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File metadata and controls

409 lines (359 loc) · 10.5 KB

Udacity Full-Stack Developer Nanodegree Capstone Project

This project is the final project for my Udacity FullStack Developer Nanodegree.

The Casting Agency models a company that is responsible for creating movies and managing and assigning actors to those movies. You are an Executive Producer within the company and are creating a system to simplify and streamline your process.

This Application does not have a frontend implemented. It is a server only application at the moment.

Application Heroku Link

Application Stack

The Application Tech Stack includes:

Application Dependencies

Library Version
alembic 1.4.2
click 7.1.2
ecdsa 0.15
Flask 1.1.2
Flask-Cors 3.0.8
Flask-Migrate 2.5.3
Flask-Moment 0.10.0
Flask-Script 2.0.6
Flask-SQLAlchemy 2.4.4
future 0.18.2
gunicorn 20.0.4
itsdangerous 1.1.0
Jinja2 2.11.2
jose 1.0.0
Mako 1.1.3
MarkupSafe 1.1.1
psycopg2-binary 2.8.5
pyasn1 0.4.8
pycryptodome 3.3.1
python-dateutil 2.8.1
python-editor 1.0.4
python-jose 3.1.0
python-jose-cryptodome 1.3.2
rsa 4.6
six 1.15.0
SQLAlchemy 1.3.18
Werkzeug 1.0.1

Working with the application locally

Make sure you have Python installed.

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone -b master
  2. Set up a virtual environment:

    virtualenv env
    source env/Scripts/activate # for windows
    source env/bin/activate # for MacOs
  3. Install Dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Export Environment Variables Refer to the setup.bash file and export the environment variables for the project.

  5. Create Local Database: Create a local database and export the database URI as an environment variable with the key DATABASE_PATH.

  6. Run Database Migrations:

    python db init
    python db migrate
    python db upgrade
  7. Run the Flask Application locally:

    export FLASK_APP=myapp
    export FLASK_ENV=development
    flask run


The Host for the endpoints is:

OR https://localhost:5000/ if the flask app is being run locally.

Index /

The index endpoint that indicates the Flask Application is running normally.

  • Type: String
  • Body: Udacity FSND Casting Agency App

Auth /auth

Returns the authorize URL that redirects to the Auth0 login page.

  • Type: JSON
  • Body:

GET /actors

Returns a paginated list of actors with a maximum of 10 actors per page
It is a public endpoint available to all three roles
It can take a a page argument, the default value is 1
The page argument indicates the page number to display

When successful,
It returns a status code of 200, and

    "success": true,
    "actors": actors,
    "total": total_actors

Where total_actors is an integer that is the total number of actors in the database
and actors is an array of the actors and their details, an example:


POST /actors

It takes new actor details as a JSON body
Only the Casting Director and Executive Producer can perform this action
Actor details must have these at minimum:

    "firstname": "Keanu",
    "lastname": "Reeves",
    "age": 55,
    "gender": "Male"

Age must be an integer
There must be no empty or missing entries
It returns a status code of 200, and:

    "success": True,
    "actor": actor

Where actor is a python dictionary (javascript object) of the just added actor details, example:

    "id": 20,
    "firstname": "Keanu",
    "lastname": "Reeves",
    "age": 55,
    "gender": "Male"

PATCH /actors/<int:id>

It takes the actor id to be patched, for example: would delete the actor with an id of 4
Only the Casting Director and Executive Producer can perform this action
Actor with the inputted id must exist in the database
It takes the actor details to be updated as a JSON body
Actor details can have all or none of these:

    "firstname": "Keanu",
    "lastname": "Reeves",
    "age": 55,
    "gender": "Male"

Age must be an integer
No key should have a null value
It returns a status code of 200, and:

    "success": True,
    "actor": actor

Where actor is a python dictionary of the actor details

DELETE /actors/<int:id>

where id is the existing model id
it responds with a 404 error if id is not found
it deletes the corresponding row for id
Only the Casting Director and Executive Producer can perform this action
returns a status code of 200 and:

    "success": True,
    "delete": id

where id is the id of the deleted record

GET /movies

Returns a paginated list of movies with a maximum of 10 movies per page
It is a public endpoint available to all three roles
It can take a a page argument, the default value is 1
The page argument indicates the page number to display

When successful,
It returns a status code of 200, and

    "success": true,
    "movies": movies,
    "total": total_movies

Where total_movies is an integer that is the total number of movies in the database
and movies is an array of the actors and their details, an example:

        "description":"A movie about strange things",
        "title":"Game of Thrones"
        "title":"Justice League: Snyder Cut"
        "title":"The Batman"

POST /movies

It takes new movie details as a JSON body
Movie details format:

    "title": "Avengers: Endgame",
    "release_date": "2019-05-20",
    "description": "movie description",

The title key must not be null
It returns a status code of 200, and:

    "success": True,
    "movie": movie

Where movie is a python dictionary of the movie details

PATCH /actors/<int:id>

It takes the movie id to be patched, for example:

Movie with the inputted id must exist in the database
It takes the movie details to be updated as a JSON body
Movie details can have all or none of these:

    "title": "Avengers: Endgame",
    "release_date": "2019-05-20",
    "description": "movie description",

No key should have a null value
Instead omit it completely
If successful:
It returns a status code of 200, and:

    "success": True,
    "movie": movie

Where movie is a python dictionary of the movie details

DELETE /movies/<int:id>

where id is the existing model id it responds with a 404 error if id is not found it deletes the corresponding row for id returns status code 200 and:

    "success": True,
    "delete": id

where id is the id of the deleted record


A postman collection has been created for testing the endpoints. Import the file into Postman to run the tests. Adjust the values of the variables HOST and the Tokens where appropraite

Roles and Permissions

The application has 3 roles setup:

  1. Casting Assistant

    • Can get all actors in the database
    • Can get all movies in the database
  2. Casting Director

    • All permissions of the casting assistant
    • Can post a new actor
    • Can modify the details of an existing actor
    • Can delete an actor from the database
    • Can modify the details of an existing movie
  3. Executive Producer

    • All permissions of the casting director
    • Can post a new movie
    • Can delete a movie from the database

Project Structure

|   .gitattributes
|   .gitignore
|              # Main flask application file
|           # Responsible for database migrations on Heroku
|           # Contains Database Models
|    # contains all /movies/* endpoints
|   Procfile            # Heroku Build file
|   requirements.txt    # Contains all application requirements
|           # Main routes file also contains all /actors/* endpoints
|   Udacity-fsnd-capstone.postman_collection.json   # Application tests to be imported into postman
|   |         # Main Authentication file
|   |
|   |   
|   \---__pycache__
|           auth.cpython-37.pyc
|           __init__.cpython-37.pyc
+---migrations          # Database Migrations Folder
    |   alembic.ini
    |   README
    |   |
    |   |
    |   |   
    |   \---__pycache__
    |           430c62f78e2f_.cpython-37.pyc
    |           78e217ad6c1a_.cpython-37.pyc