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File metadata and controls

86 lines (73 loc) · 3.03 KB


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Numerator does calculate paginations without creating any markup. Building markup based on the returned list of elements is up to the user.


iex(1)>{page: 6, last: 17}, show_first: true, show_last: true)
  %{page: 5, type: :prev},
  %{page: 1, type: :page},
  %{type: :ellipsis},
  %{page: 4, type: :page},
  %{page: 5, type: :page},
  %{page: 6, type: :current},
  %{page: 7, type: :page},
  %{page: 8, type: :page},
  %{type: :ellipsis},
  %{page: 17, type: :page},
  %{page: 7, type: :next}


  • :show_prev: Include a prev. page element. Default true
  • :show_next: Include a next page element. Default true
  • :prev_next_unavailable_mode: :remove or :disable unavailable prev. or next page elements. Default :remove
  • :show_first: Always show first page. Default false
  • :show_last: Always show last page. Default false
  • :num_pages_shown: How many numbers for pages to be shown at least. Default 5


Example implementation using the Twitter Bootstrap UI framework.

<ul class="pagination">
	<%= for element <- pagination_data do %>
		<%= case element do %>
			<% %{type: :ellipsis} -> %>
				<li class="page-item disabled"><span class="page-link">…</span></li>
			<% %{type: :current, page: page} -> %>
				<li class="page-item active" aria-current="page">
					<span class="page-link"><%= page %><span class="sr-only">(current)</span></span>
			<% %{type: :page, page: page} -> %>
				<li class="page-item">
					<%= link page, to: Routes.index_path(@conn, :index, %{page: page}) %>
			<% %{type: :prev, page: :disabled} -> %>
				<li class="page-item disabled"><span class="page-link"><%= dgettext("pagination", "Prev. Page") %></span></li>
			<% %{type: :prev, page: page} -> %>
				<li class="page-item">
					<%= link dgettext("pagination", "Prev. Page"), to: Routes.index_path(@conn, :index, %{page: page}) %>
			<% %{type: :next, page: :disabled} -> %>
				<li class="page-item disabled"><span class="page-link"><%= dgettext("pagination", "Next Page") %></span></li>
			<% %{type: :next, page: page} -> %>
				<li class="page-item">
					<%= link dgettext("pagination", "Next Page"), to: Routes.index_path(@conn, :index, %{page: page}) %>
		<% end %>
	<% end %>


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding numerator to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:numerator, "~> 0.2.0"}

Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at