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Setup Guide

Step-by-step guide on how to set up all the services and code from this repository on a Raspberry Pi.
This represents the exact same way the pre-built downloadable image provided by us (ModBros) is set up.


  • any Raspberry Pi model
  • micro-SD card with at least 4GB of space

All the commands have to be executed as root or by using 'sudo'

Install Raspberry Pi OS

Download the latest version of the official Raspberry Pi OS Lite
Flash the image onto an SD card using e.g. Raspberry Pi Imager or balena Etcher

Setup user

Creating our own 'modbros' user which will run our services.
Since there's no need for the default 'pi' user any more we will remove it.

adduser modbros
usermod -aG sudo modbros
usermod -aG video modbros
userdel -r -f pi

Logout and login again using the newly created user.

Set up partitions

As we will be using OverlayFS for the root partition and therefore won't be able to persist anything to it, we need to create a new additional and separate 'mobro' partition. You can do this by using e.g. gparted.
We will mount this partition with write permissions, and it will be used by the service to persist configuration files before reboot as well as persisting log files (if enabled).

We will also configure the /boot partition to be mounted read-only. Simply append the 'ro' flag to the line containing the /boot partition.

In the end the /etc/fstab should look something like this:

proc            /proc           proc    defaults                                                           0       0
/dev/mmcblk0p1  /boot           vfat    defaults,noatime,ro                                                0       2
/dev/mmcblk0p2  /               ext4    defaults,noatime                                                   0       1
/dev/mmcblk0p3  /mobro          vfat    defaults,noatime,user,exec,uid=1000,gid=100,dmask=0022,fmask=0111  0       0

Update Raspberry Pi

Make sure everything on the Raspberry Pi is on the latest version

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade -y

Disable swap

Since we will be using OverlayFS + read-only mounting we won't be able to use a swap file.
Disable swapping completely:

dphys-swapfile swapoff
dphys-swapfile uninstall
update-rc.d dphys-swapfile remove
apt purge -y dphys-swapfile

Install dependencies

Install all of the required dependencies. This might take a bit of time.

apt-get -y install lighttpd php7.3-fpm libterm-readline-gnu-perl xserver-xorg xserver-xorg-video-fbturbo x11-xserver-utils xinit matchbox-window-manager libgles2-mesa chromium-browser xwit xdotool curl arp-scan util-linux procps iproute2 iw iptables net-tools hostapd dnsmasq git make feh rng-tools secure-delete fbi busybox-syslogd

User groups

Add the 'www-data' user to the video group

usermod -aG video www-data

Remove unused packages

We just installed the busybox in-memory logger to replace the standard syslog output. So we no longer need these packages

apt purge -y logrotate rsyslog
apt autoremove -y

Stop and disable access point services

Those will be started by the 'mobro' service when they are needed. We don't need to have them running or enabled

systemctl stop dnsmasq
systemctl stop hostapd
systemctl disable dnsmasq.service 
systemctl disable hostapd.service 

Install createAp

create_ap is used the manage the configuration hotspot

cd /home/modbros
git clone
cd create_ap
make install

Checkout MoBro repository

Now finally also check out the repository this setup guide is in and for ;)

git checkout
cd mobro-raspberrypi

Set file permissions

chmod 755 /home/modbros/mobro-raspberrypi/scripts/*.sh
chmod 755 /home/modbros/mobro-raspberrypi/service/*.sh

chmod 644 /home/modbros/mobro-raspberrypi/service/*.service
chmod 666 /home/modbros/mobro-raspberrypi/config/*
chmod 444 /home/modbros/mobro-raspberrypi/resources/*

chmod 440 /home/modbros/mobro-raspberrypi/config/010_modbros-nopasswd
chmod 440 /home/modbros/mobro-raspberrypi/config/010_wwwdata-scripts

Copying configurations

cat /home/modbros/mobro-raspberrypi/config/config.txt > /boot/config.txt
cat /home/modbros/mobro-raspberrypi/config/cmdline.txt > /boot/cmdline.txt
cat /home/modbros/mobro-raspberrypi/config/hostname > /etc/hostname
cat /home/modbros/mobro-raspberrypi/config/hosts > /etc/hosts
cat /home/modbros/mobro-raspberrypi/config/.bashrc >> /home/modbros/.bashrc
cat /home/modbros/mobro-raspberrypi/config/99-fbturbo.conf > /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-fbturbo.conf

cp -f /home/modbros/mobro-raspberrypi/config/010_modbros-nopasswd /etc/sudoers.d
cp -f /home/modbros/mobro-raspberrypi/config/010_wwwdata-scripts /etc/sudoers.d

Set up display drivers

Check out the 2 driver collections that will be installable from the configuration wizard.
Since we need to execute some code after applying the driver, we need to also remove the reboot commands from all the driver scripts.

git clone /home/modbros/display-drivers/GoodTFT
git clone /home/modbros/display-drivers/Waveshare

chmod +x /home/modbros/display-drivers/{GoodTFT,Waveshare}/*{show,.sh}
sed -i '/reboot/c\echo "removed reboot"' /home/modbros/display-drivers/{GoodTFT,Waveshare}/*{show,.sh}

Configure web server

Configure PHP and the webserver that is used to host the configuration page and REST interface

rm -rf /var/www/*

chmod +rx /home/modbros/mobro-raspberrypi/web/resources/favicon.ico
ln -s /home/modbros/mobro-raspberrypi/web /var/www/html

sed -i -e "s/;cgi.fix_pathinfo=1/cgi.fix_pathinfo=1/g" /etc/php/7.3/fpm/php.ini
cat /home/modbros/mobro-raspberrypi/config/15-fastcgi-php.conf >/etc/lighttpd/conf-available/15-fastcgi-php.conf

lighttpd-enable-mod fastcgi 
lighttpd-enable-mod fastcgi-php 

service lighttpd force-reload 
service lighttpd restart 
systemctl enable lighttpd.service 

Set up splashscreen (optional)

Dedicated service to display a splashscreen right after boot, even before the actual MoBro service is started

cp /home/modbros/mobro-raspberrypi/service/splashscreen.service /lib/systemd/system/splashscreen.service

systemctl disable getty@tty1
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable splashscreen.service

Set up service to persist logs (optional)

Dedicated service that will copy the current log files over to the 'mobro' partition before a shutdown.
This is required if you want to actually persist the log file to view it after a shutdown/reboot, since the log only lives in the /tmp directory

cp /home/modbros/mobro-raspberrypi/service/shutdownlog.service /lib/systemd/system/shutdownlog.service

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable shutdownlog.service

Set up MoBro service

The main MoBro services that does most of the actual work

cp /home/modbros/mobro-raspberrypi/service/mobro.service /lib/systemd/system/mobro.service

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable mobro.service

Disable dhcpcd service

Disable the dhcpcd service to prevent it from automatically starting
This will be handled by the MoBro service

systemctl disable dhcpcd


A final reboot and we're done
