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File metadata and controls

579 lines (390 loc) · 13.6 KB

Design of data

Note: this material is from 2017-2018

What is the data tool

The data tool performs 3 complementary tasks:

  • Data Publishing: it is the DataHub command line interface with support for pushing and getting data from the DataHub
  • Data Packaging: it is a command line Data Package manager for creating, inspecting, validating and accessing data packages and their resources
  • Data Wrangling: it is a lightweight command line Data Wrangler tool performing tasks like inspecting and cat'ing data files.

Illustrative set of commands

# =====
# Publishing

# data publishing
data push FILE
data push DIRECTORY

# get a file (from DataHub)
data get FILE / URL

# delete a published dataset
data delete

# =====
# Packaging

# create a data package
data init

# validate a data package
data validate

# =====
# Wrangling

# data (pre)viewing and conversion
data cat FILE
# data conversion

# DIR: data package summary (assumes it is a data package)
# FIlE: print out meta and stream a summary of data (can turn off maybe in future with --no-preview)
data info {FILE-or-DIR}

Overview diagram

State of feature is indicated:

  • light green = working well
  • pink = working but needs work (and is priority)
  • pink dashed = does not exist and priority
  • green = exists and needs work but not priority
  • grey = does not exist and not a priority
graph LR

datahub["DataHub CLI tool<br />publish (and get)"]
dpm[Data Package Manager<br/>works with DPs]
wrangler[Data Wrangler<br/>]
wrangle2["Complex wrangling"]

data[data cli]

data --> datahub
data --> dpm
data --> wrangler

datahub --> push
datahub --> login
datahub --> get
datahub --> delete

dpm --> init
dpm --> validate
dpm --> inspect

wrangler --> info
wrangler --> cat
wrangler --> wrangle2

classDef done fill:lightgreen,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef ok fill:green,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef priority fill:pink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef prioritynotstarted fill:pink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5, 5;
classDef prioritylow fill:grey,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px,stroke-dasharray;
class login done;
class push,validate priority;
class get,wrangler,delete prioritylow;
class init,info,cat ok;

Why do we have 3 features in one:

  • Doing push requires a lot of other stuff including the data package lib and (some) data wrangling (see diagram in next section)
  • To encourage people to use the data tool for itself not just for the DataHub. (But: people have lots of other tools - do they need another one?)

Question: should we focus the tool just on the DataHub part (plus some Data Packages)?

  • In general we focus on MVP right now (remove what is not essential!)
    • => drop the data wrangling stuff (?)
  • However, we actually need most of this and it is useful to have some of this to hand (but be careful about feature creep)

Doing push requires lots of the other stuff

This diagram shows what is involved with doing a push

graph TD


push --> hubapi

subgraph data.js
  caststream[cast stream]
  objstream[object stream]
  stream[raw stream]
  parseid["parse identifier<br>(Infer filetype)"]

subgraph datahub-client
  hubapi --> login
  hubapi --> pushlib[push]

push --> descriptor
push --> stream
descriptor --> tableschema

show --> caststream

tableschema --> infer
tableschema -.-> userprovided
infer --> objstream
infer -.-> ui

objstream --> stream
stream --> parseid
caststream --> objstream
caststream --> tableschema

hubapi[hubapi<br><br>DataHub API wrapper]

For more on data.js Library - See

What is wanted (user perspective)

[DataHub] As a Publisher I want to

  1. Push / publish a local file: data push {file}
  2. Push / publish a remote url: data push {url}
  3. Push / publish a data package: ...
  4. Get a data package, modify and republish (?)
  5. Add a view

These are in priority order.

[Data Packager] I want to

  • create a package with data files
  • validate a data package or file
  • inspect data packages
  • read a resource (cast)

[Wrangler] I want to

  • inspect data files quickly (size, type etc)
  • convert them ... e.g. xls -> csv, csv -> json

An imagined session

# search around for datasets

# I found some csv or excel or even pdf - great! I want to see if useful
data cat URL

# or maybe just get some info on it e.g. its size, last updated
data info URL

# let's download it to inspect more ...
data get url

data cat file

# hmm - it will need some cleaning up.

# time to make some notes ...

# or maybe i just want to save this file online now ...
data push file

# more expert users may want to creata data package first ...
data init
data push



# create a dataset with this file (auto-generate)
data push myfile.csv

# what about specifying the dataset target
data push myfile.csv my-existing-dataset

# or with username
data push {myfile.csv} @myname/xyz

# or prompt for the dataset name
data push myfile.csv

> Dataset name: my-ram-xyz
> Dataset title: ...

If a dataset already exists
# TODO: what if we prompt for file name from user and it is the same as an existing dataset

# we can store this somewhere ...

data push --dataset=xyz/name myfile.csv -- replaces the file

# replaces the schema
data push --dataset=name --schema myschema.yaml

# updates the schema
data push --dataset=name --schema myschema.json
# fetches the schema
data get --dataset=name --schema --format=yaml

data push x [to y]
data push myfile.csv [{dataset}]

# what could be a problem

data push myfile1.csv myfile2.csv [{dataset}]

dataset = [user/]name

As a Publisher i want to publish a file and create a new dataset

data push myfile.csv [dataset-name]

As a Publisher I want to replace a file in an existing dataset

As a Publisher I want to add a file to an existing dataset

# if existing file with path myfile.csv or name myfile then we replace
data push myfile.csv dataset-name

# if existing file with name existing-file then we replace, otherwise we add as `existing-file`
data push myfile.csv dataset-name:existing-file

# if existing file exists so this would replace WARN the user ...
data push myfile.csv dataset-name

As a Publisher I want to delete a file from an existing dataset

data strip dataset-name[:file-name]

data push {file} - Push / publish a local file:

✓   data push some.csv
✓   data push some.xls
✓?  data push some.xlsx
✓?   data push
✓?  data push some.pdf   // like a random file ...
✓?  data push some.png   // does it get viewed ...

✓?  data push  // inside are files => should act like pushing a directory?

=> should create data package with just README and no resources
data push (?)

data push datapackage.json (?)

data push file1.csv file2.csv (?)
data push somefile.parquet
  • Do we guess media type
  • Do we add hash
  • Do we prompt for file title
  • Do we validate before pushing
  • Do we add file size


  • No progress bar on upload
  • No updates about what is happening on a push (we could update on each step successfully completed)
  • We should skip re-uploading a file to rawstore if already uploaded
    • TODO: does rawstore tell us this atm?
  • no support for data push and complex flows and flows involving automation
    • Could we automate creating the flow.yml?

2017-12-26 pushing to says at the top "Your data is safely stored and is getting processed - it will be here soon!" BUT I can already see a page (after a scan i do realise no files are there but that's sort of weird) and there is no other update information. Looking in JS debug i find:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined
    at r (
    at Generator._invoke (
    at Generator.e.(anonymous function) [as next] (
    at r (
    at <anonymous>

2017-12-23 try pushing a data package with just a readme (not even a datapackage.json) and check whether it works (why? I'd like to push research datasets where i'm still in the process of digging stuff up)



2017-12-23 data get command hung on me and I can't debug ... (no debug flag) => I looked into adding this but introducing debug per command is a pain (we do it once by hand atm for push) => it should be systematic => refactoring dispatch code in the cli (and maybe therefore into the datahub-lib code ...)

data get command should have option to pull "remote" resources to local paths ...

2017-12-23 (?) data get command should pretty print the datapackage.json


Login is working





data init guesses types wrong e.g. for world incomes database.

2017-12-26 data init does not add a license field by default


Issues with data validation

  • Does not run offline as errors on failure to access a profile (who cares about profiles by default - 99% of what i want to check is the data ...)



size: ..
md5: ...
format: ...
encoding: ...


data info 

delete / purge / hide

As Publisher I want to delete a dataset permanently so it does not exist

data purge dataset-name

# prompt user to type out dataset name to 

# TODO: since people look for delete do we want to explain you hide the dataset
data hide
data unpublish
data delete # respond with use data push --findability ...

Push File - Detailed Analysis


  1. Already have Data Package (?)
  2. Good CSV
  3. Good Excel
  4. Bad data (i.e. has ...)
  5. Something else
data push {file-or-directory}

How does data push work?

# you are pushing the raw file
# and the extraction to get one or more data tables ...
# in the background we are creating a data package + pipeline
data push {file}


1. Detect type / format
2. Choose the data (e.g. sheet from excel)
3. Review the headers
4. Infer data-types and review
5. [Add constraints]
6. Data validation
7. Upload
8. Get back a link - view page (or the raw url) e.g.
  * You can view, share, publish, [fork]

1. Detect file type
 => file extension
  1. Offer guess
  2. Probable guess (options?)
  3. Unknown - tell us

1B. Detect encoding (for CSV)

2. Choose the data
  1. 1 sheet => ok
  2. Multiple sheets guess and offer
  3. Multiple sheets - ask them (which to include)

2B: bad data case - e.g. selecting within table

3. Review the headers
  * Here is what we found
  * More than one option for headers - try to reconcile

### Upload:

* raw file with name a function of the md5 hash
  * Pros: efficient on space (e.g. same file stored once but means you need to worry about garbage collection?)
* the pipeline description: description of data and everything else we did [into database]

Then pipeline runs e.g. load into a database or into a data package

* stores output somewhere ...

Viewable online ...

data push url # does not store file
data push file # store in rawstore

### BitStore

/rawstore/ - content addressed storage (md5 or sha hashed)

Try this for a CSV file

data push mydata.csv

# review headers

# data types ...


* csv file gets stored as blob md5 ...
* output of the pipeline stored ...
  * canonical CSV gets generated ...

Data Push directory

data push {directory}

# could just do data push file for each file but ...
# that could be tedious
# once I've mapped one file you try reusing that mapping for others ...
# .data directory that stores the pipeline and the datapackage.json

Push File - Sequence Diagram

CLI architecture


  participant bin/push.js
  participant datahub
  participant data

  bin/push.js ->> data: new Package(path)
  data -->> bin/push.js: pkg obj
  bin/push.js ->> data: pkg.load()
  data ->> data: load
  data -->> bin/push.js: loaded pkg
  bin/push.js ->> datahub: new DataHub({...})
  datahub -->> bin/push.js: datahub obj
  bin/push.js ->> datahub: datahub.push(pkg)
  datahub ->> data: pkg.resources
  data -->> datahub: loaded resources
  datahub ->> data: Resource.load(datapackage.json)
  datahub ->> datahub: authorize
  datahub ->> datahub: upload
  datahub ->> datahub: makeSourceSpec
  datahub ->> datahub: upload source spec
  datahub -->> bin/push.js: 0 or 1


What are the components involved ...?

graph TD

cli[data push myfile.csv]

cli --> parseid["parsePath(myfile.csv)"<br><br> path=myfile.csv, sourceType=local, format=csv, mediaType=text/csv]

parseid --> getstr["getStream(descriptor) - depending on url or local"<br><br>node stream]

getstr --> parsestr["parseStream(rawStream)"<br><br>object iterator/node obj stream]

parsestr --> infer["infer(objstream)<br><br>tableschema.json"]

infer --> ui[show user infer and check]

Appendix: Notes on NodeJS streams <-- recommended for managing node streams in consistent ways