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1705 lines (1317 loc) · 89.6 KB

File metadata and controls

1705 lines (1317 loc) · 89.6 KB


6.4.0 (Sep 04, 2024)


  • Global

    • Updated SDKv2 and framework libraries as result of updating terraform-plugin-testing
  • Appsec

    • Added request_body_inspection_limit_override field to akamai_appsec_advanced_settings_request_body resource
  • CPS

    • Added acknowledge_post_verification_warnings to the akamai_cps_dv_validation resource to allow for acknowledgement of post-verification warnings
  • PAPI

    • Added support for new rule format v2024-08-13


  • Appsec

    • Fixed import of akamai_appsec_match_target for newly created security configuration or any security configuration not synced in the terraform state (I#546)
    • Fixed issue where activation was not triggered after network list change in resource_akamai_networklist_activations resource (I#518)
    • Fixed akamai_appsec_configuration data source to return a single security configuration in the output_text instead of the entire list of security configurations
  • Cloudlets

    • Corrected format of the retry time when logging in akamai_cloudlets_application_load_balancer_activation and akamai_cloudlets_policy_activation resources
  • PAPI

    • Fixed issue with provider producing an inconsistent final plan with Cloudlet policy (I#567). It happened in cases when content of the rule depends on some other resource

6.3.0 (July 16, 2024)


  • Migrated Go version to 1.21.12 for builds.

  • Appsec

    • Added field host_names to the akamai_appsec_configuration data source

    • Added new resource:
      • akamai_botman_content_protection_javascript_injection_rule - read and update
      • akamai_botman_content_protection_rule - read and update
      • akamai_botman_content_protection_rule_sequence - read and update
    • Added new data source:
      • akamai_botman_content_protection_javascript_injection_rule - read
      • akamai_botman_content_protection_rule - read
      • akamai_botman_content_protection_rule_sequence - read
  • Client Lists

    • Extended list of fields for which akamai_clientlist_activation diff is suppressed with notification_recipients and siebel_ticket_id. Diff suppressed when activation is not required.
  • Cloud Access

    • Added datasource:
      • akamai_cloudaccess_key - read details for key by name
      • akamai_cloudaccess_keys - read list of access key for current user account
      • akamai_cloudaccess_key_versions - read details for key versions by key name
      • akamai_cloudaccess_key_properties - read list of active properties for given access key
    • Added resource:
      • akamai_cloudaccess_key - create, read, update, delete, import
  • DNS

    • Added data source:
      • akamai_zone_dnssec_status - reads the DNSSEC status of a single zone in Edge DNS (I#509)
  • GTM

    • Added more details for gtm_property resource in case of error being returned from the API
  • PAPI

    • Added support for new rule format v2024-05-31
    • Added new optional field ttl to akamai_edge_hostname resource. When it is used, creation or update takes longer as resource has to synchronize its state with HAPI.


  • Appsec

    • A new config version will be created if the latest config version is active in either Staging or Production, and protected and/or evaluated hostnames are updated using akamai_appsec_wap_selected_hostnames (#I540)
    • Fixed issue where terraform provider plugin crashes due to empty string input for list geo_network_lists, ip_network_lists, exception_ip_network_lists and asn_network_lists in akamai_appsec_ip_geo resource
  • DNS

    • Improved validation of IPv6 addresses in akamai_dns_record resource for records of type AAAA (I#550)
    • Fixed issue in akamai_dns_record resource that could cause incorrect targets planned to be modified or reordering targets send to server for TXT record type (I#499, I#541, I#559)
    • Fixed issue in akamai_dns_recordset datasource that for TXT record type, returned targets were needlessly reordered (I#559)
  • PAPI

    • Removed caching from akamai_contracts data source
    • Fixed issue in akamai_edge_hostname resource when update is performed straight after create
    • Fixed issue in data_akamai_property_rules_template that having root template in the same directory as .terraform dir would cause error. Now, datasource will not search for templates inside .terraform directory (I#557)
    • Fixed an issue that caused the compliance_record in imported akamai_property_activation and akamai_property_include_activation to be empty and could not be updated.
      • Added the ability to update compliance_record in akamai_property_activation and akamai_property_include_activation via terraform apply (the update will not trigger new activation if version/network/property was not changed)
    • Fixed issue that having akamai_property and akamai_property_activation (or akamai_property_include and akamai_property_include_activation) resources linked using staging_version or production_version and modifying rules and note could sometimes result in Provider produced inconsistent final plan error (I#549).

6.2.0 (May 28, 2024)


  • Global

    • Added validation for retryable logic values.
      • retry_max or AKAMAI_RETRY_MAX - Cannot be higher than 50
      • retry_wait_min or AKAMAI_RETRY_WAIT_MIN - Cannot be longer than 24h
      • retry_wait_max or AKAMAI_RETRY_WAIT_MAX - Cannot be longer than 24h
    • Migrated Terraform to version 1.7.5
    • Updated SDKv2 and framework libraries
  • Appsec

    • Suppressed rate policy diff when counterType field absence is the only change for akamai_appsec_rate_policy resource
    • Suppressed activations diff when notification_emails field is the only change for akamai_appsec_activations resource

    • Added resource:
      • akamai_botman_custom_bot_category_item_sequence - read and update
  • Cloudlets

    • Added import for akamai_cloudlets_application_load_balancer_activation resource
  • GTM

    • Added data sources:
      • akamai_gtm_geomap - reads information for a specific GTM Geographic map
      • akamai_gtm_geomaps - reads information for GTM Geographic maps under a given domain
  • IAM

  • Fixed issue of generating an incorrect large difference in granted_roles update (I#525)

  • Network Lists

    • Suppressed activations diff when notification_emails field is the only change for akamai_networklist_activations resource
  • PAPI

    • Added retry logic for akamai_property_include_activation
    • Added import of the certificate for akamai_edge_hostname resource (I#338)
    • NOTE: Certificate modification is not allowed.


  • Appsec

    • Resolved a drift issue with the akamai_appsec_advanced_settings_attack_payload_logging resource
    • Fixed an issue where resource akamai_appsec_activations continues in a loop after API throws an error. (#I528)
  • CPS

    • Fixed issue where modifications to SAN list in akamai_cps_third_party_enrollment of the akamai_cps_upload_certificate resource results in to inconsistency terraform plan error.
  • DNS

    • Fixed issue in akamai_dns_record that modifying priority and/or priority_increment for MX record type was causing an error
  • GTM

    • Fixed issue with order of liveness_test in akamai_gtm_property (PR#404)


  • CPS
    • Deprecated field unacknowledged_warnings of akamai_cps_upload_certificate resource.

6.1.0 (Apr 23, 2024)


  • DNS

    • Added second mode to akamai_dns_record resource where it is possible to provide individual values for priority, weight and port to every SRV target. In such case it is not allowed to provide values for resource level fields priority, weight and port. It is not allowed to mix targets with and without those fields. (I#370)
  • Image and Video Manager

    • Added support for SmartCrop transformation in akamai_imaging_policy_image datasource


  • CPS
    • Fixed issue with terraform producing inconsistent final plan for akamai_cps_upload_certificate resource on SAN list modification in akamai_cps_third_party_enrollment resource.

6.0.0 (Mar 26, 2024)


  • General

    • Migrated to terraform protocol version 6, hence minimal required terraform version is 1.0
  • PAPI

    • Added validation to raise an error if the creation of the akamai_edge_hostname resource is attempted with an existing edge hostname.
    • Added validation to raise an error during the update of akamai_edge_hostname resource for the immutable fields: 'product_id' and 'certificate'.


  • Global

    • Requests limit value is configurable via field request_limit or environment variable AKAMAI_REQUEST_LIMIT
    • Added retryable logic for all GET requests to the API. This behavior can be disabled using retry_disabled field from akamai provider configuration or via environment variable AKAMAI_RETRY_DISABLED. It can be fine-tuned using following fields or environment variables:
      • retry_max or AKAMAI_RETRY_MAX - The maximum number retires of API requests, default is 10
      • retry_wait_min or AKAMAI_RETRY_WAIT_MIN - The minimum wait time in seconds between API requests retries, default is 1 sec
      • retry_wait_max or AKAMAI_RETRY_WAIT_MAX - The maximum wait time in minutes between API requests retries, default is 30 sec
    • Migrated to go 1.21
    • Bumped various dependencies
  • Appsec

    • Added resource:
      • akamai_appsec_penalty_box_conditions - read and update
      • akamai_appsec_eval_penalty_box_conditions - read and update
    • Added new data source:
      • akamai_appsec_penalty_box_conditions - read
      • akamai_appsec_eval_penalty_box_conditions - read
  • CPS

    • Added fields: org_id, assigned_slots, staging_slots and production_slots to data_akamai_cps_enrollment and data_akamai_cps_enrollments data sources
  • Edgeworkers

    • Improved error handling in akamai_edgeworkers_activation and resource_akamai_edgeworker resources
    • Improved error handling in akamai_edgeworker_activation datasource
  • GTM

    • Added fields:
      • precedence inside traffic_target in akamai_gtm_property resource and akamai_gtm_domain data source
      • sign_and_serve and sign_and_serve_algorithm in akamai_gtm_domain data source and resource
      • http_method, http_request_body, alternate_ca_certificates and pre_2023_security_posture inside liveness_test in akamai_gtm_property resource and akamai_gtm_domain data source
    • Added support for ranked-failover properties in akamai_gtm_property resource
    • Enhanced error handling in akamai_gtm_asmap, akamai_gtm_domain, akamai_gtm_geomap, akamai_gtm_property and akamai_gtm_resource resources

    • In the event of an API failure during a policy update, reverting to the previous state (I#491, I#493)
    • When performing the read operation, if activate_on_production is true, fetch the policy state from the production network; otherwise, obtain it from the staging environment.
  • PAPI

    • Added attributes to akamai_property datasource:
      • contract_id, group_id, latest_version, note, production_version, product_id, property_id, rule_format, staging_version
    • data_akamai_property_rules_builder is now supporting v2024-02-12 rule format


  • Appsec

    • Fixed ukraine_geo_control_action drift issue (I#484)
  • Cloudlets

    • Allowed empty value for match rules json attribute for data sources:
      • akamai_cloudlets_api_prioritization_match_rule
      • akamai_cloudlets_application_load_balancer_match_rule
      • akamai_cloudlets_audience_segmentation_match_rule
      • akamai_cloudlets_edge_redirector_match_rule
      • akamai_cloudlets_forward_rewrite_match_rule
      • akamai_cloudlets_phased_release_match_rule
      • akamai_cloudlets_request_control_match_rule
      • akamai_cloudlets_visitor_prioritization_match_rule
  • CPS

    • Changed below fields from required to optional in akamai_cps_dv_enrollment and akamai_cps_third_party_enrollment for admin_contact and tech_contact attributes:
      • organization
      • address_line_one
      • city
      • region
      • postal_code
      • country_code
  • PAPI

    • Fixed case when origin_certs_to_honor field from origin behavior mandates presence of empty custom_certificate_authorities and/or custom_certificates options inside origin behavior for akamai_property_rules_builder datasource (I#515)


  • Appsec
    • akamai_appsec_selected_hostnames data source and resource are deprecated with a scheduled end-of-life in v7.0.0 of our provider. Use the akamai_appsec_configuration instead.

5.6.0 (Feb 19, 2024)


  • Appsec

    • Added retries in akamai_appsec_activations and akamai_networklist_activations resources (I#471)
    • Added reactivation support for akamai_appsec_activations if the config was deactivated manually (I#441 and I#442)
  • Cloudlets

    • Added support for Shared Cloudlets Policies. To use it, provide is_shared field in akamai_cloudlets_policy resource as true. (I#276)
    • Added validation to prevent changing immutable cloudlet_code field in akamai_cloudlets_policy resource
    • Added support for importing policies without any version
    • Added new data source:
      • akamai_cloudlets_policy_activation - read
      • akamai_cloudlets_shared_policy - read
    • Changes for akamai_cloudlets_policy_activation resource
      • Added support for shared (V3) policies
      • Added import for akamai_cloudlets_policy_activation
      • Field associated_properties was changed to optional but is still required for non-shared policies
      • Added is_shared computed field to indicate if processing policy is shared
  • DNS

    • Enhanced handling of akamai_dns_zone resource when no group is provided:
      • When there is only one group present, the processing should continue with a descriptive warning
      • When there are more than one group present, the processing will fail with descriptive error asking to provide group in the configuration
  • Edgeworkers

    • Added note attribute to resource_akamai_edgeworkers_activation resource
  • GTM

    • Added data sources:
      • akamai_gtm_asmap - reads information for a specific GTM asmap
      • akamai_gtm_resources - reads information for a specific GTM resources under given domain
      • akamai_gtm_resource - reads information for a specific GTM resource
      • akamai_gtm_domain - reads information for a specific GTM domain
      • akamai_gtm_domains - reads list of GTM domains under a given contract
      • akamai_gtm_cidrmap - reads information for a specific GTM cidrmap
  • IVM

    • Extended akamai_imaging_policy_image with new fields:
      • serve_stale_duration available under policy
      • allow_pristine_on_downsize and prefer_modern_formats available under policy.output
  • PAPI

    • Added new resource:
      • akamai_property_bootstrap - create, read, update and delete property without specifying rules or edgehostnames. To be used with akamai_property resource and its new field property_id (I#466)
    • Added version_notes, rule_warnings and property_id attributes to akamai_property resource (I#494)
    • Added support for new rule format v2024-01-09 in data_akamai_property_rules_builder
    • Improved errors for akamai_contract and akamai_group datasources when there are multiple groups or contracts
    • Added name validation for akamai_property_include resource
  • Updated various dependencies


  • Appsec

    • Fixed provider plugin crash in appsec_attack_group and appsec_eval_group after executing terraform plan (I#480)
    • Fixed drift for struct and list reordering in akamai_appsec_match_target
  • Cloudlets

    • Fixed handling of version drift for cloudlets policies (I#478)
  • CPS

    • Changed organizational_unit inside csr attribute for akamai_cps_third_party_enrollment and akamai_cps_dv_enrollment resources from required to optional. (PR#513)
    • Changed state inside csr attribute for akamai_cps_third_party_enrollment and akamai_cps_dv_enrollment resources from required to optional.
  • GTM

    • Fixed 'Inconsistent Final Plan' error for akamai_gtm_property resource
    • The diff when reordering traffic_target in akamai_gtm_property resource at the same time as changing any attribute value inside traffic_target will be extensive
    • Added ForceNew to the name attribute for akamai_gtm_property resource as it is not possible to rename it using API

5.5.0 (Dec 07, 2023)


  • Appsec

    • Updated resource:
      • akamai_appsec_ip_geo - added asn_network_lists attribute to support blocking by ASN client lists
    • Updated data source:
      • akamai_appsec_ip_geo - added asn_network_lists attribute to list ASN client lists

    • Added resource:
      • akamai_botman_custom_code - read and update
    • Added data source:
      • akamai_botman_custom_code - read
    • Cached api calls for akamai_botman_akamai_bot_category, akamai_botman_akamai_defined_bot and akamai_botman_bot_detection data sources to improve performance.
  • Cloudlets

    • Added origin_description field to akamai_cloudlets_application_load_balancer resource
  • PAPI

    • Behavior restrict_object_caching is public (I#314 and #277)
    • Added version support for akamai_property_hostnames data source (I#413)
    • data_akamai_property_rules_builder is now supporting v2023-10-30 rule format
    • Improved error handling and added retries in akamai_property_activation resource
    • Relaxed validation used for includes used in akamai_property_rules_template. Files cannot be empty but do not necessary have to be valid json files.


  • DNS

    • Fixed handling of txt records which are longer than 255 bytes (I#430)
  • Image and Video Manager

    • Added suppression when providing ctr_ prefix in akamai_imaging_policy_set (I#491)

5.4.0 (Oct 31, 2023)


  • Appsec

    • Suppressed trigger of new activation for note field change in akamai_networklist_activations and akamai_appsec_activations resources.
  • Client Lists

    • Added support for state import for akamai_clientlist_list and akamai_clientlist_activation resources
  • Cloudlets

    • Added matches_alway field to akamai_cloudlets_edge_redirector_match_rule data source
    • Added configurable timeout for following resources as timeouts.default field
      • akamai_cloudlets_application_load_balancer_activation
      • akamai_cloudlets_policy_activation
      • akamai_cloudlets_policy
  • CPS

    • Added configurable timeout for following resources as timeouts.default field (I#440)
      • akamai_cps_dv_enrollment
      • akamai_cps_dv_validation
      • akamai_cps_third_party_enrollment
      • akamai_cps_upload_certificate
  • Edgeworkers

    • Added configurable timeout for following resources as timeouts.default field
      • akamai_edgekv_group_items
      • akamai_edgeworker
    • Added configurable timeout for akamai_edgeworkers_activation resource as timeouts.default and timeouts.delete fields
  • IAM

    • Phone number is no longer required for IAM user in akamai_iam_user resource.
  • PAPI

    • Added configurable timeout for following resources as timeouts.default field (I#440)
      • akamai_property_activation
      • akamai_property_include_activation
      • akamai_edge_hostname
    • Added configurable timeout for akamai_cp_code resource as timeouts.update field
    • Changed version field in akamai_property_activation data source to optional. Now when version is not provided, datasource automatically finds the active one for given network.
    • Allowed empty values for some fields in akamai_property_builder (I#481)
    • Added support for new rule format v2023-09-20


  • GTM

    • Fixed problem with wrong datacenters updated in akamai_gtm_property.
  • IAM

    • Fixed Terraform proposing modifications to user settings when using international phone numbers in akamai_iam_user resource.
      • NOTE:
        • For international phone numbers there might be a diff during plan. Please apply suggested change to store the correct number.
        • Invalid phone numbers will block the plan.
  • PAPI

    • Made status_update_email attribute optional in akamai_edge_hostname resource

5.3.0 (Sep 26, 2023)


  • Appsec

    • Added sync_point value in akamai_networklist_network_lists data source
  • CPS

    • Added pending_changes computed field to akamai_cps_enrollment data source (#PR468)
  • Cloud Wrapper

    • Added support for comments argument modification in akamai_cloudwrapper_configuration resource


  • Appsec

    • Fixed akamai_networklist_network_list import resulting in null contract_id and group_id
  • PAPI

    • Added errors to data_property_akamai_contract and data_property_akamai_group data sources, when fetching groups returns multiple inconclusive results
    • Fixed drift issue in akamai_edge_hostname resource (#457)
    • Added missing fields to akamai_property_builder for origin and siteShield behaviors (#465)
    • Improved akamai_property_rules_builder empty list transformation (#438)
  • GTM

    • Added better drift handling in akamai_gtm_property - when property is removed without terraform knowledge, resource doesn't just error on refresh but suggests recreation

5.2.0 (Aug 29, 2023)


  • [IMPORTANT] Cloud Wrapper

    • Added resources:
      • akamai_cloudwrapper_activation - activate cloud wrapper configuration, import cloud wrapper configuration activation
      • akamai_cloudwrapper_configuration - create, read and update cloud wrapper configuration
    • Added data sources:
      • akamai_cloudwrapper_capacities - reads capacities available for the provided contract IDs
      • akamai_cloudwrapper_configuration - reads configuration associated with config ID
      • akamai_cloudwrapper_configurations - reads all the configurations
      • akamai_cloudwrapper_location - reads location for given location name and traffic type
      • akamai_cloudwrapper_locations - reads all locations
      • akamai_cloudwrapper_properties - reads properties associated with contract IDs with Cloud Wrapper entitlement
  • [IMPORTANT] Client Lists

    • Added resources:
      • akamai_clientlist_list - create, update and delete Client Lists
      • akamai_clientlist_activation - activate a client list
    • Added data source:
      • akamai_clientlist_lists - reads Client Lists
        • Support filter by name and/or types

    • Added resource:
      • akamai_botman_custom_client_sequence - read and update custom client sequence
    • Added data source:
      • akamai_botman_custom_client_sequence - reads custom client sequence
  • PAPI

    • logStreamName field from datastream behavior has changed from string to array of strings for rule format v2023-05-30

5.1.0 (Aug 01, 2023)


  • PAPI
    • Dropped too strict early snippet validation (#436)
    • Fixed issue that akamai_property or akamai_property_include would sometimes show strange null -> null diff in rules (or dropping null in newer Terraform versions) even if no update actually is needed. If there is anything else changing in the rule tree, the null -> null will be also visible in the diff. That may be fixed in later time.
    • Fixed issue that akamai_property_rules_builder data source did not support PM variables for fields with validation based on regular expressions


  • Appsec

    • Added resource:
      • akamai_appsec_security_policy_default_protections

    • Added resource:
      • akamai_botman_challenge_injection_rules - read and update
    • Added data sources:
      • akamai_botman_challenge_injection_rules - read
  • PAPI

    • Added verification to ensure that akamai_property_rules_builder data source has consistent frozen rule format between parent and it's child. Additionally akamai_property_rules_builder.json is returning artificial field _ruleFormat_.
    • Suppressed trigger of new activation for note field change in akamai_property_activation and akamai_property_include_activation resources.


  • Appsec

    • deprecated following resources; use akamai_appsec_security_policy_default_protections resource instead:
      • akamai_appsec_api_constraint_protection
      • akamai_appsec_ip_geo_protection
      • akamai_appsec_malware_protection
      • akamai_appsec_rate_protection
      • akamai_appsec_reputation_protection
      • akamai_appsec_slowpost_protection

    • deprecated akamai_botman_challenge_interception_rules data source and resource; use akamai_botman_challenge_injection_rules instead.

5.0.1 (Jul 12, 2023)


  • Reinstated support for configuring provider with environmental variables (#407, #444)
  • Fixed signature does not match error when using config block for authentication (#444, #446)

5.0.0 (Jul 5, 2023)


  • DataStream

    • Changed the following data sources in DataStream 2 V2 API:
      • akamai_datastream_activation_history - changed schema and corresponding implementations.
      • akamai_datastream_dataset_fields - changed parameter, schema and corresponding implementations.
      • akamai_datastreams - changed parameter, schema and corresponding implementations.
    • Changed the following resources in DataStream 2 V2 API:
      • akamai_datastreams - changed in schema payload, response attributes and corresponding implementations.
    • Updated attribute names in datastream.connectors.
    • Updated methods in for the above changes.
  • PAPI

    • Changed default value of auto_acknowledge_rule_warnings to false in akamai_property_activation resource
  • Removed undocumented support for configuring provider with environment variables (AKAMAI_ACCESS_TOKEN, AKAMAI_CLIENT_TOKEN, AKAMAI_HOST, AKAMAI_CLIENT_SECRET, AKAMAI_MAX_BODY, and their AKAMAI_{section}_xxx equivalents). As an alternative users should now use provider's config block with TF_VAR_ envs when wanting to provide configuration through enviroment variables.

Removed deprecated schema fields
  • Appsec

    • notes and activate fields in akamai_appsec_activations resource
    • appsec_section and appsec fields in provider schema
  • CPS

    • enable_multi_stacked_certificates field in akamai_cps_dv_enrollment resource
  • DNS

    • dns_section and dns fields in provider schema
  • GTM

    • gtm_section and gtm fields in provider schema
  • IAM

    • is_locked field in akamai_iam_user resource
  • Network Lists

    • activate field in akamai_networklist_activations resource
    • networklist_section and network fields in provider schema
  • PAPI

    • contract and group fields in akamai_cp_code data source
    • group field in akamai_contract data source
    • name and contract fields in akamai_group data source
    • contract, group and product fields in akamai_cp_code resource
    • contract, group and product fields in akamai_edge_hostname resource
    • property and rule_warnings fields in akamai_property_activation resource
    • contract, group and product fields in akamai_property resource
    • papi_section, property_section and property fields in provider schema
Removed deprecated resource
  • PAPI
    • akamai_property_variables


  • Provider tested and now supports Terraform 1.4.6

  • Migrated akamai_property_include data source from SDKv2 to Framework.

  • PAPI

    • Added import to akamai_property_activation resource
    • Extended akamai_property_rules_builder data source: added support for rules frozen format v2023-01-05 and v2023-05-30
  • Appsec

    • Updated Geo control to include Action for Ukraine.
    • Added akamai_appsec_advanced_settings_pii_learning data source and resource for managing the PII learning advanced setting.


  • Deprecated active field in akamai_dns_record resource


  • CPS

    • Fixed bug in akamai_cps_dv_enrollment resource when MTLS settings are provided (#339)
    • Fixed sans field causing perpetual in-place update in akamai_cps_third_party_enrollment (#415)
  • GTM

    • Made test_object inside liveness_test required only for test_object_protocol values: HTTP, HTTPS or FTP (I#408)
  • Cloudlets

    • Added wait for propagation of policy activation deletions, before removing the policy in akamai_cloudlets_policy (I#420)
  • PAPI

    • Removed hostname validation on akamai_property resource (I#422)

4.1.0 (Jun 1, 2023)


  • GTM
    • New data sources:
      • akamai_gtm_datacenter - get datacenter information
      • akamai_gtm_datacenters - get datacenters information

4.0.0 (May 30, 2023)


  • Appsec

    • Update malware policy ContentTypes to include EncodedContentAttributes.
    • Malware policy's ContentTypes is reported as part of an individual policy but is no longer included in the bulk report of all policies.
  • PAPI

    • Remove cpc_ prefix in akamai_cp_code resource and data source IDs


  • Migrate to Terraform 1.3.7 version

  • Akamai

    • Reword returned error when reading edgerc configuration encounters problems (I#411)
  • EdgeWorkers

    • Deactivate EdgeWorker versions upon EdgeWorker deletion(I#331)
  • PAPI

    • Remove enforce property-snippets directory check (I#378)
    • Improved variable evaluation logic in akamai_property_rules_template data source (I#324, I#385, I#386)
      • Include path can now be provided using data source variables
      • variables can now reference each other and be used to build other variables e.g. ${} = "${env.prefix} cba"
      • Variables existence is now verified early across all snippets inside the snippets directory - if variable is used in a snippet which is not included in final template and the variable is not defined, the processing will fail (previously variables were verified only when the snippet was loaded into final result)
    • (Internal usage only) Improved compliance_record attribute's syntax for akamai_property_activation and akamai_property_include_activation


  • Appsec

    • Fixed issue that in some cases allowed terraform plan to create a new config version as a side-effect of reading the current config.
  • DNS

    • Fixed TXT record characters escaping issue in akamai_dns_record resource (I#137)
    • Fixed issue when target in akamai_dns_record resource was not known during plan, the plan failed (I#410)
  • Cloudlets

    • Fixed bug related to regex validation for handling property delay in akamai_cloudlets_policy_activation
    • Fixed sporadic issue with akamai_cloudlets_policy_activation due to network delay
  • PAPI

    • Fixed reading float values in akamai_property_rules_builder
    • Add validation for hostnames cname_from field in akamai_property resource
    • Assign only active property activation version in akamai_property_activation resource on read

3.6.0 (April 27, 2023)


  • EdgeKV
    • Added resource:
      • akamai_edgekv_group_items - create, read, update, delete and import
    • Added data sources:
      • akamai_edgekv_group_items - reads group items associated with namespace and network
      • akamai_edgekv_groups - reads groups associated with namespace and network
    • Deprecated field initial_data under akamai_edgekv resource


  • Cloudlets

    • In some cases akamai_cloudlets_application_load_balancer_activation or akamai_cloudlets_policy_activation were not activating due to verification delay with property resource.
  • CPS

    • Get CSR from long history (I#403)
  • GTM

    • Deprecated field name of traffic_target under akamai_gtm_property resource (I#374)
  • Image and Video Manager:

    • Fixed diff in akamai_imaging_policy_image resource for image policy attributes (I#383):
      • Breakpoints.Widths
      • Hosts
      • Output.AllowedFormats
      • Output.ForcedFormats
      • Variables
    • Fixed diff in akamai_imaging_policy_video resource for video policy attributes:
      • Breakpoints.Widths
      • Hosts
      • Variables
    • Fixed diff seen in exported imaging policy set - removed default values
  • PAPI

    • is_secure and variable fields can only be used with default rule in akamai_property_rules_builder data source
    • Delete product_id from import of akamai_edge_hostname

3.5.0 (March 30, 2023)



    • Advanced Options Settings - New settings added for Request Size Inspection Limit
      • Add data source akamai_appsec_advanced_settings_request_body
      • Add resource akamai_appsec_advanced_settings_request_body

    • Cache OpenAPI calls to improve performance
  • Image and Video Manager

    • Add forced_formats and allowed_formats fields to output field
  • PAPI

    • Add data source
      • akamai_property_rules_builder - create property rule trees directly from HCL (Beta).
    • Add compliance_record for akamai_property_activation resource


  • PAPI

    • Fix issue when akamai_property imported an older version and during update it didn't create a new version from it

    • Fix issue updating rule action for ASE AUTO policy

3.4.0 (March 2, 2023)



    • Fix drift on logFilename element of malware_policy
    • Prevent changes to rate_policy field of existing akamai_appsec_rate_policy_action resource
    • Fix issue that disabled users from using all values allowed by the API in akamai_appsec_rate_policy_action resource resource
  • PAPI
    • Fix issue when akamai_property_include_activation broke during creation, Terraform could not recover
    • Fixed issue that property_rules_template data source failed with multiple includes in array (#387)

3.3.0 (February 2, 2023)


  • Support for Go 1.18

  • PAPI - Added data source for property activation

  • CPS

    • Add preferred_trust_chain to csr attribute for akamai_cps_dv_enrollment resource


  • GTM

    • Fixed diff in resources:
      • resource_akamai_gtm_asmap for field assignment.as_numbers
      • resource_akamai_gtm_cidrmap for field assignment.blocks
      • resource_akamai_gtm_geomap for field assignment.countries
      • resource_akamai_gtm_domain for field email_notification_list
      • resource_akamai_gtm_resource for field resource_instance.load_servers
  • CPS

    • Fixed terraform always showing diff for fields that use unicode characters (#368)

3.2.1 (December 16, 2022)


  • PAPI
    • Fix rule_format in akamai_property to accept latest

3.2.0 (December 15 2022)



    • Fixed bug that prevented akamai_appsec_ip_geo resource from sending correct network lists in block mode.
    • Fixed bug that prevented akamai_appsec_configuration data source from reporting error correctly when a nonexistent configuration is specified.

3.1.0 (December 1, 2022)


  • CPS
    • New data sources:
      • akamai_cps_csr - returns latest Certificate Signing Request for given enrollment
      • akamai_cps_deployments - returns deployed certificates for given enrollment
      • akamai_cps_warnings - returns a map of all possible CPS warnings (ID to warning message). The IDs can be later used to approve warnings (auto_approve_warnings field)
    • Added resources allowing management of third-party enrollments:
    • Resource cps_dv_enrollment
      • Deprecate enable_multi_stacked_certificates field. Now its value is always false.


  • PAPI
    • Fixed update of ip_behavior in akamai_edge_hostname resource (#354)

3.0.0 (October 27, 2022)


    • Require network list sync point for network list activation (#326)



    • Automatically activate network list when contents are modified
    • Increase timeout for security configuration activation to 90 minutes (#348)
  • Datastream

    • Added akamai_datastreams data source (#327)
    • Added new features to akamai_datastream resource
      • new connectors: Elasticsearch, NewRelic and Loggly
      • Splunk and Custom HTTPS connectors were extended with ability to provide mTLS certificates configuration
      • SumoLogic, Splunk and Custom HTTPS connectors were extended with ability to specify custom HTTP headers



    • Fix incorrect payload sent by akamai_appsec_ip_geo resource in allow mode
  • Datastream

    • Fixed problem with updating the configuration of the following connectors: Splunk, SumoLogic, Custom HTTPS, Datadog
  • GTM

    • Fixed unreadable diff when single attribute is changed in traffic target

      If upgrading to provider version 3.0.0 from an older version and using Akamai GTM Properties, you might see a switch of targets during the first apply. This is needed to get your terraform state in sync with our API, the following terraform plan/apply will not be affected

2.4.2 (October 4, 2022)


  • IAM

    • Update docs for following resources and datasources as they are no longer in Beta
      • akamai_iam_grantable_roles
      • akamai_iam_blocked_user_properties
      • akamai_iam_group
      • akamai_iam_role
  • Image and Video Manager

    • Update docs for the sub-provider as it's no longer in Beta


  • Botman
    • Fix page header for the Botman Getting Started Guide.

2.4.1 (September 29, 2022)


  • [IMPORTANT] Added Bot Management API Support

    • Added resources allowing management of:
      • akamai_bot_category_action - read, update and import
      • bot_analytics_cookie - read, update and import
      • bot_category_exception - read, update and import
      • bot_detection_action - read, update and import
      • bot_management_settings - read, update and import
      • challenge_action - create, read, update, delete and import
      • challenge_interception_rules - read, update and import
      • client_side_security - read, update and import
      • conditional_action - create, read, update, delete and import
      • custom_bot_cateogry - create, read, update, delete and import
      • custom_bot_category_action - read, update and import
      • custom_bot_category_sequence - read, update and import
      • custom_client - create, read, update, delete and import
      • custom_defined_bot - create, read, update, delete and import
      • custom_deny_action - create, read, update, delete and import
      • javascript_injection - read, update and import
      • recategorized_akamai_defined_bot - create, read, update, delete and import
      • serve_alternate_action - create, read, update, delete and import
      • transactional_endpoint_protection - read, update and import
      • transactional_endpoint - create, read, update, delete and import
    • Added data sources:
      • akamai_bot_category - list akamai bot categories
      • akamai_bot_category_action - list akamai bot category actions
      • akamai_defined_bot - list akamai defined bots
      • bot_analytics_cookie - get bot analytics cookie
      • bot_analytics_cookie_values - list bot analytics cookie values
      • bot_category_exception - list bot category exceptions
      • bot_detection - list bot detections
      • bot_detection_action - list bot detection actions
      • bot_endpoint_coverage_report - get bot endpoint coverage report
      • bot_management_settings - list bot management settings
      • challenge_action - list challenge actions
      • challenge_interception_rules - list challenge interception rules
      • client_side_security - get client side security
      • conditional_action - list conditional actions
      • custom_bot_cateogry - list custom bot categories
      • custom_bot_category_action - list custom bot category actions
      • custom_bot_category_sequence - get custom bot category sequence
      • custom_client - list custom clients
      • custom_defined_bot - list custom defined bots
      • custom_deny_action - list custom deny actions
      • javascript_injection - get javascript injection
      • recategorized_akamai_defined_bot - list recategorized akamai defined bots
      • response_action - list response actions
      • serve_alternate_action - list serve alternate actions
      • transactional_endpoint - list transactional endpoints
      • transactional_endpoint_protection - read, update and import

    • New data sources:
      • akamai_appsec_malware_content_types - list available content types for malware protection
      • akamai_appsec_malware_policies - list malware policies
      • akamai_appsec_malware_policy_actions - list malware policy actions
    • New resources:
      • akamai_appsec_malware_policy - create, modify, or delete malware policies
      • akamai_appsec_malware_policy_action - create, modify, or delete the actions associated with a malware policy
      • akamai_appsec_malware_policy_actions - create, modify, or delete the actions associated with one or more policies within a given security policy
      • akamai_appsec_malware_protection - enable or disable malware protection for a security policy
  • EdgeWorkers

    • New data sources (#331):
    • Resources:
      • akamai_edgeworker_activation - import


  • GTM
    • Fix diff for traffic_targets servers in akamai_gtm_property resource

2.3.0 (August 25, 2022)



    • Add notification_emails to activations resource
    • Deprecate existing import functionality; use cli-terraform export-appsec instead.
  • CPS

    • Extend akamai_cps_dv_enrollment with allow_duplicate_common_name field
    • New data sources:


  • Cloudlets

    • Add missing cloudlet codes in Cloudlets documentation (#323)
  • EdgeWorker

    • Fix EdgeWorker bundle hash calculation (#321)
  • GTM

    • Fix diff for traffic_targets in akamai_gtm_property resource
    • Fix akamai_gtm_domain shows diff after import
    • Fix akamai_gtm_resource shows diff after import
    • Fix terraform import of akamai_gtm_asmap does not import assignments
  • PAPI

    • Fix error when using uppercase for edge_hostname (#330)
    • Fix problematic state file when attempting to change akamai_cp_code group_id(#322)
    • Fix panic on akamai_property_rules_template on empty property_snippets file (#332)

2.2.0 (June 30, 2022)



    • Added penalty box support for security policy in evaluation mode
  • IAM

    • Extended akamai_iam_user:
      • is_locked field has been deprecated in favor of lock
    • Added resources allowing management of:
      • akamai_iam_blocked_user_properties - create, read, update and import
      • akamai_iam_group - create, read, update, delete and import
      • akamai_iam_role - create, read, update, delete and import
    • Added data sources:
      • akamai_iam_grantable_roles - list grantable roles
      • akamai_iam_timezones - list supported timezones


    • Fix drift in EffectiveTimePeriod, SamplingRate, LoggingOptions, and Operation fields of custom rule resource.
    • Fix crash when eval rule API returns an error.
    • Fix incorrect error report when activation API returns an error.

2.1.1 (Jun 9, 2022)


  • Fix vulnerability for HashiCorp go-getter

2.1.0 (Jun 2, 2022)


  • Support for Darwin ARM64 architecture (GH#236)

  • Image and Video Manager

    • New data sources:
      • akamai_imaging_policy_image - generate JSON for image policy
      • akamai_imaging_policy_video - generate JSON for video policy
    • Add ImQuery transformation
    • Add Composite transformation to PostBreakpointTransformations


  • PAPI

    • Update documentation for akamai_property_rules_template
    • Track remote changes in property rules (#305)
  • IAM

    • akamai_iam_user: remove phone number validation, to allow international phone number format

2.0.0 (Apr 28, 2022)


    • Require version number for security configuration activation


    • Add tuning recommendations for eval rulesets
    • Require security policy ID for bypass network list data source & resource


  • PAPI
    • Resource akamai_property: handle secure by default API errors

1.12.1 (Apr 6, 2022)


  • Added Image and Video Manager Documentation

  • Include terraform-provider-manifest

1.12.0 (Mar 31, 2022)


  • [IMPORTANT] Added Image and Video Manager API support

    • Added resources allowing management of:
      • akamai_imaging_policy_image - create, read, update, delete and import
      • akamai_imaging_policy_set - create, read, update, delete and import
      • akamai_imaging_policy_video - create, read, update, delete and import

    • Support for RC cloudlet type (Request Control)
  • PAPI

    • Added support for update akamai_cp_code resource
    • Added data source:
      • akamai_properties_search - list properties matching a specific hostname, edge hostname or property name
  • Support for Go 1.17



    • Fix ordering sensitivity for JSON based configuration (#287)
  • PAPI

    • Fix CP code name forces replacement by adding update functionality in akamai_cp_code resource (#262)
  • Add metadata required by terraform registry

1.11.0 (Mar 3, 2022)


  • [IMPORTANT] Added EdgeWorkers and EdgeKV API support

    • Added resources allowing management of:
      • EdgeWorker and EdgeWorker activations:
        • akamai_edgeworker - create, read, update, delete and import EdgeWorker
        • akamai_edgeworkers_activation - create, read, update and delete EdgeWorker activations
      • EdgeKV:
        • akamai_edgekv - create, read, update, delete and import an EdgeKV namespace
    • Added data sources for EdgeWorkers:
      • akamai_edgeworkers_resource_tier - lists information about resource tiers
      • akamai_edgeworkers_property_rules - generates property rule and behavior to associate an EdgeWorker to a property

    • Support for AS cloudlet type (Audience Segmentation)



    • Prevent 409 Conflict error caused by simultaneous network activation requests
    • Allow updating network list activation without destroying and recreating
    • Update unit tests to remove "NonEmptyPlanExpected" attribute
  • CPS

    • Apply on resource akamai_cps_dv_enrollment is not idempotent if SANs contain common_name

1.10.1 (Feb 10, 2022)



    • Cache OpenAPI calls for config & WAFMode information
    • Allow separate resources for individual protection settings

    • ALB cloudlet activation: allow modification of the network field without destroying the existing activation
    • Policy activation: allow modification of the network field without destroying the existing activation



    • Changed schema for akamai_cloudlets_application_load_balancer resource, to fix struct validation error during update phase
    • Fixed client side validation to allow a datacenter percentage of 0% in akamai_cloudlets_application_load_balancer resource
  • PAPI

    • Fix error in akamai_property_activation resource, which was blocking rolling back to any previous property activation (#272)

1.10.0 (Jan 27, 2022)



    • Support for VP cloudlet type (Visitor Prioritization)
    • Support for CD cloudlet type (Continuous Deployment / Phased Release)
    • Support for FR cloudlet type (Forward Rewrite)
    • Support for AP cloudlet type (API Prioritization)

    • Remove WAP-only datasource and resources
    • Add support for Evasive Path Match feature

    • Include contract_id & group_id in akamai_networklist_network_lists datasource
  • PAPI

    • Add support for array type variables in akamai_property_rules_template (#257)

1.9.1 (Dec 16, 2021)


  • DNS
    • Refactored MX Bind processing and target suppress to fix failing import

1.9.0 (Dec 6, 2021)


  • [IMPORTANT] Added Cloudlets API support
    • Added resources allowing management of policy and policy activations:
      • akamai_cloudlets_policy - create, read, update, delete and import policy
      • akamai_cloudlets_policy_activation - create, read, update and delete policy activations
    • Added resources allowing management of application load balancer configuration and application load balancer activations:
      • akamai_cloudlets_application_load_balancer - create, read, update, delete and import application load balancer configuration
      • akamai_cloudlets_application_load_balancer_activation - create, read, update and delete application load balancer activations
    • Added data sources:
      • akamai_cloudlets_policy - lists information about policy
      • akamai_cloudlets_application_load_balancer - lists information about application load balancer configuration
      • akamai_cloudlets_application_load_balancer_match_rule - lists information about application load balancer match rules
      • akamai_cloudlets_edge_redirector_match_rule - lists information about edge redirector match rules
    • Add group/contract ID support to network list resource (#243)
    • Add tuning recommendations data source
    • Add support for advanced exceptions in ASE rules
    • Update WAP bypass network lists for multi-policy WAP
    • Deprecate WAP-only datasource & resources
  • PAPI
    • Updated documentation for data source akamai_property_rules
    • Allowed user to select a rule format in resource akamai_property
    • Added optional use_cases attribute for akamai_edge_hostname resource


  • Fixed example usage for provider import (#212)
  • PAPI
    • Removing default value for ip_behavior in akamai_edge_hostname resource (#213)
    • Returned an error if edge_hostname attribute in akamai_edge_hostname resource does not exist (#258)
  • CPS
    • Attribute dns_challenges should not be empty on initial apply for akamai_cps_dv_enrollment resource (#253)
    • Attribute dataset_fields_ids should not be sorted numerically in akamai_datastream resource (#263)
  • GTM
    • Attribute datacenter_id should be required in akamai_gtm_geomap resource (#259)

1.8.0 (Oct 25, 2021)


1.7.1 (Sept 30, 2021)


  • PAPI
    • Handling note field during property deactivation
    • Major documentation updates and clean up


  • PAPI
    • GRPC limit increased to 64MB (#220)

1.7.0 (Aug 19, 2021)


  • Terraform Plugin SDK updated to v2.7.0

  • Provider tested and now supports Terraform 1.0.4


    • Add wap_selected_hostnames data source and resource
    • Remove import templates for deprecated features
    • Display policy IDs for siem settings in separate table
    • Get an evaluation attack group's or risk score group's action

    • Support contract_id and group_id for network list create/update
  • PAPI

    • Possibility to set note field in property_activation resource
    • Additional checks and validations in terraform plan (#245)


    • Configuration drift on reputation_profile create/apply
    • Fix incorrect comments/URL references in inline documentation
    • Data source akamai_appsec_security_policy returning incorrect policy ID
  • DNS
    • Trim contract (ctr_) and group (grp_) prefixes when comparing configuration and TF state values (#242)
  • GTM
    • Trim contract (ctr_) and group (grp_) prefixes when comparing configuration and TF state values

1.6.1 (Jul 21, 2021)


  • DNS
    • Fixed contract id not being set in zone import and made group optional (#242)
  • GTM
    • Fixed documentation mismatch with optional/required fields on nested objects for akamai_gmt_property resource (#240)
  • PAPI
    • Fixed issue with property hostnames list changing order in diff (#230)
    • Fixed idempotency issue on akamai_property resource (#226)
    • Fixed issue with terraform showing misleading diff on rules field in akamai_property (#234)
  • CPS
    • Added sans field on akamai_cps_dv_validation to enable resending acknowledgement on after SANS are updated


  • CPS
    • akamai_cps_dv_enrollment now accepts contract_id with ctr_ prefix

1.6.0 (June 21, 2021)


    • Configuration version numbers are no longer supported for most data sources and resources, as described below.
    • The following data sources are no longer supported:
      • akamai_appsec_attack_group_actions
      • akamai_appsec_attack_group_condition_exception
      • akamai_appsec_eval_rule_actions
      • akamai_appsec_eval_rule_condition_exception
      • akamai_appsec_rule_actions
      • akamai_appsec_rule_condition_exception
    • The following resources are no longer supported:
      • akamai_appsec_attack_group_action
      • akamai_appsec_attack_group_condition_exception
      • akamai_appsec_configuration_clone
      • akamai_appsec_configuration_version_clone
      • akamai_appsec_eval_rule_action
      • akamai_appsec_eval_rule_condition_exception
      • akamai_appsec_rule_action
      • akamai_appsec_rule_condition_exception
      • akamai_appsec_security_policy_clone
      • akamai_appsec_security_policy_protections


  • PAPI
    • Fixed issue causing edgehostnames not being set properly in state intermittently


  • [IMPORTANT] CPS - Added Certificate Provisioning API support

    • Added resources allowing management of DV enrollments:
      • akamai_cps_dv_enrollment - create, read, update and delete DV enrollments
      • akamai_cps_dv_validation - inform CPS of finished validation, track change status

    • The provider now determines automatically the version number to use for data source and resource operations. The most recent version of the specified configuration will be used if it is not currently active in either staging or production. If the most recent version is currently active, that version will be cloned and the newly cloned version will be used. The version attribute has been removed from all resource and data definitions, with the exception of the following data sources:
      • akamai_appsec_configuration_version
      • akamai_appsec_export_configuration
    • The export output templates supported by the akamai_appsec_export_configuration data source have been updated to remove version attributes.
    • The functionality for cloning and renaming configurations and security policies has been integrated into the respective resources. The separate resources for cloning and renaming have been removed. The affected elements are listed in the BREAKING CHANGES section above.
    • The action and condition_exception functionality for rule, eval-rule and attack-group resources have been consolidated into the respective data sources. The individual data sources and resources have been removed, and the remaining ones have been renamed. The affected elements are listed in the BREAKING CHANGES section above.
    • The akamai_appsec_activation resource's ForceNew attribute is no longer supported.
    • Resource updates that include modifications to the config_id or security_policy_id attributes are forbidden.
    • The akamai_appsec_siem_setting resource's output_text attribute is no longer supported.
    • The tabular output from the export_configuration data source has been improved.
    • The sample configuration file in the source repository has been updated to standardize names and remove version attributes.
    • Policy protections are now set individually. The separate resources for setting individual policy_protections resources has been removed.
    • The Getting Started guide for Appsec has been updated to include more information on importing resources, including a list of the supported output templates.
    • The following data sources have been added:
      • akamai_appsec_advanced_settings_pragma_header
      • akamai_appsec_attack_groups
      • akamai_appsec_eval_rules
      • akamai_appsec_rules
    • The following resources have been added:
      • akamai_appsec_advanced_settings_pragma_header
      • akamai_appsec_api_constraints_protection
      • akamai_appsec_attack_group
      • akamai_appsec_eval_rule
      • akamai_appsec_ip_geo_protection
      • akamai_appsec_rule
  • PAPI

    • New optional parameter, which allows to import a specific property version. Additional information in Property resource

1.5.1 (Apr 21, 2021)



    • Suppress 'null' text on output of empty/false values
    • Prevent configuration drift when reapplying configuration after importing or creating resources
    • Update configuration version in local state file when modified in
    • Use uppercase when managing GEO network list elements
    • Display both API & website match targets in text_output
    • Remove unused output_text from code and documentation
    • Set network_list_id on network list import
    • Add comments to simplify importing resources using "terraform import"
  • PAPI

    • Fixed issue causing inconsistent state when activation has rule errors (#219)
    • Fixed issue with resource_akamai_property not setting product_id during import (#224)
    • Rule warnings are not set in state anymore in resource_akamai_property and resource_akamai_property_activation to address size concerns of state file. Users will still be able to see them in logs as warnings
  • DNS - Fix panic when zone already exists on create

  • GTM - Deprecate and ignore Property field static_ttl. Add warning if present in property resource config


  • PAPI - resource_akamai_property_activation now allows new optional argument auto_acknowledge_rule_warnings. Refer to Property Activation Resource

1.5.0 (Mar 30, 2021) PAPI - Secure by default integration


  • PAPI - resource_akamai_property: Changed hostnames field to a block type syntax to support additional user inputs. Refer to Property Resource for new syntax.

Important Note Existing terraform users with hostnames defined in older syntax need to manually fix their hostnames configuration and existing state if needed. Additional info in Property Resource


  • PAPI
    • Fixed issue with version attributes not being set properly (#208)
    • Fixed issue with data_akamai_property_rules_template not interpolating #include files properly
    • Fixed issue with data_akamai_property_rules_template not merging nested files properly


  • PAPI
    • New Hostnames Datasource to query hostnames and poll certificate status
    • Improved error handling and error messages in property and property_activation resources

1.4.0 (Mar 17, 2021) Network Lists

These are the operations supported in the Network Lists API v2:

  • Create a network list
  • Update an existing network list
  • Get the existing network lists, optionally filtering by name or type
  • Subscribe to a network list
  • Activate a network list

1.3.1 (Mar 4, 2021)

  • PAPI - Fixed issue with rules causing advanced locked behaviors to fail

1.3.0 (Feb 25, 2021) APPSEC - Extended list of supported list endpoints from APPSEC API


  • PAPI
    • data_akamai_property_rules_template: snippets files should now be placed under property-snippets directory and should have .json extension


    • Custom Deny
    • SIEM Setting
    • Advanced Options Settings
    • API Match Target
    • API Request Constraint
    • Create/Delete/Rename Security Policy
    • Host Coverage / Edit Version Notes
    • All WAP Features / WAP Hostname Evaluation
    • Create Security Configuration
    • Rename Security Configuration Version
    • Delete Security Configuration Version
    • Clone Security Configuration
    • Import tool for adding existing resources to Terraform state (#207)
  • DNS
    • Create SOA and NS Records on zone read if don't exist.
    • Add HTTPS, SVCB record support
  • GTM
    • Add validation for property type and traffic targets combination


  • PAPI
    • Fixed issue causing hostnames to be appended instead of being replaced
    • Fixed issue causing version and rule comments being dropped (#55)
    • Fixed client side validation to allow certain PAPI errors to passthrough
    • Fixed issue causing incorrect property version being stored in state for certain scenarios
  • DNS
    • Suppress NS Record target diff if old and new equal without trailing 'period' (#189)
    • Fail on attempted Zone deletion. Not supported.

1.2.1 (Feb 4, 2021)


  • PAPI -- Fixed crash caused by passing computed cpCode as a variable in rules to akamai_property
  • PAPI -- Deprecated "product" attribute in akamai_cp_code resource and changed it "product_id"

1.2.0 (Jan 14, 2021) Identity and Access Management support

These are the operations supported in the Identity Management: User Administration API v2:

  • Create a new user
  • Update a user's profile
  • Update a user's role assignments
  • Delete a user

1.1.1 (Jan 8, 2021)

  • APPSEC - Documentation formatting fixes

1.1.0 (Jan 7, 2021) APPSEC - Extended list of supported endpoints from APPSEC API:

  • DDoS Protection -- Rate Policy & Action
  • DDoS Protection -- Slowpost setting & Action
  • Application Layer Protection -- Rule Action, Exceptions & Conditions
  • Application Layer Protection -- Rule Evaluation Action, Exceptions & Conditions
  • Application Layer Protection -- Attack Group Action, Exceptions & Conditions
  • Application Layer Protection -- Rule Upgrade & Change Mode for Rule Eval
  • Reputation Profile & Action
  • Network Layer Control -- IP & GEO setting

1.0.0 (Dec 9, 2020) Provisioning redesign


  • provider: configuring via an inline provider block (property, dns, or gtm) has been replaced with a more general config block that works the same way.
  • There are several breaking changes in the 1.0 release. You should consult the Migration guide for details.
    • resources/akamai_property_activation no longer supports the following fields : activate. version has gone from being optional to being a required field.
    • data-sources/akamai_property_rules removed in favor of using template JSON object to better work with other Akamai tools and documentation that is all JSON based.
    • resources/akamai_property_variables removed in favor of directly managing the variable segment as part of ruletree object.
    • resources/akamai_cp_code no longer auto-imports on create. If a conflict is detected will error out and to ignore simply import the resource.
    • resources/akamai_edge_hostname no longer supports the following fields : ipv4, ipv6. The revised resource allows setting ip_behavior directly.
    • resources/akamai_property no longer supports the following fields : cp_code, origin, variables, is_secure, contact. The revised resource simplifies the object structure and removes the ability to set the same value more than one way.


  • provider/papi: changed attribute names in Provisioning to distinguish objects and names from id attributes. In prior releases, "group" could represent a name, an id, or sometimes both. This release distinguishes them with distinct attribute names "group_name", "group_id" instead of "group"."


  • resources/akamai_property removing hostnames attribute can result in repeated noop update calls because in this case removal means the hostname relationships are un-managed leaving the attribute as empty is a better way to express this change.


  • data-sources/akamai_properties added to list properties accessible to the user.
  • data-sources/akamai_property_contracts added to list contracts accessible to the user.
  • data-sources/akamai_property_groups added to list groups accessible to the user.
  • data-sources/akamai_property_products added to list products associated with a given contract.
  • data-sources/akamai_property_rule_formats added to list rule_formats.
  • data-sources/akamai_property_rules changed to output the structure of a particular rule version on the server. NOTE: this is NOT the same as the deprecated datasource used for rule formatting.
  • data-sources/akamai_rules_template added to handle file based JSON templating for rules tree data management


  • resources/akamai_property_activation aliased property to property_id. Returns these additional attributes : target_version, warnings, errors, activation_id, and status


  • provider: provider configuration validation requires an edgerc file configured and present even when environment variable-based configuration was used.
  • provider: provider inline configuration support was re-introduced as a new config field.
  • resources/akamai_property_activation activating and destroying activation for the same property multiple times in a row would fail on second destroy attempt and subsequent destroy attempts with "resource not found error" message.
  • resources/akamai_property_activation wrong activation id read for property versions that had been activated and deactivated multiple time.


  • resources/akamai_property aliased property to property_id. contract to contract_id, and product to product_id and account to account_id. Renamed version to latest_version.
  • data-sources/akamai_contract aliased group to group_id and/or group_name.
  • data-sources/akamai_cp_code aliased group to group_id and contract to contract_id.
  • data-sources/akamai_group aliased name to group_name and contract to contract_id.

0.11.0 (Nov 19,2020)


  • provider: Added support for application security API


  • provider: Updated edgegrid library to version 2.0.2. This should include the following fixes:
    • Re-enabled global account switch key support in edgerc files for reseller accounts.
    • PAPI - edgehostname updated returns - The System could not find cnameTo value
    • PAPI - property update return error - You provided an Etag that does not represent the last edit. Another edit has occurred, so check your request again before retrying.

0.10.2 (Oct 22,2020)


  • Documentation formatting


  • provider: provider configuration validation requires an edgerc file configured and present even when environment variable-based configuration was used.
  • provider: support for configuring the provider via an inline provider block (property, dns, or gtm) no longer works. Users should use edgerc file or Terraform environment args to configure instead.

0.10.1 (Not released)

0.10.0 (Oct 20,2020)


  • provider: The backing edgegrid library was entirely rewritten. Provider behavior should be preserved but there is chance of incidental changes due to the project size.
  • resources/akamai_edge_hostname: edge_hostname field should be provided with an ending of,, or If a required suffix is not provided then is appended as default.


  • provider: provider configuration validation requires an edgerc file configured and present even when one should not be needed.
  • provider: support for configuring the provider via an inline provider block (property, dns, or gtm) no longer works. Users should use edgerc file or Terraform environment args to configure instead.


  • provider: improved error handling and improved message consistency
  • provider: release notes categorize updates according to Terraform best practices guide.
  • resources/akamai_cp: support ids with and without prefixes
  • resources/akamai_edge_hostnames: support ids with and without prefixes
  • resources/akamai_property: support ids with and without prefixes
  • resources/akamai_property_activation: support ids with and without prefixes


  • resources/akamai_property: [AT-42] Fix criteria_match values handling
  • provider: fixed documentation to properly present guides and categories on Hashicorp Terraform registry site
  • resources/edge_hostname: added error when neither IPV4 nor IPV6 is selected
  • resources/akamai_property: comparisons in rule tree now properly ignore equivalent values with attribute order differences.
  • data-sources/akamai_property_rules: comparisons in rule tree now properly ignore equivalent values with attribute order differences.
  • provider: updated all error messages to better identify issues and actions required by user
  • provider: fixed crash due to unexpected data types from unexpected API responses
  • provider: fixed crash due to unexpected data types in Terraform files
  • provider: errors now get reported using Terraform diagnostics allowing much more detail to be passed to user when an error occurs.

0.9.1 (Sept 02, 2020)


  • [IMPORTANT] Dropped support for TF clients <= 0.11. Provider now built using Terraform sdk v2 library. Terraform dropped 0.11 client support as part of this update. This change will make many new enhancements possible. (See: Terraform v2 sdk)
  • resources/akamai_group: contract field (previously optional) now required to ensure contract and group agreement.


  • [CHANGE] Individual edgerc file sections for different Akamai APIs (i.e., property_section, dns_section) has been deprecated in favor a common config_section used in conjunction with provider aliases (See: Multiple Provider Configurations)


  • provider: provider configuration validation requires an edgerc file configured and present even when one should not be needed.
  • provider: support for configuring the provider via an inline provider block (property, dns, or gtm) no longer works. Users should use edgerc file or Terraform environment args to configure instead.


  • [FIX] datasource akamai_group will no longer panic when contract not provided
  • [ADD] Project re-organized to prepare for additional APIs to be included
  • Fixed build job to compile sub-modules. Code is identical to 0.9.0 release

0.9.0 (August 26, 2020)

  • [IMPORTANT] This build did not compile all modules properly so use 0.9.1 above instead.

0.8.2 (August 13, 2020)

  • Initial release via the Terraform Registry. Otherwise identical to 0.8.1 release

0.8.1 (July 30, 2020)

  • [FIX] Activation is executed, even without changes #139 (akamai-property-activation) (#139)
  • [FIX] Cannot find group when there are groups with the same name under multiple contract. #168 (akamai-property-group) (#168)

0.8.0 (July 13, 2020)

  • [FIX] Corrected Error 401 [Signature does not match] during new primary zone creation (akamai-dns) (#163)
  • [ADD] Updated Getting Started Primary Zone creation description. Added FAQ for Primary zone (akamai-dns)
  • [FIX] SRV record priority value of 0 not allowed (akamai-dns) (#165)
  • [ADD] Initial support for correlation ID in logging (akamai-property)

0.7.2 (June 11, 2020)

  • [FIX] Corrected AAAA record handling of short and long IPv6 notation (akamai-dns)

0.7.1 (June 01, 2020)

  • [FIX] Error after upgrading to 0.7.0 regarding MX records (akamai-dns) (#154)
  • [FIX]Error 422 on SOA Record Apply After Creating a Primary Zone (akamai-dns) (#155)

0.7.0 (May 21, 2020)

  • [ADD] User Agent support for Terraform version and provider version and SDK update
  • [FIX] Bugs in Zone Create and Exists (akamai_dns) (#151)

0.6.0 (May 18, 2020)

  • [ADD] Support the creation of DNS records of type AKAMAICDN (akamai_dns) (#53)
  • [ADD] Support akamai_dns_record Import (akamai_dns) (#69)
  • [FIX] Cannot remove a backup_cname from GTM property (akamai_gtm) (#124)
  • [ADD] DNS Alias Zone Support (akamai_dns) (#125)
  • [ADD] DNS TSIG Key support (akamai_dns) (#126)
  • [ADD] DNS SOA, AKAMAITLC Record Support (akamai_dns) (#127)
  • [FIX] Inverted Parameters - DNS Record Type NAPTR (akamai_dns) (#130)
  • [FIX] Inverted Parameters - DNS Record Type NSEC3 (akamai_dns) (#131)
  • [FIX] Inverted Parameters - DNS Record Type NSEC3PARAM (akamai_dns) (#132)
  • [FIX] Inverted Parameters - DNS Record Type RRSIG (akamai_dns) (#133)
  • [FIX] Inverted Parameters - DNS Record Type DS (akamai_dns) (#134)
  • [ADD] DNS CAA, TLSA, CERT Record Support (akamai_dns) (#148)

0.5.0 (March 06, 2020)

  • [FIX] Release edgehostnames and products caching edge library v0.9.10 (akamai_property)

0.4.0 (March 03, 2020)

  • [FIX] Release contract group and cpcode caching edge library v0.9.9 (akamai_property)

0.3.0 (March 02, 2020)

  • [FIX] Provider produced inconsistent final plan #88 add contract group and cpcode caching edge library v0.9.9 (akamai_property) (#88)

0.2.0 (February 28, 2020)

  • [FIX] Bug - Origin values customhostheader #93 (akamai_property) (#93)
  • [FIX] akamai 0.1.5 - err: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing #87 (akamai_property) (#87)
  • [FIX] Errors in documentation: akamai_contract and akamai_cp_code #52 (akamai_property) (#52)
  • [FIX] Provider produced inconsistent final plan #88 (akamai_property) (#88)
  • [FIX] akamai_property_activation creation crashing with Error: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing #102 (akamai_property) (#102)
  • [ADD] Add Support for GTM domains and contained elements (domain, datacenter, property, resource, cidrmap, geographicmap, asmap)

0.1.5 (January 06, 2020)

  • [FIX] Criteria is always end up using must satisfy "all" (akamai_property) (#81)
  • [FIX] Provider produced inconsistent final plan (akamai_property_variables) (#82)
  • [FIX] Cannot create multiple types of records with the same name (akamai_dns_record) (#11)
  • [FIX] akamai_property_activation resource - changing network field causes deactivation of version in staging (akamai_property_activation) (#51)
  • [FIX] Multiple MX records creation issue (akamai_dns_record) (#57)

0.1.4 (December 06, 2019)

  • [FIX] Add support for update of rules state (akamai_property) (#66)
  • [FIX] Add support for masters being optional (akamai_dns_zone) (#61)
  • [FIX] Create edge hostname 400 error Bad Request Request parameter Slot Number (akamai_property) (#56)
  • [FIX] TXT record - State update failure due to sha verification issue (akamai_dns_zone) (#58)

0.1.3 (August 12, 2019)

  • [FIX] Correct ordering of values for SRV records (akamai_dns_record) (#17)
  • [FIX] IPV4-only hostnames no longer fail (akamai_edge_hostname) (#21)
  • [FIX] Don't try to deactive any version but the current one (akamai_property_activation) (#21)
  • [FIX] Fix crash in DNS record validation (#27)
  • [FIX] SiteShield behavior translated correctly to JSON (#10] [#40)
  • [FIX] Property rules correctly update (all rules now removed correctly) (#30)
  • [FIX] Property Hostnames correctly update (all hostnames are now removed correctly) (#44)
  • [FIX] Property activation was using the activation ID to fetch the property (#35)
  • [FIX] Ensure property supports is_secure for Enhanced TLS (#42)
  • [FIX] Multiple fixes to provider configuration for auth configuration. (#46)
  • [FIX] Ensure the latest version is activated when no akamai_property_activation.version is set (#45)
  • [FIX] Multiple records (e.g. using count) should now be created correctly (#11)
  • [CHANGE] akamai_property_rules has been changed to a data source to ensure dependant resources update correctly, the existing resource now emits an error in all operations (#47)
  • [ADD] Make zone type (primary or secondary) case-insensitive (#29)

0.1.2 (July 26, 2019)

  • [FIX] Fixed handling of CPCode behavior in rules.json
  • [FIX] Fixed hostname complexity, now a simple {"" = ""} map
  • [FIX] Fixed accidental deactivations
  • [ADD] Added explicit property and dns credential blocks to provider config
  • [ADD] Added better validation to akamai_dns_record

0.1.1 (July 09, 2019)

  • [FIX] Bug fixes

0.1.0 (June 19, 2019)

  • Initial release