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telepot changelog

12.4 (2017-10-19)

  • Bot API 3.4
  • Live location:
    • Added live_period to method sendLocation, and namedtuple InlineQueryResultLocation and InputLocationMessageContent
    • Added method editMessageLiveLocation and stopMessageLiveLocation
  • Added method setChatStickerSet and deleteChatStickerSet
  • Added sticker_set_name and can_set_sticker_set to namedtuple Chat
  • Added caption_entities to namedtuple Message
  • Added method editMessageLiveLocation and stopMessageLiveLocation to class Editor
  • Added method setChatStickerSet and deleteChatStickerSet to class Administrator
  • Allowed supplying initial offset to MessageLoop
  • Allowed Bot API access through proxy

12.3 (2017-08-28)

  • Bot API 3.3
  • Added new fields to namedtuple Chat, Message, and User
  • Included aiohttp.ClientResponseError in raising BadHTTPResponse
  • Added package telepot.text to help format Markdown and HTML by applying entities

12.2 (2017-08-01)

  • Bot API 3.2
  • Added methods:
    • getStickerSet()
    • uploadStickerFile()
    • createNewStickerSet()
    • addStickerToSet()
    • setStickerPositionInSet()
    • deleteStickerFromSet()
  • Added namedtuple StickerSet, MaskPosition
  • Added new fields to Sticker
  • Added cancel() to async MessageLoop (no change to traditional counterpart)

12.1 (2017-07-04)

  • Bot API 3.1
  • Added methods:
    • restrictChatMember()
    • promoteChatMember()
    • exportChatInviteLink()
    • setChatPhoto()
    • deleteChatPhoto()
    • setChatTitle()
    • setChatDescription()
    • pinChatMessage()
    • unpinChatMessage()
  • Added parameter until_date to method kickChatMember()
  • Added fields to namedtuple Chat and ChatMember
  • Added namedtuple ChatPhoto
  • Added exception NotEnoughRightsError to capture situations where the bot does not have enough rights to perform operations on channels, groups, or supergroups.
  • Changed some internal function names to be more descriptive, e.g. _yell() becomes _invoke(), _delay_yell() becomes _create_invoker().
  • Tested on Python 3.6.1

12.0 (2017-05-26)

  • Bot API 3.0
  • Can receive updates containing ShippingQuery and PreCheckoutQuery
  • Added flavors shipping_option and pre_checkout_query
  • Added nametuples Invoice, LabeledPrice, ShippingOption, ShippingAddress, OrderInfo, ShippingQuery, PreCheckoutQuery, SuccessfulPayment
  • Added method sendInvoice(), answerShippingQuery(), and answerPreCheckoutQuery()
  • Added method deleteMessage() and sendVideoNote(). Added namedtuple VideoNote.
  • Added new fields to various namedtuples
  • Added function per_invoice_payload and class InvoiceHandler

11.0 (2017-05-09)

  • Async version compliant with aiohttp2
  • Added telepot.loop and telepot.aio.loop module. Method message_loop() deprecated. Use class MessageLoop, OrderedWebhook, or Webhook instead.

10.5 (2017-03-02)

  • In message_loop(), delay longer between HTTP 502 responses
  • Handled empty JSON responses (async version)
  • Added quote_fields parameter to aiohttp hack
  • Fixed dependency at aiohttp==1.3

10.4 (2016-12-25)

  • Async Bot's scheduler method event_at() was modified to use unix timestamp

10.3 (2016-12-16)

  • Added parameter max_connections and allowed_updates to method setWebhook()
  • Added parameter allowed_updates to method getUpdates() and message_loop()
  • Added method deleteWebhook()

10.2 (2016-11-29)

  • Recognized channel_post and edited_channel_post in Update object
  • Removed flavor edited_chat. Keep 4 flavors: chat, callback_query, inline_query, and chosen_inline_result. When dealing with chat messages, it is up to the user to differentiate between various kinds, e.g. new/edited, private/group/supergroup/channel, etc.
  • setGameScore() has parameter force and disable_edit_message
  • answerCallbackQuery() has parameter cache_time
  • Message namedtuple has field forward_from_message_id
  • Renamed ReplyKeyboardHide to ReplyKeyboardRemove

10.1 (2016-10-25)

  • Used the presence of chat_instance to recognize the flavor callback_query

10.0 (2016-10-19)

  • Implemented Gaming Platform stuff
  • Added game-related methods, e.g. sendGame, setGameScore, etc.
  • Added game-related namedtuple, e.g. InlineQueryResultGame, etc.
  • telepot.glance() may return content type game
  • Added method getWebhookInfo
  • Added new parameters to some methods, e.g. caption for sendAudio(), etc.
  • Handled EventNotFound in IdleEventCoordinator.refresh()

9.1 (2016-08-26)

  • Changed the name pave_callback_query_origin_map() to intercept_callback_query_origin()
  • Added include_callback_query_chat_id()

9.0 (2016-08-25)

  • I am finally satisfied with callback query handling. Many styles of dealing with callback query are now possible.
  • Added a few per_callback_query_*() seeder factories
  • Added a few pair producers, e.g. pave_event_space(), pave_callback_query_origin_map()
  • Added Bot.Scheduler to schedule internal events
  • Invented a standard event format for delegates to create their own events easily
  • Improved Mixin framework. Added StandardEventMixin, IdleTerminateMixin, and InterceptCallbackQueryMixin.
  • Added CallbackQueryOriginHandler
  • Revamped Listener and message capture specifications
  • Default retries=3 for urllib3
  • Relaxed urllib3>=1.9.1 in

8.3 (2016-07-17)

  • Fixed urllib3==1.9.1 in

8.2 (2016-07-04)

  • Handling of callback query still unsatisfactory, a transitional release
  • Changed async version to telepot.aio to avoid collision with async keyword
  • Added CallbackQueryCoordinator and CallbackQueryAble to facilitate transparent handling of CallbackQuery
  • Added AnswererMixin to give an Answerer instance
  • Added Timer to express different timeout behaviors
  • Added enable_callback_query parameter to *Handler constructors
  • Added default on_timeout method to @openable decorator
  • Added IdleTerminate and AbsentCallbackQuery as subclasses of WaitTooLong to distinguish between different timeout situations
  • Revamped Listener to handle different timeout requirements
  • Added types parameter to per_chat_id()
  • By default, per_from_id() and UserHandler reacts to non-callback_query only
  • Fixed Bot.download_file()
  • Added docstrings for Sphinx generation
  • Re-organized examples

8.1 (2016-05-26)

  • Added flavor edited_chat and handler function on_edited_chat_message
  • New Bot API methods: getChat, leaveChat, getChatAdministrators, getChatMember, and getChatMembersCount
  • Added namedtuple ChatMember and other new fields
  • No longer dependent on requests. Use urllib3 throughout (traditional version).
  • Start adding docstring and using Sphinx to generate documentations.

8.0 (2016-05-13)

  • Added HTTP connection pooling (for both traditional and async version). Bot API requests are much speedier.
  • Most requests are now done with urllib3, moving away from requests.
  • Added module telepot.routing and telepot.async.routing to provide common key functions and routing tables for Router to use.
  • Removed method set_key_function and set_routing_table from Router. Access instance variable key_function and routing_table instead.
  • Added function telepot.message_identifier to extract message identifier for editing messages.
  • Added helper class Editor to ease editing messages.
  • ChatHandler, by default, also captures callback_query from the same user.
  • Added InlineUserHandler to capture only inline-related messages.
  • Async version uses async/await, stops supporting Python 3.4, works on Python 3.5+ from now on.

7.1 (2016-04-24)

  • Patched requests and aiohttp to send unicode filenames

7.0 (2016-04-18)

  • Bot API 2.0
    • Added new flavor callback_query
    • Added a bunch of namedtuples to reflect new objects in Bot API
    • Added methods:
      • sendVenue(), sendContact()
      • kickChatMember(), unbanChatMember()
      • answerCallbackQuery()
      • editMessageText(), editMessageCaption(), editMessageReplyMarkup()
    • To ChatContext, added a property administrator
  • Added telepot.exception.MigratedToSupergroupChatError
  • Backward-incompatible name changes
    • Flavor normalchat
    • Method notifyOnMessagemessage_loop
    • Method messageLoopmessage_loop
    • Method downloadFiledownload_file
    • Function telepot.namedtuple.namedtuple was removed. Create namedtuples using their constructors directly.
    • Function telepot.glance2 was removed. Use telepot.glance.
    • Chat messages' content type returned by telepot.glance:
      • new_chat_participantnew_chat_member
      • left_chat_participantleft_chat_member

6.8 (2016-04-11)

  • Added underlying response object to BadHTTPResponse and underlying JSON object to TelegramError
  • Added TooManyRequestsError as a subclass to TelegramError

6.7 (2016-04-03)

  • Added a few TelegramError subclasses to indicate specific errors
  • Override BadHTTPResponse's __unicode__() and __str__() to shorten traceback

6.6 (2016-03-20)

  • Changed Answerer interface. Compute function is now passed to method answer(), not to the constructor.
  • Added parameter disable_notification to methods sendZZZ()
  • Added function telepot.delegate.per_application() and per_message()
  • Used data to pass POST parameters to prevent too-long query strings on URL
  • Async version support pushed back to Python 3.4.2

6.5 (2016-02-21)

  • Supports file-like object and filename when sending files
  • Moved all exceptions to module telepot.exception
  • Expanded testing to Python 3.5

6.4 (2016-02-16)

  • Introduced automatic message routing to Bot.handle() and ZZZHandler.on_message(). Messages are routed to sub-handlers according to flavor, by default.
  • As an alternative to implementing Bot.handle(msg), you may implement Bot.on_chat_message(msg), Bot.on_inline_query(msg), and Bot.on_chosen_inline_result(msg) as needed.
  • As an alternative to implementing ZZZHandler.on_message(), you may implement ZZZHandler.on_chat_message(msg), ZZZHandler.on_inline_query(msg), and ZZZHandler.on_chosen_inline_result(msg) as needed.
  • notifyOnMessage() and messageLoop() accept a dict as callback, routing messages according to flavor.
  • Added function telepot.flavor_router(), classes telepot.helper.Router and telepot.helper.DefaultRouterMixin, and their async counterparts to facilitate message routing.
  • Many functions in telepot.delegate and telepot.helper now have aliases in their respective async modules, making imports more symmetric.

6.3 (2016-02-06)

  • Added Answerer class to better deal with inline queries
  • Made telepot.glance() equivalent to telepot.glance2(). Developers are encouraged to use telepot.glance() from now on.
  • Added telepot.flance(), a combination of telepot.flavor() and telepot.glance().

6.2 (2016-01-18)

  • Handle new field chosen_inline_result in Update object
  • telepot.flavor() returns a new flavor chosen_inline_result
  • Added telepot.namedtuple.ChosenInlineResult class

6.1 (2016-01-13)

  • Changed normal message's flavor to normal

6.0 (2016-01-13)

  • Moved all namedtuple-related stuff to a new module telepot.namedtuple. All calls to the function telepot.namedtuple() should be changed to telepot.namedtuple.namedtuple()
  • Added a function telepot.flavor() to differentiate between a normal message and an inline query
  • Added flavor parameter to telepot.glance2() to extract info according to message flavor
  • notifyOnMessage() and messageLoop() can handle inline query as well as normal chat messages
  • Added a few per_XXX_id() functions useful for spawning delegates for inline queries
  • Added UserHandler
  • reply_markup parameter can accept namedtuples ReplyKeyboardMarkup, ReplyKeyboardHide, ForceReply as values

5.0 (2015-12-28)

  • Added webhook interface
  • Added supergroup_chat_created, migrate_to_chat_id, migrate_from_chat_id, and channel_chat_created fields to Message

4.1 (2015-11-03)

  • Added openable() class decorator
  • Default on_close() prints out exception
  • Async SpeakerBot and DelegatorBot constructor accepts loop parameter

4.0 (2015-10-29)

  • Revamped Listener and ChatHandler architecture
  • Added create_open()

3.2 (2015-10-13)

  • Conforms to latest Telegram Bot API as of October 8, 2015
  • Added Chat class, removed GroupChat
  • Added glance2()

3.1 (2015-10-08)

  • Added per_chat_id_except()
  • Added lock to Microphone, make it thread-safe

3.0 (2015-10-05)

  • Added listener and delegation mechanism

2.6 (2015-09-22)

  • Conforms to latest Telegram Bot API as of September 18, 2015
  • Added getFile() and downloadFile() method
  • Added File namedtuple
  • Removed file_link field from namedtuples

2.51 (2015-09-17)

  • In async messageLoop(), a regular handler function would be called directly, whereas a coroutine would be allocated a task, using BaseEventLoop.create_task().
  • In messageLoop() and notifyOnMessage(), the relax time default is now 0.1 second.

2.5 (2015-09-15)

  • Fixed pip install syntax error
  • Having wasted a lot of version numbers, I finally get a better hang of, pip, and PyPI.

2.0 (2015-09-11)

  • Conforms to latest Telegram Bot API as of September 7, 2015
  • Added an async version for Python 3.4
  • Added a file_link field to some namedtuples, in response to a not-yet-documented change in Bot API
  • Better exception handling on receiving invalid JSON responses

1.3 (2015-09-01)

  • On receiving unexpected fields, namedtuple() would issue a warning and would not break.

1.2 (2015-08-30)

  • Conforms to latest Telegram Bot API as of August 29, 2015
  • Added certificate parameters to setWebhook()
  • Added telepot.glance() and telepot.namedtuple()
  • Consolidated all tests into one script

1.1 (2015-08-21)

  • Use MIT license

1.0 (2015-08-20)

  • Conforms to latest Telegram Bot API as of August 15, 2015
  • Added sendVoice()
  • Added caption and duration parameters to sendVideo()
  • Added performer and title parameters to sendAudio()
  • Test scripts test the module more completely