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Testing NuGet Insights

To run the tests, all you need running is Azurite. You need to start the blob, queue, and table services. Azurite starts all three by default. A couple tests won't run without Kusto configuration but they will be gracefully skipped.

To avoid disk space management and to improve performance, consider enabling in-memory persistence.

Real Azure tests

The tests can be configured to run against real Azure Storage and even real Kusto (Azure Data Explorer). To do this, you need to set up test resources, configure authentication, and configure role assignments (permissions).

To minimize credential management, it's recommended to give your current user (your own identity) the required blob, queue, table, and (optionally) Kusto permissions.

Here's are some Azure PowerShell (Az) commands you can do to create a storage account and Azure Data Explorer resource with the proper permissions.

$resourceGroupName = "jver-insights-tests"
$storageAccountName = "jverinsightstests"
$kustoClusterName = "jverinsightstests"
$kustoDatabaseName = "JverTestDb"
$region = "eastus"
$signInName = (Get-AzContext).Account.Id

# create the storage account, usually takes less than 1 minutes
New-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
  -Name $storageAccountName `
  -Location $region `
  -SkuName Standard_LRS `
  -Kind StorageV2

$storageAccount = Get-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
    -Name $storageAccountName

# assign permissions on the storage account
New-AzRoleAssignment -SignInName $signInName `
    -Scope $storageAccount.Id `
    -RoleDefinitionName "Storage Blob Data Contributor"
New-AzRoleAssignment -SignInName $signInName `
    -Scope $storageAccount.Id `
    -RoleDefinitionName "Storage Queue Data Contributor"
New-AzRoleAssignment -SignInName $signInName `
    -Scope $storageAccount.Id `
    -RoleDefinitionName "Storage Table Data Contributor"

# create the Kusto account, takes several minutes to complete
New-AzKustoCluster -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
    -Name $kustoClusterName `
    -Location $region `
    -SkuName "Dev(No SLA)_Standard_E2a_v4" `
    -SkuTier "Basic"

New-AzKustoDatabase -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
    -ClusterName $kustoClusterName `
    -Name $kustoDatabaseName `
    -Kind ReadWrite `
    -Location $region

$kustoCluster = Get-AzKustoCluster -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
    -Name $kustoClusterName

# set test environment variables for the created resources
$settings = @{
  "NUGETINSIGHTS_KUSTOCONNECTIONSTRING" = "$($kustoCluster.Uri); Fed=true";

foreach ($pair in $settings.GetEnumerator()) {
  Write-Host "Setting $($pair.Key)..."
  [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($pair.Key, $pair.Value)
  [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($pair.Key, $pair.Value, "User")

Clear the settings

You can use this similar script to clear the environment variables.

$settings = Get-ChildItem env: | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "NUGETINSIGHTS_*" }

foreach ($pair in $settings) {
  Write-Host "Clearing $($pair.Name)..."
  [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($pair.Name, $null)
  [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($pair.Name, $null, "User")

Environment variable reference


    • Readable name: storage account name
    • Purpose: The storage account name to test against. This is assumed to be in global Azure.

    • Readable name: storage client application ID
    • Purpose: An AAD app registration application (client) ID which has access to the storage account. It will be a GUID.

    • Readable name: storage client tenant ID
    • Purpose: The tenant ID matching NUGETINSIGHTS_STORAGECLIENTAPPLICATIONID. It will be a GUID.

    • Readable name: storage client certificate path
    • Purpose: A file path to a certificate usable as a credential for app registration specified by NUGETINSIGHTS_STORAGECLIENTAPPLICATIONID.

    • Readable name: storage client certificate Key Vault
    • Purpose: A Key Vault endpoint used for fetching a certificate credential for NUGETINSIGHTS_STORAGECLIENTAPPLICATIONID in AAD authentication. This is an alternative to NUGETINSIGHTS_STORAGECLIENTCERTIFICATEPATH. The Azure SDK DefaultAzureCredential will be used for authorization with the Key Vault. This will likely be your personal profile if you have Az CLI installed. It will be an HTTPS URL where the Key Vault name is in the first part of the domain, like

    • Readable name: storage client certificate Key Vault certificate name
    • Purpose: The name of the certificate in NUGETINSIGHTS_STORAGECLIENTCERTIFICATEKEYVAULT to use as a credential for AAD authentication.

    • Readable name: storage SAS
    • Purpose: A SAS token which has all blob, queue, and table permissions. An example SAS token is ?sv=2018-03-28&ss=bqt&srt=sco&spr=https&st=2024-03-25T14%3A05%3A53Z&se=2024-04-01T14%3A05%3A53Z&sp=rwdlacup&sig=<signature>.

    • Readable name: storage blob read SAS
    • Purpose: A SAS token which has blob read permissions. An example SAS token is ?sv=2018-03-28&ss=b&srt=o&spr=https&st=2024-03-25T14%3A05%3A53Z&se=2024-04-01T14%3A05%3A53Z&sp=rl&sig=<signature>.

    • Readable name: Kusto connection string
    • Purpose: A connection string used with the Kusto client library for specifying the Kusto (Azure Data Explorer) cluster URL, along with other supported connection string parameters. Note that the ingestion endpoint of the provided cluster URL will be generated at runtime using the ingest- prefix convention.

    • Readable name: Kusto database name
    • Purpose: The name of the Kusto (Azure Data Explorer) database name within the cluster specified by NUGETINSIGHTS_KUSTOCONNECTIONSTRING which will be used for ingestion testing.

    • Readable name: Kusto client certificate path
    • Purpose: A file path to a certificate usable as a credential for app registration specified by NUGETINSIGHTS_KUSTOCONNECTIONSTRING (e.g. the AppClientId=... connection string property).

    • Readable name: Kusto client certificate Key Vault
    • Purpose: A Key Vault endpoint used for fetching a certificate credential for NUGETINSIGHTS_KUSTOCONNECTIONSTRING in AAD authentication. This is an alternative to NUGETINSIGHTS_KUSTOCLIENTCERTIFICATEPATH. The Azure SDK DefaultAzureCredential will be used for authorization with the Key Vault. This will likely be your personal profile if you have Az CLI installed. It will be an HTTPS URL where the Key Vault name is in the first part of the domain, like

    • Readable name: Kusto client certificate Key Vault certificate name
    • Purpose: The name of the certificate in NUGETINSIGHTS_KUSTOCLIENTCERTIFICATEKEYVAULT to use as a credential for AAD authentication.