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title: Tagging & Tag Clouds Made Easy

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Tagging & Tag Clouds Made Easy


  • Tags, Tag Clouds, Folksonomy - Glossary
  • Tag Clouds in the Wild
  • Why? Share. Tag. Discover.
  • Add Tags To Your Web App in 1-2-3 Steps
  • Add Tag Clouds To Your Web App in 1-2-3 Steps
  • Plugin Optimizations & Options
  • Rails Tagging Plugin Choices

Tags, Tag Clouds, Folksonomy - Glossary

Tags - Quick & Easy Free-Style Keywords

Tag Clouds - Listing of Most Popular Tags - More Popular Tags Usually Shown in Bigger Font Size or Deeper Color

Folksonomy - Self-organizing non-hierarchical cataloging/classification system using free-style keywords (also known as tags)

Web 1.0/3.0 - Web 2.0

Category != Tag

Taxonomy != Folksonomy

Tag == Label, Keyword, Category (?)

Tag Clouds in the Wild

Why? Share. Tag. Discover.

Tagging Examples

  • Location: burnaby gastown yaletown granville ubc stanleypark
  • Events: northernvoice groovyvan vanrb barcampvancouver vanajax
  • Ratings: * (1 Star) ** (2 Star) *** (3 Star) **** (4 Star) ***** (5 Star)

Discover Examples

Wikipedia Tagging Related Terms Tag Cloud

Tag (metadata) Tag Cloud Social Bookmarking Folksonomy Taxonomy Web 2.0 Web 3.0 Semantic Web

Add Tags To Your Web App

Step 0: Install Taggable Plug-In

Step 1: Add Database Tables (Tags, Taggings)

Step 2: Mark Your ActiveRecord Classes (Bookmark, Photo, Book etcetera) As Taggable

Step 3: That's it.

Step 1 - Add Database Tables (Tags, Taggings)

The Tags Table

create_table :tags do |t|
  t.column :name, :string  # The tag name

The Taggings (Polymorphic Join) Table

create_table :taggings do |t|
   t.column :tag_id, :integer       # foreign key; id of the tag
   t.column :taggable_id, :integer  # foreign key; id of the taggable object
   t.column :taggable_type, :string # taggable object type (bookmark, photo, book, etcetera)
   t.column :created_at, :datetime  # timestamp

Step 2 - Mark Your ActiveRecord Classes As Taggable

class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base

Methods Added To Your ActiveRecord Model Classes

  • tag_list
  • find_tagged_with( tags, options = {} )
  • tag_counts( options = {} )

Get Tags:

>> p = Photo.find(:first)
>> p.tag_list.to_s

=> "wedding vancouver summer"

Store Tags:

>> p = Photo.find(:first)
>> p.tag_list = "wedding vanouver summer"

Add or Remove Tags:

>> p.tag_list.add( "fun" )
>> p.tag_list.remove( "wedding" )

Find Photos Tagged With:

>> photos = Photo.find_tagged_with( 'summer' )

Note: You can use options such as :order, :limit, :offset, etcetera

Get Tag Counts for Tag Cloud:

>> tags = Photo.tag_counts

Add Tag Clouds To Your Web App

Step 1: Add the Tag Cloud Helper to your App

Step 2: Write the Controllers and Views

Step 3: That's it.

Step 1: Add the Tag Cloud Helper to Your App


.cloud1 {font-size: 100%;}
.cloud2 {font-size: 120%;}
.cloud3 {font-size: 140%;}
.cloud4 {font-size: 160%;}
.cloud5 {font-size: 180%;}
.cloud6 {font-size: 200%;}
.cloud7 {font-size: 220%;}


def tag_cloud( tags )
  classes = %w(cloud1 cloud2 cloud3 cloud4 cloud5 cloud6 cloud7)

  max, min = 0, 0
  tags.each { |t|
    max = t.count.to_i if t.count.to_i > max
    min = t.count.to_i if t.count.to_i < min

  divisor = ((max - min) / classes.size) + 1 

  tags.each { |t|
     yield, classes[(t.count.to_i - min) / divisor]

Step 2: Write the Tags Controller and View


class TagsController < ApplicationController
  def index
      @tags = Photo.tag_counts( :order => "name" )


<%% tag_cloud @tags do |name, css_class|  %>
      <%%= link_to name, {:action => :tag, :id => name},
            :class => css_class %>
<%% end %>

Plugin Optimizations & Options

Create Database Index for Taggings Table

add_index :taggings, :tag_id
add_index :taggings, [:taggable_id, :taggable_type]

Add Cached Tag List Table Column

t.column :cached_tag_list, :string   # tells plugin to cache taglist

Tag Seperator/Delimiter

TagList.delimiter = " "  # use space or comma

Rails Tagging Plugin Choices

  • acts_as_taggable Gem by Dirk Elmendorf
  • acts_as_taggable Plugin by David Heinemeier Hansson (Prototype - Not Production Ready)
  • acts_as_taggable_on_steroids Plugin by Jonathan Viney
  • acts_as_taggable_redux Plugin by Wesley Beary
  • scalable_acts_as_taggable Plugin by Matthew Carr
  • has_many_polymorphs Plugin

Free Online Articles and Chapters About Tagging

That's it - Thanks!