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Plugin configuration

The OpenID Connect authentication plugin tries to support a wide range of OpenID providers. The configuration reflects the various ways the plugin accomodates their differences and provide a way to select the information to extract.

There are specifics instructions for well known providers:

This page contains the reference of plugin's configuration.

Provider configuration

The OpenID Connect spec describes a well known configuration location which will also help discovering your settings (

From 1.5 and onward the well known configuration location may be used to populate the configuration simplifying the configuration greatly. The switch between modes is controled by the automanualconfigure field

field format description
automanualconfigure enum Crontols endpoint configuration mode
- auto: activate automatic configuration
- manual: activate manual configuration
clientId string Id of the openid client obtained from the provider
clientSecret secret Secret associated to the client

Automatic configuration

In automatic mode, the well-known configuration endpoint is regularly fetched and parse to fill the fields required in manual configuration. By default, all scopes are requested but this can be overriden by the overrideScopes config parameter.

field format description
wellKnownOpenIDConfigurationUrl url Providers' well-known configuration endpoint
overrideScopes string Space separated list of scopes to request (default: request all)

When configuring from the interface, the automatic mode will fill in the fields expected in manual mode. This can be useful for prefilling the fields but adapting the configuration of the endpoints.

Manual configuration

The manual configuration mut provide the authorization and token endpoints. The scopes can be configured but default to openid profile. If the JWKS endpoint is configured, JWS' signatures will be verified (unless disabled).

field format description
automanualconfigure enum Always manual in manual mode
authorizationServerUrl url URL the user is redirected to at login
tokenServerUrl url URL used by jenkins to request the tokens
endSessionEndpoint url URL to logout from provider (used if activated)
jwksServerUrl url URL of provider's jws certificates (unused if disabled)
scopes string Space separated list of scopes to request (default: request all)
tokenAuthMethod enum method used for authenticating when requesting token(s)
- client_secret_basic: for client id/secret as basic authentication user/pass
- client_secret_post: for client id/secret sent in post request
userInfoServerUrl url URL to get user's details

Advanced configuration

Providers have some variation in their implementation of OpenID Connect or some oddities they required.

field format description
logoutFromOpenidProvider boolean Enable the logout from provider when user logout from Jenkisn.
sendScopesInTokenRequest boolean Some providers expects scopes to be sent in token request
rootURLFromRequest boolean When computing Jenkins redirect, the root url is either deduced from configured root url or request

Security configuration

Most security feature are activated by default if possible.

field format description
disableSslVerification boolean disable SSL verification (in case of self signed certificates by example)
nonceDisabled boolean Disable nonce verification
pkceEnable boolean Enable PKCE challenge
disableTokenVerification boolean Disable IdToken and UserInfo verification (not recommended)
tokenFieldToCheckKey jmespath field(s) to check to authorize user
tokenFieldToCheckValue string tokenFieldToCheckValue expected value

User information

Content of idtoken or user info to use for identifying the user. They are called claims in OpenID Connect terminology.

field format description
userNameField jmes path claim to use as user login (default: sub)
fullNameFieldName jmes path claim to use as name of user
emailFieldName jmes path claim to use for populating user email
groupsFieldName jmes path groups the user belongs to

JCasC configuration reference

JCasC configuration can be defined with the following fields:

      automanualconfigure: <string:enum>
      # Automatic config of endpoint
      wellKnownOpenIDConfigurationUrl: <url>
      overrideScopes: <string:space separated words>
      # Manual config of endpoint
      tokenServerUrl: <url>
      authorizationServerUrl: <url>
      endSessionEndpoint: <url>
      jwksServerUrl: <url>
      scopes: <string:space separated words>
      # Credentials
      clientId: <string>
      clientSecret: <string:secret>
      tokenAuthMethod: <string:enum>
      # claims
      userNameField: <string:jmes path>
      groupsFieldName: <string:jmes path>
      fullNameFieldName: <string: jmes path>
      emailFieldName: <string:jmes path>
      # advanced configuration
      logoutFromOpenidProvider: <boolean>
      rootURLFromRequest: <boolean>
      sendScopesInTokenRequest: <boolean>
      # Security
      disableSslVerification: <boolean>
      nonceDisabled: <boolean>
      pkceEnabled: <boolean>
      disableTokenVerification: <boolean>
      tokenFieldToCheckKey: <string:jmes path>
      tokenFieldToCheckValue: <string>
      # escape hatch
      escapeHatchEnabled: <boolean>
      escapeHatchUsername: escapeHatchUsername
      escapeHatchSecret: <string:secret>
      escapeHatchGroup: <string>