from resolve::resolve().
  • Add resolve::FixedBaseResolver, resolve::ResolutionTask, and resolve::Error types.
  • Make IRI resolution fallible.
  • Make IRI resolution recognize percent-encoded period.
  • Make parsers faster.
  • Drop internal dependency to nom.
  • Stop emitting compilation error when both serde and std/alloc are enabled without corresponding serde-{std,alloc} features.


  • Add conversion from a byte slice (&[u8]) into IRI string types.
  • Add capacity method to allocated string types.
    • shrink_to_fit() and len() already exists, so this would be useful to determine when to do shrink_to_fit.
  • Add resolve::FixedBaseResolver, resolve::ResolutionTask, and resolve::Error types.
    • They provide more efficient and controllable IRI resolution.
    • Some methods for IRI resolution are now available even when alloc feature is disabled.

Changed (breaking)

  • Bump MSRV to 1.58.0.
    • Rust 1.58.0 is released at 2022-01-13.
  • Remove is_strict: bool parameter from resolve::resolve().
    • The IRI parsers provided by this crate is "strict", so resolution algorithm should use an algorithm for the strict parser.
  • Make IRI resolution fallible.
  • Make IRI resolution recognize percent-encoded period.

Changed (non-breaking)

  • Make parsers faster.
    • Parsers are rewritten, and they became very fast!
    • Almost all usages are affected: type conversions, validations, and IRI resolutions.
    • See Make the parsers faster (#7)
  • Drop internal dependency to nom.
    • Parsers are rewritten without nom.
  • Stop emitting compilation error when both serde and std/alloc are enabled without corresponding serde-{std,alloc} features.
    • serde and std/alloc might be enabled independently from the different indirect dependencies, so this situation should not be compilation error.
  • Bump internal dependency.
    • nom from v6 to v7.

Changed (non-breaking)

  • Bump internal dependency.
    • nom from v6 to v7.
  • MSRV is bumped to 1.48.0.
  • Internal dependencies are bumped.
    • nom crate is bumped to 6.
  • serde::{Serialize, Deserialize} is now implemented only for types with valid spec types.
  • Feature flags are refactored.

Changed (breaking)

  • MSRV is bumped to 1.48.0.
    • Rust 1.48.0 is released at 2020-11-19.
  • serde::{Serialize, Deserialize} is now implemented only for types with valid spec types.
    • Strictly this is a breaking change, but this only forbids the meaningless trait impls, so no real world use cases won't be affected by this change.
  • Feature flags are refactored.
    • serde-alloc and serde-std flags are added to control serde's alloc and std support.
    • Unintended dependency from std use flag to serde crate is now fixed. Users who want to enable serde and std at the same time should also enable serde-std feature. Same applies for serde and alloc pair.

This release contains huge changes, and CHANGELOG may be incomplete. Beleive rustdoc rather than this CHANGELOG.

  • Minimum supported Rust version is now 1.41 or above.
  • Make IRI string types polymorphic, and rename some types.
    • Now IRI types and URI types can share the same codebase.
    • This makes it easy for users to implement functions for both IRI types and URI types.
  • Add URI types.
  • Remove Deref impls for IRI string types.
  • Remove depraceted items.
  • Add and change methods for IRI string types.
  • resolve::resolve_iri is now (more) polymorphic, and renamed to resolve::resolve.
  • Update some internal dependencies.
    • This has no effect for usual users, and this does not introduce any API changes.
    • By this change, the crate now successfully compiles with minimal dependency versions.
  • Support no_std environment.
    • std and alloc feature flags are added.
    • std feature is enabled by default (and std enables alloc automatically).


  • Update some internal dependencies to make the crate buildable with minimal dependency versions.
    • This has no effect for usual users, and this does not introduce any API changes.
    • By this change, the crate now successfully compiles with minimal dependency versions.
      • To test that, you can run cargo +nightly update -Z minimal-versions && cargo test --all-features.

Changed (breaking)

  • Make IRI string types polymorphic, and rename some types.
    • Now IRI types and URI types can share the same codebase.
    • This makes it easy for users to implement functions for both IRI types and URI types.
    • Polymorphic types are named types::Ri{,Absolute,Fragment,Reference,Relative}Str{,ing}.
    • Type aliases for monomorphized types are also provided, but naming convertions are the same. They are named {Iri,Uri}{..}Str{,ing}.
      • For example, there is IriAbsoluteStr instead of legacy AbsoluteIriStr.
    • types::CreationError is now revived.
    • types::IriCreationError is now removed in favor of types::CreationError.
  • Remove depraceted items.
    • IriReferenceStr::resolve() is now removed. Use IriReferenceStr::resolve_against() instead.
  • Remove Deref impls for IRI string types.
    • IRI string types should not implement Deref, because they are not smart pointer types.
  • Change methods types.
    • IriReferenceStr::resolve_against() now returns Cow<'_, IriStr>, rather than IriString.
  • resolve::resolve_iri is now polymorphic, and renamed to resolve::resolve.
    • Now it can be used for both IRI types and URI types.

Changed (non-breaking)

  • Support no_std environment.
    • std and alloc feature flags are added.
    • std feature is enabled by default (and std enables alloc automatically).
    • In no_std environment with allocator support, you can enable alloc feature.
  • Add methods for IRI string types.
    • len() and is_empty() methods are added to all IRI string slice types.
    • IriStr::fragment() is added.
    • RelativeIriStr::resolve_against() is added.
  • Add URI types.
  • Fixed a bug that URI validators wrongly accepts non-ASCII characters.
    • Now they rejects non-ASCII characters correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that abnormal URIs (such as foo:// or foo:////) are wrongly rejected.
    • Now they are accepted as valid IRIs.


  • Fixed a bug that URI validators wrongly accepts non-ASCII characters (9b8011f54dab3c2f8da78dc2251353453317d8af).
    • Now they rejects non-ASCII characters correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that abnormal URIs (such as foo:// or foo:////) are wrongly rejected (7a40f4b72964d498970a356368dc320917d88e43).
    • Now they are accepted as valid IRIs.
    • Documents are added to explain why they are valid.


  • More tests are added to ensure invalid URIs/IRIs are rejected as expected (9b8011f54dab3c2f8da78dc2251353453317d8af).
  • IriReferenceStr::resolve() is renamed to resolve_against().
    • The old name will be kept until the next minor version bump to keep compatibility.

Changed (non-breaking)

  • IriReferenceStr::resolve() is renamed to resolve_against() (4d64ee9884713644b69b8f227f32637d877a9d5f).
    • resolve() was an ambiguous name, and people cannot know which foo.resolve(bar) means: "resolve foo against bar" or "foo resolves bar".
    • The new name resolve_against() is more clear. foo.resolve_against(bar) can be natuarally interpreted as "resolve foo against bar".
    • The old name will be kept until the next minor version bump to keep compatibility.
  • *Str::new() methods are added.
  • IriFragmentStr::from_prefixed() is added.
  • types::CreationError is renamed to types::IriCreationError.
    • The old name will be kept until the next minor version bump to keep compatibility.
  • Reduced indirect dependencies


  • *Str::new() methods are added (39c8f735ccf6f28aaf2f16dcdc579fb3838bb5fb).
    • Previously the string slices are created as <&FooStr>::try_from(s) (where s: &str), but this is redundant. Now FooStr::new(s) can be used instead of <&FooStr>::try_from(s) for s: &str.
  • IriFragmentStr::from_prefixed() is added (34cec2f422ba8046134668bdb662f69c9db7f52c).
    • This creates IriFragmentStr from the given string with leading hash (#) character. For example, IriFragmentStr::from_prefixed("#foo") is same as IriFragmentStr::new("foo").

Changed (non-breaking)

  • types::CreationError is renamed to types::IriCreationError (c6e930608f158281d059e632ffc6117bddf18ebc, c0e650c5e19f1775cf82960afc9610994afba66e).
    • The old name will be kept until the next minor version bump to keep compatibility.
  • Disabled lexical feature of nom crate (a2d5bcd02e02e80af1c4fc8c14d768ca519ef467).
    • This reduces indirect dependencies.
  • Migrate code generator from proc-macro crate to non-proc-macro one (363337e720a9fdfa7e17153ffc63192bd49f7cc3).
    • This reduces indirect dependencies, and may also reduce compilation time.
  • Use nom 5.0.0.
    • This is non-breaking change.
  • Implement Clone and Copy for validation error types.
  • Let an error type contain source string for conversion from owned string.
  • Add shrink_to_fit() methods for types::iri::*String types.
  • Add set_fragment() methods for types::iri::*String types (except for AbsoluteIriString).
  • Add as_str() method for types::iri::*Str types.
  • Add types::iri::IriFragment{Str,String} type.
  • Move fragment() from IriStr to IriReferenceStr.

Changed (non-breaking)

  • Implement Clone and Copy for validation error types (validate::{iri,uri}::Error) (8c6af409963a).


  • Add shrink_to_fit() methods for types::iri::*String types (c8671876229f).
  • Add set_fragment() methods for types::iri::*String types (except for AbsoluteIriString) (5ae09a327d93).
  • Add as_str() method for types::iri::*Str types (0984140105a1).
  • Add types::iri::IriFragment{Str,String} type (1c5e06192cf8).
    • This represents fragment part of an IRI.

Changed (breaking)

  • types::iri::{AbsoluteIri,Iri,IriReference,RelativeIri}String::TryFrom<_> now returns types::iri::CreationError as an error (8c6af409963a).
    • CreationError owns the source data so that it is not lost on conversion failure.
    • CreationError::into_source() returns the source data which cannot be converted into an IRI type.
    • Previously validate::iri::Error is used to represent error, but it does not own the source data.
  • Move fragment() from IriStr to IriReferenceStr (1c5e06192cf8).
    • v.fragment() for v: &IriStr is still available thanks to Deref.

Totally rewritten.