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151 lines (116 loc) · 3.92 KB

File metadata and controls

151 lines (116 loc) · 3.92 KB




Neovim must be above 0.5 to work well with lua config, and some plugin need 0.7 version.



  • <leader>+ increase first number in line after the cursor
  • <leader>- decrease first number in line after the cursor
  • <leader>o close other splits
  • <leader>w close buffer
  • <leader>q quit all
  • <F5> Refresh buffer
  • <leader>e refresh buffer
  • <C-↑→↓←> to move into panes


  • <leader>t to switch dark|light theme
  • <leader>g toggle goyo view mode


  • ]c next hunk
  • [c next hunk
  • <leader>hs stage hunk
  • <leader>hr reset hunk
  • <leader>hu undo hunk
  • <leader>hp preview hunk
  • <leader>hb preview hunk in popup
  • <leader>tb preview hunk in line
  • <leader>hd diff current file


  • <leader>f find file with git
  • <leader>fg find file with grep
  • <leader>ft find file with tag


  • <C-k> & <C-j> to move


Some lsp server work only inside project folder, needing git or composer

  • <CR> to choose selected suggestion


  • gf show definition
  • gD got to declaration
  • gd see definition
  • gi go to implementation
  • <leader>ca see available code actions
  • <leader>rn smart rename
  • <leader>D show diagnostics
  • [d go to next dianostic
  • ]d go to previous dianostic
  • K show documentation
  • <leader>s show structure
  • <leader>f format current buffer

Typescript specific

  • <leader>rf rename file & update imports
  • <leader>oi organize imports
  • <leader>ru remove unused variables

Ruby On Rails specific

  • :A alternate between file & test
  • :R jump to related controller->view
  • :Emodel jump to related model
  • :Smodel same but in split
  • :Vmodel same but in vsplit
  • :Tmodel same but in tab
  • :Eview jump to related view
  • :Sview same but in split
  • :Vview same but in vsplit
  • :Tview same but in tab
  • :Econtroller jump to related controller
  • :Scontroller same but in split
  • :Vcontroller same but in vsplit
  • :Tcontroller same but in tab
  • :Emodel foo! to automatically create the file with the standard boilerplate if it doesn't exist
  • :Rails console to call rails console
  • :Generate controller ControllerName generate controller and loads the generated files into the quickfix list
  • :Rails (with no arguments) to run the current test, spec, or feature
  • :.Rails to do a focused run of just the method, example, or scenario on the current line
  • :Extract {file} replaces the desired range (typically selected in visual line mode) with render '{file}'
    • help rails-:Extract
  • :help rails-navigation

Easy align

  • <leader>= interactively align selection

Some resources

Satisfying (trying) checkhealth

To check run :checkhealth in neovim

  • Check latest version of pynvim is installed (via pip)
  • Check npm neovim is installed, but still no enough


Plugin manager: Packer

For the first use


To get started, first clone this repository to somewhere on your packpath, e.g.:

git clone --depth 1\

You must run this or PackerSync whenever you make changes to your plugin configuration Regenerate compiled loader file :PackerCompile

External dependencies